Guidance to Assessment and Moderation Annotation

This proforma assesses one piece of work or evidence, not the whole child. It may not include all aspectsfrom a P level. For most tasks the P Scale matrices support day-to day assessment and tracking. At times of periodic assessment however, it is good practice to focus on selected activities in order to gained more detailed assessment information. In these instances, this P annotation form should be used with a single piece of evidence. The annotation with each piece of work should cover the following.For moderation within school, this form should be used to moderateselected key judgments of levels.


  • Where was the evidence collected?
  • What was the activity involved?
  • What was the level of staff support?

-Individual 1:1

-Small group e.g. 1:4

-Whole class


-Free time

Type of evidence

The moderation can apply to any of the types of activities listed in the P Scales Guideline and tracked though the P scale matrices. Indicate the pieces of assessment being moderated.

  • Observation
  • Written work
  • Art,artefact
  • AVA- photo, video, audio record
  • Witness statement

Performance criteria

Add the Performance criteria that is judged by the teacher to be likely to apply In addition add the one just above and below; if the child is thought likely to be at P7, for example, add Performance criteria for P 6, 7 and 8. Highlight those for which there is evidence.The school should agree success criteria i.e. how many tine does a pupil have to do something to be assessed as having achieved it?

Support given

List any support provided during the task

  • Prompt- was the pupil given a physical,gestural or verbal prompt or any other sort of prompt?
  • ICT e.g. di the pupil use a Switch, Roamer
  • Augmentative communication – did the adult or pupil support the activity using PECS, signing or other forms of augmentative communication
  • Modelling by adult –did an adult model any of the required responses

Enter the level provided by the teacher for the evidence. If the form is being used for moderation, enter the levelgiven by the moderator. Enter the reason for the moderator agreeing or disagreeing with the teacher’s levels.

Evidence for moderation
Date of task / Subject area
Year Group:
Context activity
Type of Evidence
Written work
AVA- photo, video, audio record
Level statements
Details of support given
Prompt / Physical/gestural/verbal/visual/other (specify)
Augmentative communication
Modelling by adult
Level given by teacher:
Date: Name:
Moderated level:
Date: Name:
Reasons for moderation accepting or altering level;
Date: Name:
Evidence for moderationGuidance
Date of task / Subject area
Year Group:
Context activity
Where was the evidence collected?What was the activity involved?What was the level of staff support (Individual 1:1; Small group e.g. 1:4; Whole class; Independent; Free time)?
Type of Evidence
Observation / By whom?
Written work / Describe copying name, writing news
Art,artefact / Describe
AVA- photo, video, audio record / Describe
Level statements
Add the Performance criteria that is judged by the teacher to be likely to apply. In addition add the one just above and below; if the child is thought likely to be at P7, for example, add Performance criteria for P 6, 7 and 8. Highlight those for which there is evidence.
e.g. Listening/receptive communication
P6 Pupils respond to others in group situations, e.g. taking turns appropriately in a game such as Pass the parcel.They follow requests and instructions with three key words, signs or symbols, e.g. ‘Give me the little red book’.
P7 Pupils listen, attend to and follow stories for short stretches of time. They follow requests and instructions with four key words, signs or symbols, e.g. ‘Get the
big book about dinosaurs from the library’. They attend and respond to questions from adults and their peers about experiences, events and stories, e.g. ‘Wherehas the boy gone?’
P8 Pupils take part in role play with confidence. Pupils listen attentively. They respond appropriately to questions about why or how, e.g. ‘Why does a bird make
a nest?’, ‘How do we copy this picture?
Details of support given
Prompt / Physical/gestural/verbal/visual/other (specify)
ICT / Switch, Roamer
Augmentative communication / Symbols, PECS, signs, Braille
Modelling by adult / Did the adult demonstrate the task?
Other / Scaffold (e.g writing frame), wordbank, equipment (e.g counters)
Level given by teacher:
Date: Name:
Moderated level:
Date: Name:
Reasons for moderation accepting or altering level;
Date: Name: