(Please note: all scholarship applications are due in the CounselingCenterfor processing 5 schooldays prior to the actual scholarship deadline date)

Fill out a detailed information signup sheet at and all scholarships that meet your criteria will be sent directly to an e-mail account that you choose.

10/21/2011 Erase Racism Student Leadership Forum 9th – 12th GRADE STUDENTS

Erase Racism is a non-profit organization that seeks to motivate high school students across Long Island to make a difference in their communities and schools by increasing their understanding of institutional and structural racism. A student leadership forum will take place on Saturday November 5, 2011 at NassauBOCESAdministrativeCenter in Garden City. To register:

Visit the website at

7 students per school may register for this forum

Complete the registration form and permission slip and have a parent/guardian sign it

There are no fees associated with this forum and lunch will be provided

Students will need their own transportation

For additional information contact Olivia Ildefonso at or (516) 921-4863

10/21/2011 LeadAmerica Conference 9th – 11th GRADE STUDENTS

Nominations are being accepted for outstanding students to attend the LeadAmerica Conference designed to prepare middle and high school students for their transition to college. To be nominated:

See your guidance counselor

Visit with ID Number EDU2099659

There is a cost associated with this program

10/21/2011 National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine 9TH – 12TH GRADE STUDENTS

Counselor Nominated

This program will take place in the summer of 2011 where the student will select an intensive 10-day program in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Raleigh-Durham, San Francisco or Washington, D.C. Nominees who require financial assistance may access the Fundraising Guide. To apply:

Submit nominations online at using Nominator ID: 505836-3001996641.

Nominate students in 9th – 12th grades

There is a cost associated with this program

10/30/2011 Horatio Alger Scholarship

This scholarship assists students who have demonstrated integrity, perseverance in overcoming adversity, strength of character, financial need, a good academic record, commitment to pursue a college education and a desire to contribute to society. 25 $5,000 scholarships. To be eligible the applicant must be:

Enrolled full time as a HS senior, progressing toward graduation in the spring/summer of 2012 with plans to enter a college in the U.S. no later than the fall following graduation

Intend to pursue a bachelor’s degree at an accredited institution (students may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution)

Critical financial need, preferably $50,000 or lower adjusted gross income per family

Involvement in co-curricular and community service activities

Minimum grade point average of 2.0

US citizenship

Submit online application at by October 30, 2011including one letter of support from an adult who understands your adversity and can describe the unique circumstances in your life; a copy of their high school transcript, copy of parent/guardian’s federal tax return and complete the certifications page.

10/31/2011 Coca-Cola Scholarship Foundation

This award is 50 four-year $20,000 scholarships and 200 four-year $10,000 scholarships for use at accredited colleges and universities in the U.S. It rewards leadership and excellence as exemplified through academic achievement and extracurricular activities, including commitment to community service. Applicants must:

Students apply online at

Must be a high school senior with a GPA of 3.0 or better

Be a well rounded leader of tomorrow

Plan to pursue a degree at an accredited US. Postsecondary institution

10/31/2011 Student Paths Education Award

Student winners will be chosen once per month based on Pathsport Activity and will be awarded $1,000. School winners will be chosen once per month on having 20 students active in the Pathsport. The school will be awarded $200. Pathsport provides information on colleges and post secondary schools. You must first log on to their website to be considered for the Education Award. This is a monthly award through Pathsport. To apply:

Visit the website and complete the application page

Students must be in grades 9-12

Remain a member of the website – appropriate information will be sent to you via e-mail depending on the application form you complete.

A minimum of 20 students must be active on the website in order for one to be chosen

10/31/2011People to People Leadership Summit9TH – 11TH GRADE STUDENTS

Counselor Nominated

This is a summer 2010 summit where students will visit ColumbiaUniversityGeorgeWashingtonUniversity, Johns Hopkins, UCLA and Stamford for 1 week and reside in their dorms. They will advance their studies in law, medicine the arts and business. To apply:

Go online to user name: lkesten and PIN Qsegyk.

