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Following is the proposed and revised Telco WG Charter.
The Telco WG is requesting approval of this revised Charter to better align its work scope with current and future needs of the DMTF specific to L3 and above in the Networking stack paradigm.
The Telco WG is requesting:
1. Name change for the WG to the “Telecommunications and Networks WG” (TNWG)
2. Approval of the revised charter or comments back as to further revisions.
The Telco WG has by formal motion approved this revised Charter for submission to the Platform SC, TC and Board for approval process.
The motion is stated in the minutes captured from the 11/8/2010 Telco WG regular meeting. There were no objections so the motion passed unanimously.
The minutes for this meeting are posted in the Telco WG documents folder titled ‘Meeting Notes / Working Group Minutes’ and are titled by date.
The proposed revised Charter is also in the Telco WG site documents section in the folder titled, ‘Governance’ and has the title; “Telco and Networks WG Revised Charter Final Draft v2.0”.
System Virtualization, Partitioning, and Clustering Work Group Charter
July 29, 2010February 12, 2008
The information provided below is subject to change and reflects the current knowledge of the work group.
Management Problem(s) and EnvironmentContext
Vendors in the computer industry have provided clusters of machines in order to provide for high availability services, or computational scaling. Vendors have also embraced the need to provide flexibility in the utilization of a single computer’s resources by virtualizing these resources for use across multiple virtual machine images on a single computer, or by partitioning the set of resources into subsets each of which is assigned to an individual ‘logical’ machineThe blurring and merging of the legacy boundaries between Enterprise and Service Provider (SP) and Carrier networks has led to a re-architecture of traditional network management solutions.
The commoditization of many revenue producing network services and devices has led to a major consolidation of historically separate network components with separation and multi-tenant security being pushed to software solutions rather than hardware designs.
The recent introduction of virtualized and Cloud network infrastructure and Services has also provided the impetus to refocus the Telco WG to a more reasoned and useful charter.
Many of the DMTF efforts today to address the Cloud and Virtual Network management space are focused on L2 with modeling and profile efforts stopping at the Ethernet Port or Switch.
There is then an attendant demand to provide unified management profiles for the RoutED and RoutING layers and services which can be used to manage both the Physical / Logical (legacy) and the new Virtual Network (new). It is imperative that this body of work dovetail into and support fully any / all other Cloud and Virtual Network management efforts underway or in Charter in other WGs.
Implementers and Solutions Providers using DMTF CIM-based solutions require integration into a mature OSS/BSS tool set as well as require mapping of new management solutions into existing NMS systems architecture. The Telco & Networks WG will provide this focus as a result of the revised Charter and work scope.
The results, at a high level, of the Telco & Networks WG efforts will provide for significant simplification and reduction of costs due to the complexity that SPs and Enterprise users face today when implementing multiple hardware and software management solutions to address both the Network Admin and Sys Admin demands to manage any virtual IAAS, PAAS or SAAS solution.
Whether multiple machine images are available on a single hardware platform, multiple separate machines are joined into a single cluster, or combinations of clusters and virtualization, the management of such aggregations of systems (physical, virtual, clusters) must provide the ability to determine the configuration of the systems, and to manage them with the requisite security, reliability, availability, and extensibility.In the emerging Virtual Network and the Cloud IAAS technologies there is a shift from hardware network devices and services (appliances, physical routers and switches etc.) to software based network devices and services (Virtual Appliances and Virtual Machines). It is large scale systems providing the hosting services. This shift has strained the legacy semantics and syntax in use in traditional network management architectures and solutions. The Telco and Networks WG’s efforts will seek to unify this disparity and provide common management profiles, built in most cases, on the prior work done in other WGs or by extending the work underway and Chartered in other WGs. In addition, simplification of the total overall system management of such multiple machine images must be provided.
Working Group Charter
The Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) has chartered the System Virtualization, Partitioning, and Clustering (SVPC)Telecommunications and Networks WG (T&N WG) work group with the following objectives:
· Augment the existing CIM profiles addressing the management requirements for the RoutED and RoutING protocols and services for the physical, logical and virtual technologies and infrastructures.
o The RoutED protocols include TCP, UDP, IPv4 and IPv6.
o The RoutING protocols include the dominant EGP and IGP solutions in place in the Enterprise and SP markets today and should include BGP, OSPF, ISIS and Static Routing.
· Collect and prioritize Use Cases modeling resources and services required to support SP operations. This focus will initially be on Cloud and Virtual Network Management of L3 and above.
