VERSION, 29/03/1999

Last date modified: 04/05/1998 by Joël Daroussin.

29/03/1999 by Joël Daroussin.

See also: dictionary

How to read this file: each attribute is described by:

ATTRIBUTE_NAME / Attribute description>
{ATTRIBUTE_NAME / Attribute description}
<(Present in: / Info file(s) in which attributes are present)>
<attribute value / attribute value description>
<attribute value / attribute value description>
... / ...

N.B.: Angle brackets enclose a required field.

{} Braces enclose an optional field.

Attribute names are sorted alphabetically.


AR_NA / Sodium adsorption ratio (%)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
-4 / Less than 4 (humid areas)
0 / %
100 / %
AR_NA_O / Origin of data for Sodium adsorption ratio
BD_O / Origin of data for Bulk density
BS_O / Origin of data for Base saturation
C/N_O / Origin of data for Carbon/Nitrogen ratio
CACO3_ACT_O / Origin of data for Active calcium carbonate
CACO3_TOT_O / Origin of data for Calcium carbonate equivalent
CASO4_O / Origin of data for Gypsum
CEC_O / Origin of data for Cation exchange capacity
DEPTH_HOR_O / Origin of data for horizons depths
EC_O / Origin of data for Electrical Conductivity
EXCH_CA_O / Origin of data for Calcium exchangeable base
EXCH_K_O / Origin of data for Potassium exchangeable base
EXCH_MG_O / Origin of data for Magnesium exchangeable base
EXCH_NA_O / Origin of data for Sodium exchangeable base
EXCH_NA_P_O / Origin of data for Exchangeable sodium percentage of the CEC
GRAVEL_O / Origin of data for Class percentage of stones and gravel in the soil
OM_O / Origin of data for Organic matter content
PH_O / Origin of data for Acidity pH
POR_O / Origin of data for Total porosity
STRUCT_O / Origin of data for Structure type
TEXT_2_O / Origin of data for Proportion of particles with size below 2 µm
TEXT_20_O / Origin of data for Proportion of particles with size 2-20 µm
TEXT_50_O / Origin of data for Proportion of particles with size 20-50 µm
TEXT_200_O / Origin of data for Proportion of particles with size 50-200 µm
TEXT_2000_O / Origin of data for Proportion of particles with size 200-2000 µm
WC_1_O / Origin of data for Soil water retention at -1 kPa
WC_10_O / Origin of data for Soil water retention at -10 kPa
WC_100_O / Origin of data for Soil water retention at -100 kPa
WC_1500_O / Origin of data for Soil water retention at -1500 kPa
WC_FC_O / Origin of data for Soil water retention at field capacity
(Present in: / EST_PROF)
-999 / Missing value
1 / Average of a number of profiles
2 / From a single representative profile
3 / Prediction derived from mathematical functions
4 / Prediction derived from relationships between horizons and class functions
5 / Expert judgement
BD / Bulk density (g/cm3)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
0.00 / g/cm3
9.99 / g/cm3
BS / Base saturation (%) as a proportion of the CEC taken up by exchangeable bases (TEB/CEC)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
0 / %
1 / %
100 / %
C/N / Carbon/Nitrogen ratio (%)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
0 / %
100 / %
CACO3_ACT / Active calcium carbonate (%)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
0 / %
100 / %
CACO3_TOT / Calcium carbonate equivalent (weight %)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
