Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
Outline Project Plan
Draft for approval by Board of Trustees
The Landscape Institute publishes the Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA), now recognised as the established guidance on good practice in carrying out visual impact assessment of developments, for landscape architects and other landscape, planning and environment professionals. The second edition was published in 2002 and is now due for revision in order to reflect current landscape thinking and practice as well as changes in the policy context and statutory framework. The second edition was published in 2002 and is now due for revision in order to reflect developments in thinking and practice as well as changes in the external policy context and statutory framework.
This document sets out an outline plan for delivering the project, comprising a summary of the main milestones, a timeline for the project, costs and possible funding sources. A detailed plan will be prepared in order to support bids to potential funders.
1. Milestones
The key tasks and outputs for the project are as follows:
- Selection of GLVIA Advisory Panel and Chair
- Selection of writer
- Draft and publish interim guidance (brief pdf for free download from the LI website, drafted by Jeff Stevenson)
- Draft revised text, including sourcing/identifying illustrative material
- Agree publication schedule and marketing arrangements with T&F, sign contract
- Delivery of first draft
- Advisory Panel feedback on required changes
- Delivery of final draft
- Submission of corrected proofs to publisher
- Publication, launch events and promotion
2. Timeline
Phase 1Trustees approve Advisory Panel, Writer and Project Plan docs / Nov 09
Invite Advisory Panel applications / Dec 09 – mid Jan 10
Finalise detailed project plan and costings / Dec 09
Arrange funding / Dec 09 – Mar 10
Shortlist and select Advisory Panel and Chair / By end Jan 10
Produce interim advice / Dec 09 – Mar 10
Call for applications for writer / Mar 10
Appoint writer / By Apr 10
Sign contract with publishers / Apr 10
Phase 2
Initial meeting of Advisory Panel and writer / May 10
Writer commences work / May 10
Progress meeting of Advisory Panel and writer / Aug 10
Progress meeting of Advisory Panel and writer / Nov 10
Writer submits first draft / Feb 11
Progress meeting of Advisory Panel and writer / Feb 11
Progress meeting of Advisory Panel and writer / May 11
Advisory Panel feedback on required changes / May 11
Writer submits final draft / Aug 11
Approval by Advisory Panel / Nov 11
Submission to publishers (T&F) / Nov 11
Phase 3
Edit by T&F technical editor / Dependent on T&F’s
publishing cycle
Check proofs, final submission for printing
Publication launch, promotion, marketing
3. Costs and funding
The project will require funding for the following:
- Writer‘s fee
- Sourcing/licensing of illustrative material
- Advisory Panel meetings expenses
- Promotional and CPD events
Possible funding sources:
English Heritage, Natural England, CCW, SNH, DOENI, Environment Agency.
All costs relating to publishing and marketing will be borne by T&F.