Laurie Zoloth, Ph.D.

Northwestern University

Chicago :: Evanston ::


Director, Brady Program in Ethics and Civic Life, 2007-present

Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence, 2009

Professor of Medical Humanities and Bioethics, Feinberg School of Medicine

Professor of Religious Studies, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences

Professor, Program in Jewish Studies, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences

Director, Center for Bioethics, Science and Society, June 2005-September 2011

Northwestern University

Chicago, Illinois

January 2003-present

Affiliated Professor

University of Haifa

May 2005-present


Director of the Jewish Studies Program

Professor of Social Ethics and Jewish Philosophy

College of Humanities

San Francisco State University

September 2000 to January 2003

Director of the Jewish Studies Program

Associate Professor of Social Ethics and Jewish Philosophy

College of Humanities

San Francisco State University

January 1996 to September 2000

Lecturer, Social Ethics

Graduate Theological Union

Spring 1994

Co-founder, The Ethics Practice

Research, Education and Consultation in Clinical Bioethics

June 1993 to January 2003

Visiting Professor, University of Virginia

Spring 2000


Bioethics: Basic Research Ethics; Clinical Ethics; and Justice Theory

Social Ethics and Moral Philosophy

Religious Studies: Jewish Ethics


Tenured and Promoted to Full Professor, September 2000.

Ph.D., Social Ethics, Graduate Theological Union, May 1993.

M.A., Jewish Studies, Graduate Theological Union, The Center for Jewish Studies,

May 1993.

M.A., English, California State University (San Francisco State), 1991.

B.S.N., University of the State of New York, 1982.

B.A., Women’s Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude,


Certificate in Vocational Nursing (LVN), 1971, James Martin Vocational Trade School, Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania, 1971.

Swarthmore College, 1968-1970.


Professor, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine.

Professor, Northwestern University, Weinberg School of Arts and Sciences

Professor, by courtesy Northwestern University, School of Law

Director and Professor, San Francisco State University. Administered the university-wide

program in Jewish Studies, directing 2 full time and eleven part-time faculty, overseeing

all grant projects, managing the graduate program, community development and

community relations. January 2000 to 2003.

Director and Associate Professor, 1996-2000.

Visiting Professor, University of Virginia, Department of Religious Studies, (Judaism) and

Visiting Fellowship at the Center for Bioethics, University of Virginia. Spring 2000.

Visiting Research Professor, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California

Lecturer, Program in Bioethics, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California. Spring

1994. Served on M.A. Committee, Center for Jewish Studies, 1994-1995.


Justice in an Unjust World; Genetics and Meaning; Religion and Bioethics; Topics in Public Health: History, Katrina and the Medical Aftermath Values and Ethics; The Moral of the Story: Biblical Ethics; Good and Evil: Contemporary Jewish Social Ethics; Internship in Community Service; Facing Each Other: Blacks and Jews in the Popular Media; Jews and Judaism in the Modern World; Jewish Bioethics: Text and Tradition; Last Chance for Philosophy, In Case: Law and Bioethics, Reading Levinas, Research Ethics, The Good Neighbor, The Good Act (latter two are courses in the Brady Program in Ethics and Civic Life.)


Co-Founder, The Ethics Practice, Berkeley, California. In this capacity, co-directed the

education, consultation, and research projects as noted below:

Ethicist, Washington Hospital Healthcare System, Alameda County, California. With

partner, Sue Rubin, provided ongoing Bioethics education and consultation services to the Bioethics committee and the medical center, including a comprehensive ethics

curriculum, Bioethics rounds, case consultation, and policy review and analysis. 1991-

1993, January 1995-2003.

Ethicist, Mt. Diablo Hospital, Concord, California, and John Muir Medical Center, Walnut

Creek, California. With partner, Sue Rubin, provided ongoing Bioethics education

and Consultation services to the Bioethics committee and medical center. 1996-1997.

Ethicist, Northern California Presbyterian Homes, San Francisco, California. With partner,

Sue Rubin, provided ongoing Bioethics education and consultation services to the

organization’s ethics committee serving the residents, staff, Board of Directors, and

community in NCPH’s life-care, residential, assisted living, and continuing care

facilities, and in its community-based programs for seniors. 1996-1997.

Ethicist, The Children’s Hospital, Oakland, California. Primary Ethicist for both the Medical Ethics Committee and the Nursing Ethics Forum. Organized training and on-going

education to the committees, the staff, and the Pediatric Residency Program in

Bioethics. Facilitated case consultation and served as consultant to the Medical

Center, 1988-1997.

Consulting Ethicist, National Kaiser Permanente Health Maintenance Organization.

Trained and continued to educate the Institutional and Regional Ethics Committees,

developed policy and procedures and served as consulting clinical ethicist in the

Northern California Region (15 medical centers), the Southern Region (10 medical

centers), the Denver Region, the Hawaii Region, the Ohio Region, the Pacific

Northwest Region, and the Kansas/Missouri Region 1987-1996 (continuing with

selected clients 1996-2001).