· Extend existing CIM Profiles to ensure adequate coverage for the SP and Carrier markets.
o This would include Profiles addressing NMS and OSS integration and support through DMTF or other common management APIs for L3 and above.
o Includes the Profiles addressing that area above the existing SVPC Virtual Networks work (L3 and above) specific to SP and Enterprise physical and virtual infrastructures.
o Support the adequate coverage by the CIM model of the standard telecommunications-grade programmatic interfaces for intelligent hardware and virtual systems’ management.
o Any DMTF / emerging Cloud / Virtual Network API set.
· Focus on the old Networks WG work items and bring to completion those profiles deemed critical for this new charter.
· Create new Profiles for the management of:
o New Network features, functionality and services that have resulted from the introduction of Cloud and Virtual Network solutions in the industry.
o RoutED and RoutING protocols not covered in the old Networks WG nor in other WG Charters.
· Facilitate the work on Harmonization of Common Information Model (CIM) and Management Interfaces developed and maintained by DMTF with Information and Data Models developed by other Standards Development Organizations (SDO) in the context of end-to-end service delivery and management (International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T), TM Forum, 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) – specifically related to NetConf Management Protocol, etc.). This work will be done as a joint effort between this workgroup and similar workgroups in peer organizations and in conjunction with other DMTF Workgroups
· Augment the existing CIM profiles addressing the management requirements for the RoutED and RoutING protocols and services for the physical, logical and virtual technologies.
· Create specifications for interoperability of Virtual Network and Network device and service management above L2.
· White papers in support of the above objectives.
1. Create profiles for the management of:
a. computer systems which are clustered for high availability or high-performance computing;
b. virtualization of computer systems and the associated resources;
c. partitioning of computer systems and the associated resources;
d. image formats for the provisioning and management of single and groups of virtual systems optionally providing an application or service.
2. Create specifications for virtual machine image formats.
3. Create specifications for interoperability of virtualization management.
4. White papers in support of the above objectives.
- Work with DMTF Interoperability committee, Virtualization Management Forum, and System Management Forum, Schema Sub Committee, SVPC, SVPC Virtual Networking, OVF, and other DMTF groups to ensure support any and all interoperability initiatives and management initiatives for virtualization management.
Alliance Partnerships
Alliance partnerships are required with the following organizations in the specified areas:
SNIA: Storage Networking Industry AssociationTeleManagement Forum. There is already in place a Work Register Addendum with the TMF covering aspects of this revised and old Charter items.
SAF: Cluster systems management and high availability services.
GGF: Virtualization management.
Other alliances with cluster or virtualization organizations may be created in the future. If so, this charter will be updated.
Reliance/Coordination with other WGs Models
The SVPC TNWG works with the following sub-committees and work groups to ensure consistency with their work models:
· Platform Management Sub-Committee
o Desktop & MobileCloud Management Work Group (DMWGCMWG)
o Server Desktop & Mobile Management Work Group (SDMWG SMWG)
o Physical Platform Profiles Work Group (PPPWG)
· Infrastructure Sub-Committee
o Architecture Work Group
o Profile Infrastructure Work Group
o Profile Infrastructure Work Group
o WBEM Infrastructure Modeling Work Group
· Schema Sub-Committee
o CIM Server Modeling Work Group
o Application Work Group
o Metrics Work Group
o State Modeling Work Group
o Policy Modeling Work Group
· Security Work Group
· System, Virtualization, Platform and Clustering Work Group (SVPC) and subgroups
Prior Work
Related Work
The following work is assumed to relate directly to the work undertaken by the TNWG.
