Sample Content Worksheet :: Navigation andContent Ideas


Discovery Notes:


Client Login(s):


Image Theme: Check out DepositPhotos.

Important Items:

Recommended Navigational Structure

This is our standard (recommended) menu structureoutline. Which is what we strongly believe solves the delicate balance of SEO (search engine content) and investor desires(who, what, why, and how) content. See content ideas below.Feel free to change, add or disable ANY of the menu items.

  1. Home Homepage
  2. About
  3. Why Us?(benefits)

Paste in your content here.

  • Meet the Team(bios)

Paste in your bio(s) here.

  • Our Clients(who we work with)

Paste in your content here.

  • Our Process(initial steps for new clients)

Paste in your content here.

  • Our Fees(fee structure)

Paste in your content here.

  • Strategic Alliances[build credibility with custodians, riskalyze, reporting/ wealth portals, partnerships (cpas, attorneys), memberships (cfp board, fpa, napfa, ect)].

Paste in your content or logos here.

  1. Services(very important for SEO! Most people google a service + location.)
  2. Financial Planning?

Paste in your content here.

  • Investment Management?

Paste in your content here.

  • College Funding?

Paste in your content here.

  1. Resources
  2. Newsletters(send PDFs)

Send PDFs

  • FAQ (commonly asked questions and answers)

Paste questions and answers here.

  • Videos(MIAGD to provide samples)

Paste links to videos on YouTube or Vimeo here.

  • News & Web Links(MIAGD to provide. Feel free to adjust.)
  1. Blog (integrated within your site)

Disable able for now? Or send article(s).

  1. Contact(info, map, directions & contact form)

General Content Ideas

Why Choose Us?(under About menu tab)

Pick 3-5 to use as Headers, then paste a paragraph of content below the headers for each.

  • Independent
  • Fee-Only
  • Comprehensive / Complete
  • Experienced
  • Goal-oriented
  • Fiduciary
  • Flexible
  • Boutique
  • Sophisticated Team / Advisor
  • Zero conflicts of interest
  • RIA / IAR
  • CFP
  • Personalized / Customized Investing
  • Active / Passive Strategy
  • Client-First Structure

Process?(under About menu tab)

Pick one term for each step in your process, then paste a paragraph of content below each term.

  1. Discover | Listen | Understand Your Goals
  2. Plan | Analysis | Advise | Design | Present | Create
  3. Invest | Implement | Asset Allocation | Invest | Create | Follow Through
  4. Monitor | Evaluate | Rebalance | Maintenance | Guide

Meet The team / Meet Your Advisor? (under About menu tab)

This outline should help with creating your bio(s):

  • Name
  • Title
  • Responsibilities
  • Academic degree(s)/College(s)
  • Professional designations
  • Any special recognition
  • Number of years in the finance industry
  • What you prior to your firm
  • Any volunteer work/organizations
  • Two activities you enjoy outside of work
  • Hometown and immediate family members

Clients?(under About menu tab)

Pick 3-5 to use as Headers, then paste a paragraph of content below the headers for each.

  • Individuals & Families (High-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth)
  • Retirees (pre & post)
  • Entrepreneurs & Business Owners
  • Institutions
  • Women In Wealth | Widows
  • Multigeneration Families | Family Office
  • Professionals, Doctors, Entertainers, Pro Athletes, Young Professionals, ect.
  • Executives
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Endowments
  • Private Clients | Institutional Advisors
  • Wealth Builders | Wealth Preservers | Legacy Planners

Fees? (under About menu tab)

  • Investment Management % structure
  • Portfolio Consulting | Financial Planning | Hourly Consulting

Strategic Alliances? (under About menu tab)

List your partners. Provide a paragraph for each. I can find and crop logos.

  • Custodian / BD
  • Wealth portal providers
  • 3rd party services | Riskalyze
  • Strategy Groups | DFA, Active Groups
  • Certifications | CFP, AICPA
  • Associations | NAPFA, FPA, Fi360
  • Local Groups
  • Accounting | Attorneys | Insurance/Annuities

Services? (This is very important for SEO! Most people google a service + location.)

  • Financial Planning
  • Investment / Asset Management
  • Wealth Management
  • Charitable Planning
  • Transitional Planning
  • Other services | Estate, college, tax, insurance


  • Disable blog for now.
  • Disable social media icons for now.
  • Homepage: Swap out CFP logo with… ?


Feel free to adjust as needed.

{Image Ideas?}
Capital Group
A Independent Financial Advisory Firm
Welcome to
The Capital Group
Button?  / The Capital Group is an independent, fee-only Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) located in Anytown, USA. Utenim ad minim veniam, quisnostrud exercitation ullamcolaboris nisi utaliquip ex eacommodoconsequat.
We're Different
Text / Wealth Management