Application for a Wellcome Trust

Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISSF)

Fellowship Application 2016

Guidance Notes for Applications

Applicants are requested to return the documentation in support of their application to the ISSF Administrator by email to .

The following documentation is required with the application:

1.This application form

2.A CV for each applicant.

3.Evidence of salary costings and Polyomics quote

4.Letter of support from your Head of Institute/School

  • If you have a TRM contact they can do your salary costings. For all other MVLS staff please email the MVLS Research office
  • If required, Polyomics quotes must be provided from Amy Cattanach via the Polyomics enquiries webpage (
  • Applicant CVs must not exceed 2 pages of A4, and should highlight up to 10 key references from the applicant over the previous five years.
  • All documents should be submitted electronically in a single pdf file.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Only the first version of an application will be considered. Any revisions submitted at a later date will not be considered.

Key Dates

Important dates to consider when completing the application are:

  • The closing date for applications is 5pm Friday 29 January 2016.
  • Project work covered by these applications must start in the period April – June 2016 and not exceed 18 months.


  • At least 3 years since PhD viva on 29th January 2013
  • Internal and external applicants eligible
  • At least 3 years since PhD viva
  • Fellowship applications must contain Polyomics-slanted research
  • Award can be used to cover consumables, equipment, travel, FEC salary costs
  • Applicants will be expected to secure external funding after 18 months


1Fellowship Applicant Details (Please complete all fields)

First Name(s), Surname and Title
Current Position Details
PI / lab
Department in MVLS
Research Institute/ School
Telephone extension
Email address
Date of PhD viva
(must be before29th January 2013)

2Project Details (Please complete all fields)

Project Title
Proposed Start Date
Proposed Duration of Study (max 18 months)
Total Amount Funding Requested (£)

3Project Summary (Please complete all fields)

Please give a summary of your proposed research written in layman’s terms in the box below (max. 150 words), indicating its nature, objectives, outputs and how it relates to previous/current work. Use this section to provide a summary only.

Max 150 w

4Project Description (Please complete all fields)

Please use the boxes below to describe your project using the associated headings. You may include minimal diagrams or figures.

4.1 What is the main scientific objective that is being addressed by the proposed project?

150 words max

4.2 Why is this research important?

150 words max

4.3List the aims of your project, and how you will achieve them.

200 words max

4.4What is the likely impact of the project?

150 words max

4.5What are the risks to successful completion of the proposed project? How are you mitigating these risks?

150 words max

4.6Provide 6 key references relating to the project:

5Justification (Please complete all fields)

Please use the boxes below to justify why your project should be funded.

5.1 How would you benefit from this funding in terms of your career goals?

150 words max

5.2How does your project align with MVLS strategic priority areas of omics research, medical humanities research, and multidisciplinary or translational research?

150 words max

5.3 Please describe the omics component of your project, and explain why it is innovative.

150 words max

5.4Why are you the best person to conduct this research?

100 words max

5.5 Why is the department/Institute/School the best place to conduct this research?

100 words max

5.6How do you expect to obtain external funding after the fellowship?

100 words max

6Project Milestones (Please complete all fields)

Please use the table below to provide description and timescale for the milestones of your study (maximum 100 words per milestone). Include a description of the experiments and their analysis (especially those that require bioinformatics analysis) that will be undertaken, and by whom. Add more rows as necessary.

Milestone / Description / Date of Completion

7Breakdown of Costs (Please complete all fields)

Please use the table below to provide a breakdown of the costs associated with the proposed project.

You must provide evidence of salary costings and Polyomics quote.

Please merge all documents into a single pdf.

Salary costs will be automatically paid at the time period indicated.

Polyomics costs will be held in a Glasgow Polyomics budget centre.

Any other costs will be held in a PI’s budget centre.

Costs / Year 1 Q1 (£) / Year 1 Q2 (£) / Year 1 Q3 (£) / Year 1 Q4 (£) / Year 2 Q1 (£) / Year 2 Q2 (£)
Glasgow Polyomics experimental costs
(Provide evidence of quote)
Other consumables(Please generally itemise, eg. Molecular biology reagents, cell culture reagents, animals)
Equipment (Please itemise)
Polyomics Salary costs
(Available from the MVLS RO or your TRM contact – provide evidence of costs)
Person, Grade & Spine Pt
Basic salary
FEC salary
Other expenses(please itemise)
Total Fellow Salary costs
(Available from the MVLS RO or your TRM contact – provide evidence of costs) / Grade & Pt / 7, point ?
Basic salary
FEC salary
Total for time period excluding salary costs (£)
max £50K
Total for time period includingPolyomics salary costs (£)
Total project costsexcluding salary costs (£)
Total salary costs across project (£)
Total amount requested (£)


2016 ISSF FellowshipApplication