ArcView Demos2/4/2000
Demo Locations
1.--c:\demo\avdemo\avdemo.apr (desktop--files on lab server and local)
p:\briggs\poec6381\avdemo\avdemo.apr (lab: files on lab server and local)
general demo of ArcView; load from H21 using project on p: drive
revamped 9/98 to incorporate planogis demo, downtown Dallas, and UTD
(see 3 and 6 below)
has NOT been ported to laptop
updated 9/99 for p: drive; no longer works on briggs c: ‘cos of disk space
2--c:\demo\avdemo\esridemo.apr (on laptop & desktop —files on jaz drive)
old overview of GIS and ArcView based on ESRI Atlanta demo
previous version of 1. Above
Data for this demo is on jaz drive therefore it works the same from laptop or desktop.
Be sure D1 disk is in jaz drive.
3--c:\demo\planogis (on laptop and desktop—files on both desktop and jaz)
general overview using Plano data, including hot links
View0 is the same as the NTGISC demo
requires jaz drive for highest density ortho on laptop, but will run without
4--c:\demo\planoqd (on laptop)
comparison using scanned USGS quads sheet for Plano
updated 9/99 to shift to p:\ and to incorporate rectified sheet.
scanned quad sheet is on the jaz drive
5 --d:\demo\avfiles\daycare (on jaz drive)
--m:\briggs\poec6381\avfiles\daycare (general lab)
--c:\briggs\poec6381\avfiles\daycare (on Toshiba & Micron laptops for lab
class Tempe demo
this is not a project
interim files are saved on M:\briggs\poec6381\avfiles\daycare\avintroX.apr
6--d:\demo\orthodem\orthodem.apr (on jaz drive—also runs from laptop)
--c:\demo\orthoutd\utdortho.apr (laptop)
orthodem.apr: demo of downtown and UTD with gps route overlay
--layouts incorporated into consort4.ppt
utdortho.apr: shows UTD only—will run on laptop without jaz drive.
7 d:\dem\dallasdemo\downtown.apr
doesn't work; not sure what it is
Powerpoint presentations are: C:\GIS :
- Open the AVDEMO project (c:\demo\avdemo\avdemo.apr—some orthos missing 9/99)
(p:\briggs\poec6381\avdemo\avdemo.apr—works 9/99)
This demo was revamped 8/98 to incorporate local (plano, downtown, UTD) demos.
Folders in C:\demo\gisdemo moved to c:\data\gisdemo on 9/99 for consistency with lab
However, not all digital ortho tiles present ‘cos of disk space shortage on my PC
Same apr should work in both office and lab.
(lab server needs to be mapped as p:\drive in office)
Has not been ported to laptop
--world map view comes up
--illustrate turning layers on and off
-- world drainage systems
--named latitude and long
--illustrate map projections
--select View/Properties and click Map projection box
--select Type:The World from Space
--repeat with standard projection (e.g) Robinson, Mercator or Platte Carree
--illustrate info tool (i)
--select info tool (i)
--be sure World Countries layer is active
--click on a a country and discuss data
--shape: polygon
--area and perimeter calculated
(relative units: US: 10mill sq. km, 3.8 mill sq. miles)
--select + tool and drag box to cover South Eastern US
--note: you can click on Atlanta to open Atlanta View directly;
be sure World Cities is the active them.
2. South Eastern US view
--turn on cities layer
--select info (i) tool and click on Atlanta
--discuss table data (compare with polygon country data)
--shape: point
--point has zero area and perimeter
--data could be far more extensive
--close table
--select hot key tool (lightening rod) and click on Atlanta
--Atlanta map shows up
--click on Maplewood (Atlantic City Locations must be the active theme)
3. Maplewood view
Illustrates a public works application
--select hot key tool (if not selected)
--click on Street Lights to make it the active theme
--click on one of the small squares (light poles)
diagram appears
comment on scanned documents
also link to cad drawings
--Click on Sewer Pipes in TofC to make it the active them
--click on a sewer pipe someplace in the view
picture of sewer pipe
comment on movies (jpeg)
--select zoom tool
--zoom in couple of times
comment on raster (image) and vector (buildings, etc) data
comment on lack of registration between buildings and image
--turn on water pipes and sewer pipes
comment on needing to know location prior to digging
--click on water pipe in legend to be sure its selected
select info tool
click on a water main line in street and comment on
from and to nodes
click on water feeder line to house and comment on same
--show water pipe table by selecting Theme/Table
comment on data (e.g size of pipe, material, etc)
--close Maplewood and Atlanta views --close the Avdata project
4. Dallas View
close all Atlanta projects and return to World map
Be sure World Cities is active theme
Click on Dallas point--map of Dallas area opens
Click within Dallas--downtown Dallas loads (slow)
View name is 19000
--no actions other than zoom
Click within Richardson--UTD appears
View name is 61796
--comment on GPS, Event Theme, numbers are time of day
Click within Plano polygon--Park and Central Area shows
(View name is 58016--Plano Fips code; conflict occurs if use name)
--see below for actions
5. 58016 View (Plano)
--illustrate different resolutions: 1/2m (1.6 feet), 2m (6ft)
use zoom key
--illustrate hot key
click on structures entry in Table of Contents (or make sure it is highlighted)
click on ‘zoom to current extent’ (for buildings)
click on 'lightening rod' icon
click on buildings on map for image
click on doors to see menus
click on bridge
click on Chilis sign ---Chilis picture opens
6. General Plano Demo (c:\Demo\projects\planogis.apr)
Basically, al of this is now incorporated in the avdemo project
(note: project files are in c:\demo\gisdemo except for high resolution ortho which is on jaz)
--view0: study area (same as gisdemo in the lab except for addition of hot key 'drill down')
select hot key tool (lightening bolt)
click in Park Lane/Central vicinity (SE of intersection)
--view 1 Park at Central: Vector and Image simultaneously shown
(Fishmongers, Chilis, Big Easy for orientation)
click within fishmonger area
--view 2: different resolutions: 1/2m (1.6 feet), 2m (6ft), 4m (12ft)
demonstrate different resolutions
--view 2: building footprints:
click on blgds entry in legend (or make sure it is highlighted)
click on ‘zoom to current extent’ (for buildings)
click on 'lightening rod' icon
click on buildings on map for image
click on doors to see menus
click on bridge
click on Chilis sign ---Chilis picture opens
7. Open USGS 7.5 minute Quad demo for Plano (c:\demo\planogis\planoqd.apr)
also at p:\briggs\poec6381\planogis\planoqd.apr
do not change views the first two views!
note the scale of the NTGISC view same as USGS quads (1:24000)
discuss overlay and scanning and need for rectification
--note different coordinates in each view
open third view (USGS Quad rectified to NTGISC)—discuss rectification
Move to Overhead projector:
--comment on date of maps—show legend information
--overlay printout from GIS on USGS map—shows how scale can be maintained.