Nominate students in 9-11 grade only

Nominated students will receive more information about applying for the summit.

After acceptance, students will receive an application for one or more of the 20 scholarships, as well as a press release to help acknowledge this honor within the community.

10/31/2011 ScholarshipExperts Education Matters Scholarship 2011 9th – 12th GRADE STUDENTS

This scholarship is open to students 13 years or older. One award will be offered in the amount of $3,000. To apply:

Visit the website at

Complete the application including name, contact information, background details, academic details.

In 250 words maximum respond to “What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn’t matter, or that college is a waste of time and money?”

The scholarship will be in the form of a check payable to the accredited postsecondary institution.

11/1/2011 NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development Future Educators


Counselor Nominated

Seniors with excellent academic achievement and demonstrated dedication to serving others particularly students who want to work with young people as teachers

Merit and need-based scholarships from $1,000-$15,000 annually to students admitted to the teaching profession.

11/1/2011 NYU Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholars Program

This program has awarded over 400 need-based and merit scholarships to incoming freshmen at NYU.

Seniors with outstanding academic achievement l, leadership, and commitment to the principles of community, humanitarianism and social progress are considered.

11/1/2011 The Eugene McDermott Scholars Program at the University of Texas at Dallas

The McDermott Scholars Program selects 16 to 20 scholars from the nation’s seniors on the basis of their academic and extracurricular achievements. The program blends classroom and independent study, leadership, service, cultural, travel and pre-professional experiences. The award is valued at well over $138,000 and provides UTD tuition and fees, book allowances, living stipends, state-wide, regional and national travel and cultural experiences. To apply:

Fill out the Admission Application for UT Dallas

Visit the website at

11/1/2011BostonCollege Presidential Scholars

The Presidential Scholars Program is for students of outstanding talent and character who strive to become leaders with integrity and vision. 15 full-tuition scholarships renewable for 4 years based upon demonstrated academic merit. Guaranteed to meet full need for 4 years. Honors Program that provides an integrated liberal arts education in small seminar style classes. Fully-funded summer internships, travel and service programs. To apply:

Visit the website at

Apply before November 1, 2011

11/01/2011 National Association of Secondary School Principals 9th – 12th GRADE STUDENTS

The Spirit of Community Award

Counselor Nominated

11/8/2011 Counselor Certification Due

This unique program provides an ideal opportunity for students to celebrate the spirit of youth volunteerism and to distinguish themselves through volunteer work. One Local Honoree and up to two-runners-up for every 1,000 students will be selected.

Students must see their counselor to be nominated first

Students must go online to or www. principals.org/prudential (access key: spirit) and fill out the application form

11/01/2011 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S.

Voice of Democracy Scholarship

10/25/11 due Counseling Center

The scholarship is open to all students in grades 9-12. The theme is “Is There Pride in Serving in Our Military”. This is an audio-essay contest which provides $3 million in scholarships.

Students submit their entry to the local post ( Nathan Hale Post 1469) in Huntington Station

Contact at Local Post – Rich Gierbolilni (631) 513-3115 or Coz D’Allesio (516) 241-0558

The local winner is selected and then eligible to compete in the district, state and national level

The national winner is awarded a grand prize of $30,000 which is paid to the university or college.

For further information about the program come to the CareerCenter on the 2nd floor.

11/1/2011 The Ron Brown Scholar Program (includes other college applications)

This program seeks to identify African-American HS seniors who will make significant contributions to society. 10 students will receive this $40,000 award paid out as $10,000 a year for 4 years. Applicants must:

Excel academically

Exhibit exceptional leadership potential

Participate in community service activities

Demonstrate financial need

Must be a U.S. citizen

Come to the CareerCounselingCenter on the 2nd floor for an application and additional information.

11/1/2011JeffersonScholarsFoundationUniversity of Virginia

Counselor Nominated

One senior who exemplifies excellence in leadership, scholarship and citizenship.

No specific academic criteria—looking for an extraordinary student. Past Jefferson Scholars were in the top 10% of their high school class, many had perfect scores on their SAT math, verbal or writing section, 2246 average combined SAT score.

