Milapfest Ensembles Information for Applicants


Milapfest offers Ensemble members a year-round programme of training, development and performance opportunities that help you develop musical, personal and life skills. Apart from the opportunity to learn from great musicians, we offer you the chance to perform a unique form of new Indian Classical Music.

Our team of UK-based and international musical specialists, composers, conductors and performers, along with the Milapfest team, design a well-rounded programme broken in to three main strands:

  1. MUSICAL TRAINING: Through an intensive training programme, we work with our young musicians to develop their technical, performance and ensemble playing skills. Our programme is delivered by world-renowned artists, from Hindustani & Carnatic backgrounds, as well as from other genres too.
  2. DEVELOPMENT: Our programme of Orchestra and Choir Leadership not only provides our members the opportunity to develop their leadership skills, it also creates a supportive and nurturing environment for all members. As well as an Orchestra Leader, Choir Leader and Deputy Orchestra Leader, we also have a team of section leaders, who members can go to with any questions. Being an Orchestra or Choir Leader will give you a number a valuable and transferable leadership skills to carry forward in to future studies and the workplace.
  3. PERFORMANCES: It is vital that all our young musicians have the opportunity to perform and showcase the skills that they have learned. Our programme now offers all musicians the opportunity to perform in either a formal or informal performance. Our Annual Showcase Performances give members the opportunity to perform in venues such as the Southbank Centre, Sage, Gateshead, Bridgewater Hall, Manchester and Capstone Theatre, Liverpool with world-renowned artists. Our informal sharing performances give members the opportunity to polish their performance skills and share their passion for music in a safe environment in front of their peers, family, friends and conductors. Both forms of performance are vital to the development of our young musicians.

The Ensembles

The Milapfest family of ensembles has grown in recent years to be able to provide a comprehensive and targeted level of training for all of our young musicians, all at different stages of their musical journey.

  • Samyo, The National Youth Orchestra for Indian Music, for instrumentalists aged 12-18
  • Samyo Too, for instrumentalists aged 18 - 25
  • Sabrang, the National Choir for Indian Music – for vocalists aged 14-25

Each ensemble has its own Training Schedule and a lead mentor/conductor who, along with the Milapfest Team, will ensure all members are engaging and developing to reach their full potential. Each of our young musician’s has an individual journey, developing at different times so ensemble membership is discussed between members and their parents, conductors and the Milapfest Team.


Membership of the Ensembles provides our young musicians a broad array of unique opportunities to:

  • develop their musical skills in an ensemble while learning and performing brand-new compositions, commissioned by Milapfest from world-renowned musicians
  • engage in a broad range of training and activities including ensemble skills, sectional ‘bootcamp’ sessions, individual training and informal and formal performances
  • work with musicians trained to the highest level in Carnatic and Hindustani music, as well as other genres of music
  • develop their leadership skills through our Orchestra and Choir Leadership programme
  • Collaborate with musicians or orchestras from another genre, to give you the opportunity to learn performance and composition skills from outside Indian Classical Music.
  • share their passion for music with other young people, developing life-long friendships

In addition to our exciting music and leadership programmes, we commit to providing members with support and additional opportunities to develop and recognise their musical achievements.


Each year, Ensemble members are eligible for one of 4 awards, worth £50 each. Awards are given to recognise both the musical talent and the dedication and commitment of our members and are presented at the Music India Summer School.

Ensemble members are also eligible to apply for SAMYO FELLOWSHIP AWARDS, for international travel or intensive one-to-one tuition. We also offer the MILAPFEST–AYM (Awards for Young Musicians) Awards to Ensemble members, for help with tuition, instrument and training costs.

Concert Attendance

All Milapfest concerts and performances are free for members of our ensembles. Members are strongly encouraged to attend as many concerts as possible to enhance their training. Please find event listings at and email James if you would like to attend (one ticket per member only).

Professional Development

As a member of Samyo or Sabrang, we start you on a journey of professional music making by experiencing a varied programme of training and performance. Our young musicians are encouraged to continue this development by accessing all of Milapfest’s resources and programmes in Indian Classical Arts or by applying to be a member of Tarang, the National Ensemble for Indian Classical Music, when opportunity arises.


Milapfest is committed to safeguarding children and young people and promoting the welfare and expects all staff, trustees, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.

All Milapfest staff and trustees who work directly with children are subject to a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Check. This is to help ensure that unsuitable people are prevented from working with children. Any person without a DBS Check, e.g. non-UK residents who are unable to obtain such checks, will be supervised at all times by a member of Milapfest staff or a volunteer who has been subject to a DBS Check.

In case of emergency, Milapfest may need to act in loco parentis for our young musicians. This includes, if need arises, the administering of emergency first aid and / or medical treatment, and also if staff trustees or volunteers are required to transport young people in cars. Please sign on the back page of this document to confirm your agreement for Milapfest to act in loco parentis if required.

If you would like to request a copy of Milapfest’s full Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, please email

Key Dates

Application Deadline – 26th January 2018

Audition Dates:

  • 24th February - Liverpool
  • 25th February – London
  • 24th March – Liverpool
  • 25th March – London

Bursary Application Deadline – 31st March

Places offered/confirmed – 13th April

Registration Deadline – 25th May

Programme Dates 2018/19

  • Music India Summer School – 27th July – 5th August
  • Autumn Training and Rehearsals – 20th & 21st October
  • Winter Training and Rehearsals – 16th & 17th February
  • Concert Rehearsals – 16th & 17th March
  • Showcase Concert at Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank Centre – 23rd March


For all of the above benefits, including tuition, accommodation and meals at the Music India Summer School, members are asked to Membership Fees (as listed below). The actual cost of being a member of the Ensembles is just over £1500 per person, not including the administration and management of the ensembles. Thanks to public funding and donations, we pass on the subsidies to you. The different level of fees for each ensemble reflects the frequency of their training programme.

Ensemble Membership Fee 2018/19 (includes VAT) - £500

Payment of fees can be either in full or in instalments, details of how will be shared at a later stage.

Membership Bursaries

Milapfest believes that talented young musicians from all backgrounds should have access to the opportunity of being in one of our ensembles, and membership fees should not be a barrier.As such, we offer financial support to families who are unable to pay for the costs of membership.

There are three levels of financial bursaries available to members of the Ensembles:

  • Bursary Level 1: £400 discount / £100 Payable
  • Bursary Level 2: £300 discount / £200 Payable
  • Bursary Level 3: £200 discount / £300 payable

You can apply for a bursary via the ‘Bursary Application Form’ via the link on the website.