Mr. Ketler
Rm. 338
Tamanend Middle School
(267) 893-2900
Course Description
Ninth Grade Science builds on many of the concepts that students learned in seventh and eighth grade. The course is about change and adaptation. The course will focus on specific topics from Earth Science, Biology, and some Ecology.
Topics Covered -Geology-Oceanography and Climate -Evolution -Botany
-Books covered at all times
-Loose leaf paper
-Bound Marble Composition Book
-Colored Pencils
Online Resources
-Ketler Teacher Website
*Use your CB username and password to access online class resources.
-Quia (Quizzes/Surveys)
Class Expectations: Demonstrate Good Habits of Mind (HOM)
Be prepared for class (Responsibility)
-Be on time to class and remain until dismissed.
-Have your binder, textbook, and writing instrument.
-Complete all homework/in-class assignments.
Practice common courtesy(Respect)
-Follow all directions the first time they are given.
-Use appropriate language and voice tone.
-Recognize personal space and other’s belongings.
-Keep your work area clean.
-Please silence your phone and only use electronic devices when permitted by
-No Texting: It can wait.
Do your best! (Achievement)
-Work to complete/achieve goals of lesson.
-Use teachers, library, articles, and the web as a resource.
-Keep your journal and binder organized and put forth a consistent effort.
-Participate in class and online. (Have you asked a good question?)
NO FOOD OR DRINK ALLOWED IN THIS SCIENCE CLASSROOM – You never know what chemicals or bacteria are on the tables. Gum is NOT allowed.
Electronic Devices: Phone, tablets, etc. There will be opportunities to use your electronic devices during class. However, these times will be determined by the instructor. Please keep your device on silent and out of sight during instruction.
Grading System
A student’s marking period grade will be based upon the percentage of the total number of points accumulated by the student on:
90% Authentic Assessments: IncludesTests, Labs, Quizzes, Projects,
10% Homework/Habits of Mind:Section Review, Directed Readingand other assignments. See class expectations for how Habits of Mind (HOM) will be assessed.
Core Common Assessments
Six separate unit assessments will be given just after the unit is completed.
- Geology Core Assessment
- Evolution Core Assessment
- Oceanography and Climate Core Assessment
- Paleontology Core Assessment
- Botany Core Assessment
- Ecology Core Assessment.
- These assessments are to be given soon after the unit is taught. The 6 unit grades are to be accumulated and reported as the final exam grade.
- For more information on Core Common Assessments visit
-Students are responsible for all work covered in class.
-Students should refer to the Mr.Ketler’s teacher website or a classmate for work
missed in class (includes notes, activities, and assigned homework).
-Students who miss extended time should contact the teacher for
modified instructions.
-If a student is absent on the due date of an assignment, he/she should turn in the
assignment on the first day back to school.
If you are going to miss a test, quiz, or assignment due date as a result of an athletic event or planned absence, it is your responsibility to complete the test or submit the assignment before you leave.
Extra Help
I am dedicated to helping all students achieve success in this class. I am available after school, by appointment, to assist any student.