Consulting Ethicist, California State Hospice Association. Board retreats and consultation,


Consulting Ethicist, Valley Memorial Hospital, Livermore, California. Trained and staffed

Committee, 1989-1993

Staff Ethicist, Bioethics Consultation Group, Berkeley, California. Consulting Ethicist to all

clients and projects of the Group, faculty at all BCG Intensive Seminars and

National Ethics Seminars jointly sponsored with the Kaiser Permanente Program.

Developed methodology, teaching, case reviews, teaching tools, research resources,

and programs in ethics committee development for the Group. Developed special

programs in: justice theory, cultural diversity, basic legal and ethical training, feminist

ethics, hospice, neonatology, and with colleague Susan Rubin, issues in futility and

care, nursing, and community building, 1987-1993.

Consulting Ethicist, Mt. Zion Hospital, San Francisco, California. Worked as Ethics

Consultant to the Nursing Administration and as facilitator in the merger program

with the University of California, San Francisco Hospital, 1989-1990.

Consulting Ethicist, The UNOS (United Network for Organ Sharing), Northern California.

Organized and taught Northern California Program Directors in “Ethics and

Methodology” and lectured in “Ethics in Transplantation,” as series of workshops

throughout the northern state for hospital personnel and the lay community

“Current Trends in Transplantation” developed by the UNOS. 1989.


RN License, State of California, Current.

Staff Nurse (RN), Infant Intensive Care Unit, Kaiser Hospital, Oakland, California, 1982-1989.

Coordinator, Parent Prenatal Education Program, Alta Bates Hospital, Berkeley, California,


Staff Nurse (LVN), Neonatal Unit, Alta Bates Hospital, Berkeley, California, 1975-1981.

Staff Nurse, Women’s Health Collective (Berkeley Free Clinic), Berkeley California, 1972-1974.

Staff Nurse (LPN), Neonatal Unit, Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1971-1972.


National Advisory Board, National Emerging Diseases Monitoring Project, 2008-present.

NASA National Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC) and Flight IACUC,

1999 to present.

National Institutes of Health (NIH), Division of AIDS Asia Trial Group Data Safety

Monitoring Board, member 2006-present.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Advisory Council, 2000 to


NASA Planetary Protection National Advisory Board, 2002-2009

National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Human Genome Research Institute, Ethical, Legal, and Societal Implications of the Human Microbiome Roadmap Planning Group, 2007-2009

California Stem Cell Research Advisory Panel of the State Legislature, appointed 2003-2004

NASA Research Maximization and Prioritization Task Force (ReMAP), National Commission,

2002 .

National Institutes of Health (NIH), Division of AIDS Adult Clinical Trials Group Data Safety

Monitoring Board, member 2000 to 2003.

National Institutes of Health, National Human Genome Research Institute, Ethical, Social,

and Legal Implications of the Human Genome (ELSI) Policy Planning Group

(EPPG), The Future of Human Genomics, 2002.

NIH ELSI Section Chair, Ethical Boundaries of Genetic Research, 2002.

NASA Extravehicular Activity, (EVA) Data Safety and Monitoring Board, 2000.


Testimony on Stem Cell Research at Illinois State Legislature—House of Representatives, February 22,


Testimony on Stem Cell Research at Chicago City Council, Chicago, IL, July 25, 2005

Testimony on Stem Cell Research at the Texas State Legislature, Austin, TX, January 26, 2005.

Testimony on the “Ethics of Stem Cell Research” at the NAS Guidelines for Human

Embryonic Stem Cell Research Workshop, National Academies, Washington, DC,

October 13, 2004.

Expert Testimony on Stem Cell Research before the United States Senate Subcommittee on

Science, Technology, and Space, Washington, DC, September 29, 2004.

Testimony to the NIH National Planning Commission on Ethical, Social and Legal

Implications to the Human Genome Project Planning and Assessment Process,

Section on Ethical Barriers “Ethical and Policy Implications in Stem Cell Research,”

Washington, DC, July 2002.

Testimony and Response, California State Commission on Cloning Final Report (Religious

Response Panel) 2001

The National Bioethics Advisory Committee Hearings: Religious Perspectives on

Human Stem Cell Research, May 1999.

Consultant to the National Institutes of Health, Septic Shock Protocols, February 1999.

Consultant to the NASA Committee on National Standards for the Treatment of Animals as

Research Subjects resulting in the Sundowner Report on The Use of Animals as

Research Subjects, October 1996.



American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, President for 2001.

International Society for Stem Cell Research, National Board, 2003-2009

Northwestern University General Faculty Council, President- 2008-2009.

ISSCR Ethics Committee, Co-Chair, 2003 to 2006

Justice Committee Chair, International ISSCR Guidelines Task Force, 2007-2009.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Bioethics Advisory Board, Chair, 2000 to 2009.

