Welcome Back To School!
Disclosure Statement
I am looking forward to a fun and safe year as the students and I learn and grow together. This year the students will be engaged in learning material that is established by the Utah State Core Curriculum, in a fun yet productive manner. I have included some of the things we will be learning as well as to what I expect from the students this year.
Golden Hawk Award
At Hayden Peak the students participate in the Golden Hawk Award program. In the fourth grade there are 20 goals they work towards completing throughout the year. Some of the goals we will complete in class and others the students will be responsible for completing on their own time. A gold, silver, or bronze pin and certificate can be earned based upon the number of goals completed. Attached is a list of the golden hawk goals for this year.
Class and School Rules
The school will begin a program this year called “The Leader In Me”. The students will learn about being a good citizen, good student, and a good friend. The students are expected to follow the school rules as stated in the packet that each family received.
The students have helped to establish the classroom rules, and the consequences for keeping and breaking them, on the first day of class. I like the students to feel that they are part of the decision making in some aspects of the classroom. Both the classroom and school rules will be posted in the classroom. All students are expected to follow the rules.
YES students, homework. As the students are responsible for continuing their learning at home, they will be required to complete homework each night. Each night’s assignments will be to: 1. Read independently, or to a sibling, for twenty minutes, 2. Practice multiplication tables, and 3. Practice spelling/vocabulary (complete attached pages to homework sheet). The spelling/vocabulary tests will be taken on Friday of each week (these lists will be specifically geared to your student); therefore, the students will not be required to practice spelling on Fridays. A homework sheet will be sent home on Mondays and returned on Friday. The parents are required to sign when their student completes their homework. The students will have the opportunity to earn a no homework day. When this is earned parents will be notified.
Book Reports
This year the students are required to complete three book reports. The first will be a biography/autobiography (term 1) and the second will be a historical fiction (term 2) and the third will be a genre of their choice (term 3). The biography report will be a fun event to which parents will be invited. More will be explained in a letter home as the assignment is given.
There will be three scheduled parties this year: Halloween, Christmas, and Valentines. Other small classroom parties can be earned through excellent behavior or goal reaching, one of which is the end of year pizza party, based on student progress on multiplication tables.
I know how students love to celebrate their birthdays; after all I was a student once too. Therefore, students are allowed to bring birthday treats. Many students may have a birthday that falls on a weekend, if this is the case, that student may bring his/her treats during the week. If parents are going to be bringing the goodies, I ask that they be brought only the last fifteen minutes of class. This will prevent disruption during quality instruction time.
Let’s have a great year!!!!
______(detach and return) ______
I have read this disclosure statement and understand that my student will be expected to: participate in and complete class work and homework, and follow the rules. I also understand that his/her performance will determine their grade and citizenship.
Student name ______
Parent Signature ______Date ______
Golden Hawk Award
1. Add/Subtract facts, 100 in 5 min. @ 90%
2. Multiplication facts, 100 in 5 min. @ 90%
3. Division facts, 100 in 5 min. @ 90%
4. 18 – 100% spelling tests
5. Completed, on time, Social Studies project.
6. Pass off county song @ 100%
7. Participate in Mountain Man rendezvous
8. Pass off written county map @ 100%
9. Pass all 4 Utah Trivia tests @80%
10. Keep original Monday Mailer envelope
11. Improve by 3 guided reading levels
12. Completed homework on time – 28 weeks
13. Walking: earn one giant foot
14. Read at least 5 days a week for 36 weeks
(these weeks can include off track weeks)
15. Read 6 books in diff. genres and pass off
16. Social skills grades are E’s every term
17. Complete an animal report
18. Pass keyboarding @ 20 wpm
19. Complete a computer project
20. Teacher’s choice (Earn 50 star dollars)
11 – Bronze 13 – Silver 15 - Gold