Complete the nomination form online at

Official transcripts, school profiles and one additional recommendation can be uploaded on the website by the submission deadline

11/3/2011 Department of State 10TH – 12th GRADE STUDENTS

Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) is offering more than 600 full scholarships to US high school students to study abroad and learn Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, Korean, Russian and Turkish. Programs immerse participants in the cultural and political life of their host country and students will have the opportunity to possibly live with a host family, attend intensive language classes or enroll in a local high school while there. To Apply:

You must be between 15 – 18 years of age

A U.S. citizen

Be enrolled in high school at the time of the application

Have at least a 2.5 GPA

Visit the website at

11/5/2011 Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)

Freedom in Academia Essay Contest

This essay contest is open to all high school seniors. FIRE defends civil liberties on behalf of thousands of students on college campuses. Write an essay about how American universities betray the purpose of a university and violate the constitutional guarantees of free expression. $12,500 will be awarded in college scholarships. 1st place - $5,000, 2nd place - $2,500, 3rd – 7th place - $1,000. Winners will be announced by December 16, 2011. To apply:

Enter online at

Visit to see past winners essays and for complete details

Essays must be 800-1,000 words in length

11/7/2011 American University – Washington Summer Scholar’s Program

Counselor Nominated

A limited number of HS students from across the US will be selected to attend the Summer Scholars program – an exciting three-week college accredited program held at AU’s WashingtonDC campus. Students will build their academic resume while developing study skills in preparation for college. They will learn leadership skills and engage in challenging and thought-provoking discussions with other student leaders and prominent professionals in the field.

Students will earn 3 college credits from AU while still in High School.

11/6/2011 CW Post Scholarship Portfolio Review Day

CW Post’s faculty of professional artists will review your portfolio. Students with outstanding portfolios will be eligible for a $20,000 scholarship – up to $5,000 a year for four years. To apply:

Applicants may bring their portfolio in personally on 11/6from 9-2pm to the SculptureBuilding

Students who are unable to come in person may mail their portfolio with prior permission from the CW PostArtDepartment

Students who are selected to continue in the competition will participate in a second interview.

Call C.W. Post’s ArtDepartment to register at 516-299-2464

For complete details visit

11/11/2011 National Youth Leadership Forum on F & CSI

Counselor Nominated

Applicants who require financial assistance may request a copy of the Forum’s student fundraising guide.

The Youth Leadership organization has established a scholarship fund to assist nominees who wish to participate.

These scholarships are based on financial need, scholastic merit, leadership achievements and other factors. The application and guide can be found at using nominator ID 330589-2003216952.

There is a cost associated with this scholarship.

11/15/2011 Five Towns College – Long IslandHigh School Principal’s Scholarship in Childhood


Counselor Nominated

Five TownsCollege will be presenting this scholarship to a senior who wants to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Childhood Education at FiveTownsCollege. To apply:

Student should have a minimum GPA of 80

Minimum SAT score of 1300

Come to the CareerCenter for an application

Contact Jerry Cohen Dean of Enrollment at 631-656-2121 with questions

11/14/2011 First Freedom Student Competition 9TH – 12 GRADE STUDENTS

Essay Competition

This national essay contest offers 9-12 grade students an opportunity to compete for an essay award of $2,500 and a video award of $2,500. Winners will be announced on April 13, 2012. Examine the First Amendment and the history and relevance of religious freedom in America and the world today.

To apply for this competition go to and click on the red button under Council News.

This years’ topic is “Is the free exercise of religion adequately protected in America’s public schools today?”

11/15/11Emory Scholars Program

Counselor Nominated

Up to four seniors may be nominated for Emory Scholars and 1 for Goizueta Scholars

The 150 scholarships available will cover 2/3 to full tuition and are renewable for up to four years.

Send nomination materials together with application unless application is completed online.

