State of Illinois )
County of McDonough )ss
City of Macomb )
The Macomb City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in City Hall, 232 East Jackson Street, Macomb, IL
PLEDGE Mayor Wisslead called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Wisslead.
ROLL CALL City Clerk Melanie Falk called the roll and the following Aldermen answered present: Richard Vick, Edward Lavin, Louis Gilbert, Mike Inman, Dave Dorsett, Tim Lobdell, Ken Zahnle, Chris Senn and Dennis Moon. Mayor Wisslead declared a quorum present for the transaction of business. In addition to the City Clerk and Aldermen, Legal Counsel Liz Wilhelm was also present.
Items on the Consent Agenda:
1. Approve minutes of the Macomb City Council meeting held on Monday, August 20, 2007 and the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meetings held on Monday August 27, 2007.
2. Approve claims and accounts submitted on August 30, 2007.
3. Accept and place on file Treasurer’s Report.
4. Approve intergovernmental agreement between the Macomb Community Unit School District No. 185 and the City of Macomb for a School Resource Officer.
5. Approve the minutes of the Macomb City Council and Committee of the Whole Executive Sessions that remain closed.
CONSENT Alderman Lobdell moved, seconded by Alderman Senn to dispense with the reading of the consent
AGENDA agenda and adopt the same as published, on question being put, Aldermen Vick, Lavin, Gilbert,
ADOPTED Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Zahnle, Senn, Moon, being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead declared the motion carried.
Legal Counsel Wilhelm gave 2nd reading of the following ordinance:
An ordinance for simplified municipal telecommunications tax rate change.
APPROVED Alderman Lobdell moved, seconded by Alderman Moon to approve the ordinance, on question being
ORDINANCE put, Aldermen Lavin, Gilbert, Dorsett, Zahnle, Lobdell, Senn, Moon, and Vick being all Aldermen
NO. 07- 34 voting “Aye” on roll call and Alderman Inman voting “Nay”, Mayor Wisslead declared the motion carried and the ordinance was approved and became Ordinance No. 07- 34 .
Legal Counsel Wilhelm gave 1st reading of the following ordinance:
An ordinance approving a special use permit to re-establish a place of worship in an R-3 Residential District at 1106 East Murray Street.
Legal Counsel Wilhelm gave 1st reading of the following ordinance:
An ordinance approving the final plat and special use permit for a Planned Unit Development in an R-4 Residential District at 1308 Meadowlark Lane, Macomb, IL.
AUTHORIZED Alderman Senn moved, seconded by Alderman Gilbert to authorize advertising for bids for ADVERTISING FOR remodeling of the Oakwood Cemetery office, on question being put, Aldermen Gilbert, Inman, BIDS TO REMODEL Dorsett, Lobdell, Zahnle, Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, Inman, being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on CEMETERY OFFICE roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead declared the motion carried.
MOTION TO Alderman Gilbert moved, seconded by Alderman Inman to approve the “Fire Wood Cutting Policy” at APPROVE “FIRE the City’s yard waste site.
TABLED Alderman Lobdell moved, seconded by Alderman Moon to table the “Firewood Cutting Policy” “FIREWOOD proposal, all Aldermen voted “Aye” and Mayor Wisslead declared the motioncarried.
Legal Counsel Wilhelm gave 1ST reading to the following ordinance:
An ordinance to amend the Go West bus stops in the city of Macomb pursuant to Section 15-222 of the Municipal Code.
APPROVED Alderman Dorsett moved, seconded by Alderman Zahnle to enter into an agreement with Bourne BOURNE TRANSIT Transit Consulting, LLC for a service audit of the MPCT (Go West) fixed route bus system at the cost CONSULTING, LLC of $9,724.0, on question being put, Aldermen Dorsett, Lobdell, Zahnle, Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, FOR GO WEST Gilbert, Inman being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead
AUDIT declared the motion carried.
City Council Minutes
Page 2
September 4, 2007
AUTHORIZED Alderman Lobdell moved, seconded by Alderman Inman to authorize a 2.5% pay increase for non-PAY INCREASE union full-time City employees, retroactive to May 1, 2007, on question being put, Aldermen Lobdell, FOR FULLTIME Zahnle, Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll call NON-UNION and no “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead declared the motion carried.
ACCEPTED LETTER Alderman Moon moved, seconded by Alderman Lobdell to accept the letter of resignation from Police OF RESIGNATION Officer Adam Cheesman, on question being put, Aldermen Zahnle, Senn, Moon, Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, FOR ADAM Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor CHEESMAN Wisslead declared the motion carried.
JIM SCHISLER Alderman Inman moved, seconded by Alderman Moon to concur with the appointment of Jim APPOINTED TO Schisler to the Macomb Airport Authority, on question being put, Aldermen Senn, Moon, Vick,
MACOMB AIRPORT Lavin Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Zahnle, being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll call and no AUTHORITY “Nay” votes, Mayor Wisslead declared the motion carried.
APPOINTED Alderman Zahnle moved, seconded by Alderman Moon to concur with the appointment of Tim TIM LOBDELL TO Lobdell to the Personnel Committee, on question being put, Aldermen Moon, Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, PERSONNEL Inman, Dorsett, Lobdell, Zahnle, Senn, being all Aldermen voting “Aye” and no “Nay” votes, Mayor COMMITTEE Wisslead declared the motion carried.
APPOINTED Alderman Dorsett moved, seconded by Alderman Moon to concur with the appointment of Ed Lavin to ED LAVIN TO the Personnel Committee, on question being put, Aldermen Vick, Lavin, Gilbert, Inman, Dorsett, PERSONNEL Lobdell, Zahnle, Senn, Moon, being all Aldermen voting “Aye” on roll call and no “Nay” votes, Mayor COMMITTEE Wisslead declared the motion carried.
COUNCIL There being no further business to come before the Council, Alderman Inman moved, seconded
ADJOURNMENT by Alderman Lobdell to adjourn, all Aldermen voted “Aye” and Mayor Wisslead declared the
motion carried and they adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
City Clerk