0 / %
100 / %
CASO4 / Gypsum (weight %)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
0 / %
100 / %
CEC / Cation exchange capacity (cmol+/kg)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
0 / cmol+/kg
9999.9 / cmol+/kg
COUNTRY / Country code
(Present in: / EST_PROF)
DEPTH_HOR_END / End (disappearance) depth of horizon (cm)
DEPTH_HOR_START / Start (appearance) depth of horizon (cm)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
negative values / For organic horizons
0 / cm
1 / ...
200 / cm
DEPTH_ROO_EFF_A / Mean effective root depth for A??? (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_EFF_BE / Mean effective root depth for Beets (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_EFF_CO / Mean effective root depth for Cotton (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_EFF_SG / Mean effective root depth for Short grass (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_EFF_MA / Mean effective root depth for Maize (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_EFF_OL / Mean effective root depth for Olives (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_EFF_SC / Mean effective root depth for Spring cereals (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_EFF_WC / Mean effective root depth for Winter cereals (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_TOT_A / Mean total root depth for A??? (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_TOT_BE / Mean total root depth for Beets (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_TOT_CO / Mean total root depth for Cotton (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_TOT_SG / Mean total root depth for Short grass (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_TOT_MA / Mean total root depth for Maize (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_TOT_OL / Mean total root depth for Olives (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_TOT_SC / Mean total root depth for Spring cereals (cm)
DEPTH_ROO_TOT_WC / Mean total root depth for Winter cereals (cm)
(Present in: / EST_PROF)
-999 / Missing value
Negative values / mean «less than value»
0 / cm
200 / cm
EC / Electrical conductivity class (dS/m range at 25 °C)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
1 / Free: 0-4 dS/m
2 / Slightly affected: 4-8 dS/m
3 / Moderately affected: 8-15 dS/m
4 / Strongly affected: > 15 dS/m
EXCH_CA / Calcium exchangeable base (cmol+/kg)
EXCH_K / Potassium exchangeable base (cmol+/kg)
EXCH_MG / Magnesium exchangeable base (cmol+/kg)
EXCH_NA / Sodium exchangeable base (cmol+/kg)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
0.00 / cmol+/kg
100.00 / cmol+/kg
EXCH_NA_P / Exchangeable sodium percentage of the CEC (%)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
-10 / Less than 15% (humid areas)
0 / %
100 / %
GRAVEL / Class percentage of stones and gravel in the soil
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
0 / No stone or gravel
1 / Very few (<5% by volume)
2 / Few (5-15 % by volume)
3 / Frequent or many (15-40 % by volume)
4 / Very frequent or very many (40-80 % by volume)
5 / Dominant or skeletal (>80 % by volume)
GWL_HI / Mean highest level of a permanent or perched groundwater table
GWL_LO / Mean lowest level of a permanent or perched groundwater table
