Monday 29th July 2013 7:30 PM

General Meeting

Location: Holy Cross Primary School, New Gisborne


Julie Mackay / Jayne Fitzgerald / Sonia Hocking / Angela Lilford
Shelley Sadler / Jo Mason / Dom Benkenstein / Catherine Hamid
Jason Peak / Sue McKibbin / Damien Keeping


Nicole Farrelly

Acceptance of previous meeting minutes

Passed by: Dom Benkenstein

Seconded by: Angela Lilford

President’s Report Jason Peak

MRNA news:

1.  MRNA AGM notes:

a.  Treasurer – Julie Mackay has taken on this position

b.  Umpire Co-Ordinator – still to be filled

c.  Umpire Development Co-Ordinator – still to be filled

2.  Regional Netball Complex – see attached photo

We have been asked as a club to provide a letter of support and Jason has already provided this to the MRNA

3.  New website coming soon

MRNA will be using the same website as United. The website will be up and running by the start of the new season or hopefully earlier.

UNITED news:

1.  We look like having at least 3 of the 4 teams in finals with the 13c’s a chance still.

We will encourage the rest of the club to come and watch.

2.  Umpires in training

We had 6 top age girls and 3 bottom age U13 players attend the beginner’s course for umpiring. All the girls have had a least one game and the reports have been that the girls have been very good.

3.  Well done to Sonia again for canteen on our duty day – was so good the MRNA asked her to run the tournament one.

A big thank you from the club. Overall the two canteen days raised over $2,000.

Treasurer’s Report Angela Lilford

Opening Balance - $3744.89


Direct Deposit / Registration / $360
Uniform / $60
Total / $420


Hip Pocket - Uniforms / $132
Total / $600.40

End Balance - $3564.49

Uniform Report Sue McKibbin

Nothing to report as everything has been done for the season. We should start planning uniforms for next year.

Sue to send an email to coaches requesting them to collect the dresses at the end of their season. For U11’s that is this week. For U13 teams it will depend on the finals.

Items arising from previous meetings

1.  What did we learn from duty day

Discussion revolved around everything went really well and improvements were minimal. Out of all the families involved in the club there were only 4 families that chose not to assist. Overall a great response from the parents and Jason and Sonia passed on a big thank you.

2.  U11/13 training went very well – a must with the u9/13 training for future years

Everybody was in agreeance that the training session went really well and that a program involving the U9’s, U11’s, U13’s and U15’s continue through to next year.

General Business

Presentation event

Need to allocate someone to organise.

Need to set times.

Date: 24th August

Time: 1pm

Set Up: Under 9’s will set up Multi – Purpose room

Formalities straight away – 1.30 pm.

Under 9’s and Under 11’s will be medallions. Under 13’s will be medallions and two coaches awards per team. Jo to help Jason with the organisation of the trophies.

Jason to send out brief on what coaches will say.

People to BYO everything.

Sue will do lolly bags for all teams.

Jason to take photos of teams this week where he doesn’t have a good photo.

Julie will organise Certificates

Net Set Go!

Just want to make sure dates are correct and see if we know of anybody whom could do it.

I had initially asked Tracey Brown but as she has coached all year it might be a bit of an ask.

Will catch up with the Under 9 coaches either tomorrow or Sat and see if they know of anybody.

In previous years we have run it 4 weeks before the end of Term 3 and 4 weeks at start of Term 4.

It would mean we start on 28th of August and finish 30th of Oct. Is this too early a start date? Are we better off running it 3 weeks in term 3 and 5 weeks in Term 4?

I’m happy to organise the Net Set Go again this year if you wish.

Julie to organise Net Set Go. It will be run 3 weeks before end of Term 3 and 5 weeks in Term 4. Registrations will be held a week before program starts.

Cole’s trip to Burma

Last year we donated to the Vietnam orphanages. This year the Coles head to some Burmese orphanages.

The club will donate the proceeds of the raffle and the jumping castle made on canteen duty. This is approx $350. The club will also hand around a bucket on Presentation Day for families to donate money.

AGM – Date: Monday 19th August, 7.30pm at Telegraph Hotel

Julie to book Hotel.

Next Meetings AGM – to be determined – Holy Cross Primary School, New Gisborne