Society for Jewish Ethics, Vice President, 2001 and 2002.

Fellow of the Hastings Center, elected, 2000

American Academy of Religion, Co-Chair, Women and Religions Section, 2000 to


American Academy of Religion, Co-Chair, Childhood Studies and Religion Group.

Canadian National Stem Cell Network, Director of Ethics Committee, Canada, 2007


Society for Jewish Ethics, National Board, 2011

Johns Hopkins University, Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics. . 2010-Present

Canadian Stem Cell Foundation, National Board Member, and Chair Ethics Committee, 2008- present

University of California at Los Angeles, School of Public Health, Infectious Disease Laboratory, Scientific Advisory Board, 2006-Present

Columbia University, Center for the Study of Science and Religion, Board Member, 1999- present

Cambridge Interfaith Programme, Cambridge University Academic Consultation, 2006

Society for Neuroethics, National Board, 2006-present

Scriptural Reasoning Theory Group, 2002-present

University of California at San Francisco, Medical School, Center for Regenerative Medicine

National Board, 2004-present

Children’s Hospital (Harvard Medical School) Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee, 2005 to present.

Academic Board for the Metanexus Institute, 2005-2011.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Bioethics Advisory Board, 2000 to 2009.

Society for Women’s Health Research, National Board of Directors, 2004 to 2010 (Executive Committee, SWHR, in 2007)

International Society for Stem Cell Research, Founding Board member, 2001 to 2009

International Society for Stem Cell Research, International Standards Task Form, 2005-2010.

International Society for Stem Cell Research, Ethics Committee, 2003-present

Hadassah International Health Advisory Council, 2005 to present

American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH), Founding Board Member, 1998-2002.

Levinas Ethical Legacy Foundation, Board, 2006 to present

Women’s Bioethics Project, Academic Advisory Board, 2006-2010.

Society for Jewish Ethics, Founding Board Member, 2000 to present.

Religious Consultation on Ethics, Reproduction, and Women’s Health, 2000-2007.

American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) Clinical Ethics Task Force, 2003-


American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) Conflict of Interest and Health Care

Policy Task Force, 2003.

American Academy of Religion Steering Committee, Consultation on Religion and Childhood,

2003 to present.

American Academy of Religion, Women and Religions Steering Committee, 2000 to


Genetics Policy Institute, Legal and Policy Advisory Board, 2004.

Scriptural Reasoning, International Advisory Founding Board Member, 2003 to 2007. The Louis Finkelstein Institute for Religious and Social Studies at the Jewish Theological

Seminary of America, National Advisory Board, 1998 to 2002.

Child Neurological Society, Academic Board, 2004-present

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Promoting Excellence at the End of Life,

National Advisory Board 1997 to 2004.

Textual Reasonings: Post-Modern Jewish Philosophy, National Board, 1997 to


California State University Jewish Studies, State Steering Committee, 1996–2003.

Academic Consortium of the Jewish Studies Program of Northern California, Executive

Board Steering Committee 1996-2003.

American Academy of Religion, Ethics Section, Steering Committee, 1997-2002.

The Park Ridge Center for Health, Faith and Ethics, The Project on Jewish Ethics, National

Advisory Board, 1999 – 2001.

Geron Corporation, Ethics Advisory Board, 1998 to 2003.

Western Jewish Studies Association, National Board, 1998-2001.

American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, National Program Committee, 1998, 1999.

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Program of Dialogue between Science

and Religion (DoSER), National Board, 1998-2004.

American Association of Bioethics, National Nominating Committee, 1995-1996.


Editorial Board: Stem Cells. 2004 to 2010.

Editorial Board: A Journal of Bioethics. 2000 to present.

Editorial Board: The Journal of Clinical Ethics. 1994 to present.

Editorial Board: Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics. 2003 to present.

Contributing Editor, National Board: The Park Ridge Center: A Journal of Health, Faith and

Ethics. 1999.

Editorial Advisory Board: Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy, for the project

“Limited Access to Medical Treatment in an Age of Medical Progress: Developing

a Christian Consensus.” 1998.

Editorial Board: Shofar: The Journal of the Western/Midwestern Jewish Studies Association.



Cell: Stem Cell

Faculty of 1000

The National Academies’ Guidelines For Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Critical Care Medicine

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

Journal of Clinical Ethics

Annuals of Internal Medicine

Georgetown University Press

The Hastings Center Report

Johns Hopkins University Press

MIT Press

Routledge Press

Oxford University Press



Academic Advisory, President Peres’s Conference on the Future, Israel, 2008, and 2011

City of Evanston Environment Board Commission, 2011

Illinois Humanities Council, Advisory Board on Genetics and Science, 2006-2008

Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago, Faculty Advisory Committee, Jewish Genetics, 2006- Present