(Present in: / EST_PROF)
-999 / Missing value
1 / Groundwater table between 0-50 cm
2 / Groundwater table between 50-100 cm
3 / Groundwater table between 100-150 cm
4 / Groundwater table between 150-200 cm
5 / Groundwater table below 200 cm
HOR_NAME / Horizon name according to the FAO system
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
HOR_NUM / Horizon sequential number within profile
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
1 / First (upper) horizon
9 / Last (deepest) horizon
LU / Dominant land use
(Present in: / EST_PROF)
-999 / Missing value
Free text
OM / Organic matter content in organo-mineral layers (weight %)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
0.0 / %
100.0 / %
PH / Acidity pH (in water 1:2.5)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
PM / Dominant parent material
(Present in: / EST_PROF)
-999 / Missing value
Free text
POR / Total porosity (%)
(Present in: / EST_HOR)
-999 / Missing value
-998 / Not applicable (rock or organic horizons)
0 / %
100 / %
PROF_NUM / Profile unique identifier
(Present in: / EST_PROF, EST_HOR)
1 / Profile number 1
9999 / Profile number 9999
SOIL / Full 1974 (modified CEC 1985) FAO legend soil name
(Present in: / EST_PROF)
-999 / Missing value
A / Acrisol
Af / Ferric Acrisol
Ag / Gleyic Acrisol
Ah / Humic Acrisol
Ao / Orthic Acrisol
Ap / Plinthic Acrisol
B / Cambisol
Ba / Calcaric Cambisol
Bc / Chromic Cambisol
Bcc / Calcaro-Chromic Cambisol
Bch / Humo-Chromic Cambisol
Bck / Calci-Chromic Cambisol
Bd / Dystric Cambisol
Bda / Ando-Dystric Cambisol
Bdg / Gleyo-Dystric Cambisol
Bds / Spodo-Dystric Cambisol
Be / Eutric Cambisol
Bea / Ando-Eutric Cambisol
Bec / Calcaro-Eutric Cambisol
Bef / Fluvi-Eutric Cambisol
Beg / Gleyo-Eutric Cambisol
Bev / Verti-Eutric Cambisol
Bg / Gleyic Cambisol
Bgc / Calcaro-Gleyic Cambisol
Bge / Eutri-Gleyic Cambisol
Bgg / Stagno-Gleyic Cambisol
Bgs / Spodo-Gleyic Cambisol
Bh / Humic Cambisol
Bhc / Calcaro-Humic Cambisol
Bk / Calcic Cambisol
Bkf / Fluvi-Calcic Cambisol
Bkh / Humo-Calcic Cambisol
Bkv / Verti-Calcic Cambisol
Bv / Vertic Cambisol
Bvc / Calcaro-Vertic Cambisol
Bvg / Gleyo-Vertic Cambisol
Bvk / Calci-Vertic Cambisol
Bx / Gelic Cambisol
Bxs / Spodo-Gelic Cambisol
C / Chernozem
Ch / Haplic Chernozem
Chp / Pachi-Haplic Chernozem
Chv / Verti-Haplic Chernozem
Ck / Calcic Chernozem
Ckb / Vermi-Calcic Chernozem
Ckc / Calcaro-Calcic Chernozem
Ckcb / Vermi-Calcaro-Calcic Chernozem
Ckp / Pachi-Calcic Chernozem
Cl / Luvic Chernozem
D / Podzoluvisol
Dd / Dystric Podzoluvisol
De / Eutric Podzoluvisol
Dg / Gleyic Podzoluvisol
Dgd / Dystric Gleyic Podzoluvisol
Dge / Eutric Gleyic Podzoluvisol
Dgs / Stagno-Gleyic Podzoluvisol
E / Rendzina
Ec / Cambic Rendzina
Eh / Histic Rendzina
Eo / Orthic Rendzina
F / Ferralsol
Fo / Orthic Ferralsol
G / Gleysol
Gc / Calcaric Gleysol
Gcf / Fluvi-Calcaric Gleysol
Gcs / Stagno-Calcaric Gleysol
Gd / Dystric Gleysol
Gdf / Fluvi-Dystric Gleysol
Gds / Stagno-Dystric Gleysol
Ge / Eutric Gleysol
Gef / Fluvi-Eutric Gleysol
Ges / Stagno-Eutric Gleysol
Gev / Verti-Eutric Gleysol
Gf / Fluvic Gleysol
Gfm / Molli-Fluvic Gleysol
Gh / Humic Gleysol
Ghf / Fluvi-Humic Gleysol
Ghh / Histo-Humic Gleysol
Ght / Thioni-Humic Gleysol
Gi / Histic Gleysol
Gih / Humo-Histic Gleysol
Gl / Luvic Gleysol
Gls / Stagno-Luvic Gleysol
