Instructor: Rose Marie Chute
Office hours: before and after class or by appointment
Homepage address -
Lecture Text: Human Anatomy & Physiology, 8th ed, Elaine N. Marieb, Katja Hoehn
Lab Manual: AP 2Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual
Scantrons: 5 -Test Answer Sheet B - Form No. 19641
Course Description: Introduction to human structure and function. This course is a continuation a two semester sequence beginning with Biology 2401. It is designed for students entering health-related fields such as nursing and is a prerequisite course for the ADN program at NHC. Biology 2402 is an integrated study of the physical, structural, and functional features of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, lymphatic, urinary and reproductive systems. Other topics covered in this course include defense mechanisms, nutrition, metabolism, fluids, electrolytes, pregnancy, development & heredity.
Prerequisites: BIOL 2401, ENGL 0305 or ENGL 0316 AND ENGL 0307 or 0326, OR
higher level course (ENGL 1301), OR placement by testing; Math 0306.
Course Objectives: In order to acquire a complete understanding of human anatomy and physiology that is fundamental to required courses in the health sciences, the student will demonstrate competence and familiarity with the following organ systems: the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, lymphatic, urinary and reproductive systems. These systems rely on a background in the basics of the skeletal, muscular and nervous and endocrine systems; thus, it will be necessary for the student to review these subjects as needed.
Course Requirements: Students are expected to read the required lab and text materials before coming to class. Regular, punctual attendance is required. The student must notify the instructor (at beginning of term) of any situation requiring special services.
General Rules:
1. Regular, punctual attendance is required. There is a direct correlation between attendance and grades.
2. Each student is required to participate in all lab activities.
3. Each student is responsible for the material covered in lecture, lab, the text and the lab manual.
- No make-up exams. An exam may be taken early if arrangements are made ahead of time.
5. Academic Integrity: Cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated. A student found to be cheating on an exam will receive a zero on that exam. Cheating, etc. may result in disciplinary action that could result in the student being dropped from the course, suspended or expelled from school.
6. All quizzes & exams will be retained by the instructor and not returned to the student.
7. Students should observe all safety rules in the lab & use care in; handling tools &
8. If you are a disabled student, you must be certified by the counseling office before the end of the first week of classes to receive special consideration by the instructor.
9. The instructor retains the right to make exceptions to these rules under special circumstances.
Four lecture exams and a comprehensive final exam will be given during the term to evaluate lecture materials. Each exam may consist of some multiple choice questions, some T/F, some fill in the blank, some essay questions. Exams may be taken early if arrangements are made ahead of time.
Three lab practical exams will be conducted during the semester to evaluate lab materials. Questions on the lab practicals are all fill-in-the blank questions. All answers must be written clearly and spelled correctly.
There will be regularly scheduled quizzes over vocabulary and anatomy. These will be taken at the beginning of the lecture period. Two of the lowest quiz grades will be dropped. 5 bonus points will be awarded to the final grade for each dropped quiz with a C or better grade.
In addition, lab reports covering various aspects of human physiology will be turned in for points. Each lab report is worth 5 points turned in on time with class attendance. All lab reports turned in on time and finished will add up to about 120 points with the 20 points out of 120 as bonus.
Lecture Exam Cardiovascular ______Quiz Heart ______
Lecture Exam Immunity/Respiration ______Quiz Blood Vessels ______
Lecture Exam Urinary & Electrolytes ______Quiz Blood Crossword ______
Lecture Digestive System & Nutrition ______Quiz Immunity Crossword ______
Final Comprehensive/Reproduction ______Quiz Respiratory Crossword ______
Quiz Urinary Crossword ______
Lab Practical - Cardiovascular ______Quiz Digestive Crossword ______
Lab Practical - Lymphatic, Respiratory Quiz Cellular Respiration ______
Urinary ______Quiz Male Crossword ______
Lab Practical - Digestive & Reproductive Quiz Female Crossword ______
Lab Activities ______
A grade = 90 – 100% B grade = 80 – 89% C grade = 70 –79%
D grade = 60 – 69% F grade < 60%