Download the application at

All applications must be submitted online

11/15/11 UMBC Scholars

Counselor Nominated

Several scholarship opportunities are offered from UMBC – Center for Women and Information Technology, Humanities Scholars Program, Linehan Artist Scholars Program, Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program, Sherman Teacher Education Scholars Program, Meyerhoff Scholars Program. To apply:

Students should possess a strong desire and commitment to the community of scholars

Submit the application

Students will be contacted directly by the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships once their information is reviewed

Submit the application online at .

11/18/2011 The SuffolkAcademy of Medicine - Doctors of Tomorrow

Counselor Nominated

This introductory symposium is a prerequisite for the scholarship competition and will be held at CharlesB.WangCenter at StonyBrookUniversity from 1:00pm to 3:30pm on Wednesday November 10

 For SuffolkCounty high school seniors who are interested in entering the field of medicine. Attending the Symposium on 11/30 from 1:00-3:00pm is mandatory. Essay contest mandatory.

$1000 scholarship plus "day with a doctor."

For an application please come to the CareerCounselingCenter on the 2nd floor or see your guidance counselor.

11/18/2011 Passion for Fashion Competition

The Passion for Fashion Competition awards scholarships to potential students enrolling in the Fashion Design or Fashion Marketing & Merchandising and Retail management programs. A winner in each category (Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing and Merchandising and Retail Management) will earn the exciting opportunity to attend a show during New York Fashion Week, go n a $500 shopping spree, tour the Seventeen magazine offices and lunch with a Seventeen Style Pro.

 For more information go to the artinstitutes.edu/passionforfashion website.

11/30/2011 ScholarshipExperts I Was Born in 1996 Scholarship – Sophomores Only

This scholarship is open to any student born in 1996. One award will be offered in the amount of $1,996.

Visit the website at

Complete the application including name, contact information, background details, academic details.

In 250 words maximum respond to “You were born in 1996. Tell us what will be going on in your life in 2026.

The scholarship will be in the form of a check payable to the accredited postsecondary institution.

11/30/2011 Cablevision’s Power to Learn Hispanic Heritage Month Essay Contest

Cablevision celebrates the 4th Annual Hispanic Heritage Month Essay Contest. The terms “Latino” and “Hispanic” are used to describe groups of people who are ethnically, racially, and culturally diverse. Complete the essay below and possibly win the Grand Prize: $5,000 savings bond or First Prize: iPad, Second Prize: Laptop, Third Prize: Netbook. To apply for the essay contest:

In 500 words or less describe how you identify culturally with other Latinos and what makes you difference or unique? What do the terms “Hispanic” and “Latino” mean to you?

Apply online at

All Hispanic/Latino High School students may apply

11/30/2011 Student Paths Education Award 9TH – 12TH GRADE STUDENTS

Student winners will be chosen once per month based on Pathsport Activity and will be awarded $1,000. School winners will be chosen once per month on having 20 students active in the Pathsport. The school will be awarded $200. Pathsport provides information on colleges and post secondary schools. You must first log on to their website to be considered for the Education Award. This is a monthly award through Pathsport. To apply:

Visit the website and complete the application page

Students must be in grades 9-12

Remain a member of the website – appropriate information will be sent to you via e-mail depending on the application form you complete.

A minimum of 20 students must be active on the website in order for one to be chosen

12/2/2011Huntington Elks Lodge #1565 – The Most Valuable Student Scholarship

11/28/2011 due Counseling Center

500 scholarships are available – 2 for $60,000, 2 for $40,000, 2 for $20,000, 2 for $16,000, 2 for $12,000, 4 for $10,000, 4 for $8,000 and 482 for $4,000 to high school seniors across the country. These scholarships will be awarded for scholarship, leadership and financial need. To apply:

Come to the CareerCenter for an application

Visit the website at

Read and follow the directions very carefully

12/1/2011 Cincinnatus Scholarship Program

The University of Cincinnati continues to recognize and reward students through the Cincinnatus Scholarship Program. Top scholars have the opportunity to receive scholarships ranging from $2000 up to full tuition, fees, room and board and book allowance. To apply:

Complete the application for admission before December 1, 2010

Apply online at

12/1/2011 The John Fantauzzi ’58 Scholarship SUNY Cortland