Gm / Mollic Gleysol
Gmc / Calcaro-Mollic Gleysol
Gmf / Fluvi-Mollic Gleysol
Gmv / Verti-Mollic Gleysol
Gs / Stagnic Gleysol
Gt / Thionic Gleysol
H / Phaeozem
Hc / Calcaric Phaeozem
Hcf / Fluvi-Calcaric Phaeozem
Hcn / Alkalino-Calcaric Phaeozem
Hcs / Saline-Calcaric Phaeozem
Hg / Gleyic Phaeozem
Hgc / Calcaro-Gleyic Phaeozem
Hgf / Fluvi-Gleyic Phaeozem
Hgs / Stagno-Gleyic Phaeozem
Hgv / Verti-Gleyic Phaeozem
Hh / Haplic Phaeozem
Hhv / Verti-Haplic Phaeozem
Hl / Luvic Phaeozem
Hlv / Verti-Luvic Phaeozem
Ho / Orthic Phaeozem
I / Lithosol
Ic / Calcaric Lithosol
Ich / Humo-Calcaric Lithosol
Id / Dystric Lithosol
Ie / Eutric Lithosol
J / Fluvisol
Jc / Calcaric Fluvisol
Jcf / Fluvi-Calcaric Fluvisol
Jcg / Gleyo-Calcaric Fluvisol
Jd / Dystric Fluvisol
Jdf / Fluvi-Dystric Fluvisol
Jdg / Gleyo-Dystric Fluvisol
Je / Eutric Fluvisol
Jef / Fluvi-Eutric Fluvisol
Jeg / Gleyo-Eutric Fluvisol
Jm / Mollic Fluvisol
Jmg / Gleyo-Mollic Fluvisol
Jmv / Verti-Mollic Fluvisol
Jt / Thionic Fluvisol
K / Kastanozem
Kh / Haplic Kastanozem
Khb / Vermi-Haplic Kastanozem
Kk / Calcic Kastanozem
Kkb / Vermi-Calcic Kastanozem
Kkv / Verti-Calcic Kastanozem
Kl / Luvic Kastanozem
Ko / Orthic Kastanozem
L / Luvisol
La / Albic Luvisol
Lap / Plano-Albic Luvisol
Lc / Chromic Luvisol
Lcp / Plano-Chromic Luvisol
Lcr / Rhodo-Chromic Luvisol
Lcv / Verti-Chromic Luvisol
Ld / Dystric Luvisol
Ldg / Gleyo-Dystric Luvisol
Lf / Ferric Luvisol
Lg / Gleyic Luvisol
Lga / Albo-Gleyic Luvisol
Lgp / Plano-Gleyic Luvisol
Lgs / Stagno-Gleyic Luvisol
Lh / Humic Luvisol
Lk / Calcic Luvisol
Lkc / Chromo-Calcic Luvisol
Lkcr / Rhodo-Chromo-Calcic Luvisol
Lkv / Verti-Calcic Luvisol
Lo / Orthic Luvisol
Lop / Plano-Orthic Luvisol
Lp / Plinthic Luvisol
Ls / Spodic Luvisol
Lv / Vertic Luvisol
Lvc / Chromo-Vertic Luvisol
Lvcr / Rhodo-Chromo-Vertic Luvisol
Lvk / Calci-Vertic Luvisol
M / Greyzem
Mo / Orthic Greyzem
O / Histosol
Od / Dystric Histosol
Odp / Placi-Dystric Histosol
Oe / Eutric Histosol
Ox / Gelic Histosol
P / Podzol
Pf / Ferric Podzol
Pg / Gleyic Podzol
Pgh / Histo-Gleyic Podzol
Pgs / Stagno-Gleyic Podzol
Ph / Humic Podzol
Phf / Ferro-Humic Podzol
Pl / Leptic Podzol
Plh / Humo-Leptic Podzol
Po / Orthic Podzol
Pof / Ferro-Orthic Podzol
Poh / Humo-Orthic Podzol
Pol / Lepto-Orthic Podzol
Pp / Placic Podzol
Pph / Humo-Placic Podzol
Q / Arenosol
Qa / Albic Arenosol
Qc / Cambic Arenosol
Qcc / Calcaro-Cambic Arenosol
Qcd / Dystri-Cambic Arenosol
Qcg / Gleyo-Cambic Arenosol
Qcs / Spodo-Cambic Arenosol
Ql / Luvic Arenosol
Qld / Dystri-Luvic Arenosol
Qlg / Gleyo-Luvic Arenosol
R / Regosol
Rc / Calcaric Regosol
Rd / Dystric Regosol
Re / Eutric Regosol
S / Solonetz
Sg / Gleyic Solonetz
Sm / Mollic Solonetz
So / Orthic Solonetz
Sof / Fluvi-Orthic Solonetz
T / Andosol
Th / Humic Andosol
Tm / Mollic Andosol
To / Ochric Andosol
Tv / Vitric Andosol
U / Ranker
Ud / Dystric Ranker
Ul / Luvic Ranker
V / Vertisol
Vc / Chromic Vertisol
Vcc / Calcaro-Chromic Vertisol
Vg / Gleyic Vertisol
Vp / Pellic Vertisol
Vpc / Calcaro-Pellic Vertisol
Vpg / Gleyo-Pellic Vertisol
Vpn / Sodi-Pellic Vertisol
W / Planosol
Wd / Dystric Planosol
Wdv / Verti-Dystric Planosol
We / Eutric Planosol
Wev / Verti-Eutric Planosol
Wm / Mollic Planosol
X / Xerosol
Xk / Calcic Xerosol
Xl / Luvic Xerosol
Xy / Gypsic Xerosol
Z / Solonchak