NISA/Northern Initiative for Social Action affirms our commitment to ensuring that NISA is a supportive, safe and respectful space for all.This statement of our standards of behaviour extends to our general Members, employees and Board of Directors – in other words, all those who make up the NISA community. The Code of Conduct reinforces what NISA is all about – support, safety and empowerment and treating each other with respect in all of our interactions, whether personal or electronic.
The Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct is an integral part of involvement with NISA/Northern Initiative for Social Action. The Code of Conduct requires all Members, employees and Board Members to:
· Refrain from words, actions and behaviour – in any medium - that demonstrate disrespect for other Members, employees, Board Members or community members.
· Uphold NISA’s reputation and integrity by ensuring that their conduct, whether in person, online, or otherwise, brings honour and dignity to NISA.
· Be vigilant in ensuring an environment that is safe and protects Members, employees and Board Members from emotional, physical, verbal and sexual abuse.
· Respect other Members’, employees and Board Members’ rights to privacy and the confidentiality of their personal information.
· Act with honesty and integrity when dealing with property, monies and any other assets belonging to NISA.
· Respect and abide by the laws of Canada and of the province of Ontario.
· Treat Members, employees and Board Members fairly, knowing that NISA does not tolerate unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, colour, religion, sex, gender identity, age, mental or physical ability, political beliefs, socio-economic status, health-related status, sexual orientation, marital status, or any other grounds enumerated in the human rights legislation of the province of Ontario.
In addition, Members, employees and Board of Directors will subscribe to the principles of NISA/Northern Initiative for Social Action, which includes:
· The provision of a safe environment (physical and emotional safety) in which to recover. All Members are responsible to each other to foster safety and a sense of belonging for all.
· The treatment of all with dignity and respect, allowing them to fulfill their own potential and to contribute to NISA’s potential.
· The behavior in a thoughtful, considerate and credible manner in dealing with other NISA Members and/or representatives of outside agencies.
· Appropriate maintenance and use of the property of NISA.
· Diligently maintain the confidentiality of any information regarding NISA that they have obtained in the course of performing their roles at NISA and that is not generally available to the public.
NISA/Northern Initialize for Social Action reserves the right to take action regarding any breach of the Code of Conduct.
I have read and understand the aforementioned Code of Conduct and agree to abide by it.
Signature of Member Date
Witness Date