DSP# / Title / DMTF VersionDSP1041 / Resource Allocation Profile / 1.1.0
DSP1042 / System Virtualization Profile / 1.0.0
DSP1043 / Allocation Capabilities Profile / 1.0.0
DSP1044 / Processor Resource Virtualization Profile / 1.0.0
DSP1045 / Memory Resource Virtualization Profile / 1.0.0
DSP1047 / Storage Resource Virtualization Profile / 1.0.0
DSP1057 / Virtual System Profile / 1.0.0
DSP1059 / Generic Device Resource Virtualization Profile / 1.0.0
DSP2013 / Virtualization White Paper / 1.0.0
DSP1050 / Ethernet Port Resource Virtualization Profile / 1.0.0
DSP1097 / Virtual System Ethernet Switch Profile / 1.0.0
DSP0243 / Open Virtualization Format Specification / 1.0.0
DSP8023 / OVF Envelope XSD / 1.0.0
DSP8027 / OVF Environment XSD / 1.0.0
DSP2017 / Open Virtualization Format Whitepaper / 1.0.0
DSP2021 / Open Virtualization Format Example / 1.0.0
DSP0243 / Open Virtualization Format Specification / 1.1.0
DSP8023 / OVF Envelope XSD / 1.1.0
DSP8027 / OVF Environment XSD / 1.1.0
DSP # / Title
DSP1041 / Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1042 / System Virtualization Profile
DSP1043 / Allocation Capabilities Profile
DSP1057 / Virtual System Profile
DSP1059 / Generic Device Resource Virtualization Profile
DSP2013 / Virtualization White Paper
Current Work – Overview, Deliverables and Timeline
Open Virtualization Format 2.0 – Specifications in developmentCurrent TNWG Items
DSP# / Title / DMTF Version / Target / Technical EditorDSP0243 / Open Virtualization Format SpecificationCloud Metrics SDO Survey / 2.0.0WIP / 2010Q4 / Steffen GrarupJeff Wheeler
DSP8023 / OVF Envelope XSDTMF Work Register Addendum items / WIP2.0.0 / 2010Q4Q4 / Steffen GrarupAlex Zhdankin
DSP8027 / Old Networks WG L3 itemsOVF Environment XSD / WIP2.0.0 / 2010Q4 / Jeff WheelerSteffen Grarup
DSP2017 / CIM /SID Harmonization with TMFOpen Virtualization Format Whitepaper / 2.0.0WIP / 2010Q4 / Rene SchmidtAlex Zhdankin
DSP2021 / Open Virtualization Format Example / 2.0.0 / 2010Q4 / Rene Schmidt
/ Title
DSP1044 / Processor Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1045 / Memory Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1047 / Block Based Storage Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1048 / File Based Storage Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1049 / Storage Adapter Resource Virtualization Profile
DSP1050 / Network Port Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1081 / Virtual System Migration Profile
DSP2017 / OVF Whitepaper
DSP0243 / OVF Specification
DSP8023 / OVF Schema
DSP # / Title /
DSP1044 / Processor Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1045 / Memory Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1047 / Block Based Storage Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1048 / File Based Storage Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1049 / Storage Adapter Resource Virtualization Profile
DSP1050 / Network Port Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1081 / Virtual System Migration Profile
DSP2017 / OVF Whitepaper
DSP0243 / OVF Specification
DSP8023 / OVF Schema
Virtualization Management 2 – Specifications in development
DSP# / Title / DMTF Version / Target / Technical EditorDSP6041 / Resource Allocation Profile / 2.0.0 / 2010Q4 / Michael Johanssen
DSP6042 / System Virtualization Profile / 2.0.0 / 2010Q4 / Michael Johanssen
DSP8026 / SVPC message registry / 2.0.0 / 2010Q4 / Michael Johanssen
DSP6044 / System Virtualization Processor Resource Profile / 2.0.0 / 2011Q2 / Larry Lamers
DSP6045 / System Virtualization Memory Resource Profile / 2.0.0 / 2011Q2 / Larry Lamers
DSP6050 / System Virtualization Ethernet Port Resource Profile / 2.0.0 / 2011Q2 / John Parchem
DSP6081 / System Virtualization Migration Profile / 2.0.0 / 2011Q2 / Michael Johanssen
DSP6047 / System Virtualization Storage Resource Profile / 2.0.0 / 2011Q2 / Michael Johanssen
DSP6097 / Virtual System Ethernet Switch Profile / 2.0.0 / 2011Q2 / John Parchem
DSP2013 / System Virtualization White Paper / 2.0.0 / 2011Q3 / Larry Lamers
DSP8049 / Network Port Profile XML Schema / 1.0.0 / 2010Q4 / Hemal Shah
DSP2025 / Virtual Networking White Paper / 1.0.0 / 2010Q4 / Murali Rajagopal
Prior Work
The Telecommunications Working Group has the objective of producing a number of specifications, describing use cases, reference models, interoperable profiles and sub profiles with the focus on a common approach to management and service delivery in converged multi-technology physical and virtual network environment. The specific deliverables, in priority order, being developed are:
DSP# / Title / DMTF VersionDSP2009 / DMTF/TMF Model Alignment, SID Logical Resources and CIM Networks Sub-Modes / 1.0
DSP2004 / DMTF/TMF Model Alignment, SID Physical Sub-Model / 1.0
DSP2019 / Justification for DMTF/TMF Management Architecture Harmonization / Publication pending
DSP0251 / Connectionless, Connection Oriented Convergence, TP Modeling and Harmonization / Publication pending
DSP2020 / CIM-to-HPI Mapping Guideline Whitepaper / Publication pending
Future Work
DSP # / TitleDSP1046 / Removable Media Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1051 / Power Allocation Profile
DSP1078 / Serial and Parallel Controller Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1079 / Display Controller Resource Allocation Profile
DSP1093 / Multi-System Virtualization Profile
DSP1055 / High Performance Computing Cluster Profile
DSP1056 / Cluster Resource Automation Service Profile
DSP1094 / High Availability Cluster Resource Profile
Virtualization Management Future Work - Near termRoutED and RoutING Management Profile and Model work