DATE: Monday, 12 September 2016 / MEETING OPEN: 7.30pm / LOCATION: Staff Room
7.30 / 1 / President’s Welcome / Sussan Johnson
7.33 / 2 / Apologies
7.34 / 3 / Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting / Monday August 2016
4 / CorrespondenceIn
Date Received / From / Subject / Passed To / Action Required
26 August 16 / Diana Potter / Resignation Uniform shop eff 22 Sept 16 / Members of Executive / Meeting of Exec & Uniform Shop Coordinators
Sept 16 / James Fuller of ‘We Need a High School’ / Community campaign re need High School / Other members of Executive / Circulate to P & C members
5 / Correspondence Out:
Date Sent / To / Subject / Origin / Remarks
Sept 16 / Diana Potter / Resignation from Uniform Shop / Secretary / Accepted resignation with regret
6 / Reports:
7.36 / 6:1 President / Sussan Johnson
7.41 / 6:2 Principal / Neil Hunt
7.51 / 6:3 Treasurer / Katrina Grose circulated
6:4 School Finance Committee / Katrina Grose
6:5 School Board / Chris Porteous
6:6 Uniform Shop / Michelle Gale
Mary Rose Kourellias
7.56 / 6:7 Music Parents / JenniGiamcomel /
6:8 Quiz Night Co-ordinator / Alisdair Putt / circulated
8.01 / 6:9 Good2Grow Committee / Tanya Crewe
Janet Ryan
8.06 / 6:10 Liaison Art Show Committee / Sian Burgess
8.11 / 6:11Chaplaincy / Rose Anderson
8.17 / 6:13Health / Zina Cordery
6:14 ICT Committee / Zina Cordery
Marek Jurec
6:15 Grounds Committee / Brad Campbell
6:16 P&C Communication / JanePowell
6:17 Fathering Project / John MacKenzie
6:18 Year 7 Parent Liaison / Tania Perrella
6:19 Year 8 Parent Liaison
6:20 Year 9 Parent Liaison / Kim Campbell
Lorna de Sancha
8.22 / 7 / General Business / -Uniform shop
NEXMEETING DATE: Monday,10 October 2016 – 7.30pm
Matters discussed
(1)The resignation of the Uniform Shop coordinator was discussed, and the Uniform Shop coordinators have put in place temporary arrangements whilst discussions take place as to a permanent staffing solution. Sussan Johnson indicated that she will purchase a farewell present for Diana to thank her for many years hard work.
(2)The Principal primarily reported on the latest developments in the extensive school building program, including a large 400KW solar panel installation
(3)It was resolved that the meeting approved the finance proposal relating to the Make a Space project in the Library - $1726
(4)The Good to Grow fundraising project went well, thanks to the efforts to a small dedicated core group of volunteers –final figures not yet known
(5)The Chaplaincy dinner is on 15 October 2016 and bookings are low thus far –Jane Powell and others will increase advertising of the event. Neil Hunt noted that the funding for the chaplains at the school had remained static for a number of years, and there was discussion about increased P & C funding going forward but no definite funding agreed
(6)Zina Cordery spoke of the UV solar meter project and pending installation in two locations within the school (this installation is funded by the School and is supported by the P & C Association)
(7)There was talk about reviewing the Association’s IT capabilities, as well as reviewing the Uniform’s shops business model –the IT ‘side’of the Association will be examined by the ICT committee and recommendations forthcoming
(8)It was noted that it was likely that $50 would be expended as part of the forthcoming Fathering Project presentation
(9)A brief oral report was given on the Quiz Night that raised approximately $8500 and had nearly 300 members of the school community in attendance. Jane Powell noted that several of the Association events occurred quite close in time, which resulted in the school community being deluged with advertising emails etc in quite a short space of time. Jane will attempt to program events further apart in 2017. It was noted in general discussion that there tend to the same volunteers assisting with regard to different school projects –efforts will be made by the President and others to attend the Year 6 induction nights to advertise the P & C Association’s work and attempt to interest new parents as early as possible.
(10)The next meeting to be on Monday 10 October –the first Monday of next term
A: 20 Lucca St, Churchlands, WA 6018
T: 9441 1700
F: 9441 1701