February 23 – March 1, 2015




  1. Bring casual clothing for seven days. Dress for cold temperatures and bring a jacket, hat, and gloves. Dressing in layers is your best bet. The average temperature at that time of year is about 33 degrees (no guarantees!), but that is only between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
  1. ORCHESTRA MEMBERS must bring their entire uniform, which includes the following:

Ladies – uniform dress, black nylons, and black shoes.

Men – make sure to have the following uniform parts:

  1. uniform jacket
  2. uniform trousers
  3. tuxedo shirt (with black studs)
  4. black dress shoes
  5. black socks

Band Bow ties will be brought in a separate box and handed out prior to the performance.


  • All concert attire must be hung neatly on a sturdy hanger inside of your garment bag.
  • You should store your dress shoes and socks in a plastic bag and place it in the bottom of your garment bag.
  • Your garment bag must be labeled on the front with your full name (in large, plain print) on a piece of masking tape.

C.SYMPHONIC BAND AND WIND SYMPHONY MEMBERS must bring their entire concert uniform which includes the following:

  1. uniform jacket with chain
  2. uniform pants
  3. tuxedo shirt (with black studs)
  4. white short-sleeved undershirt (t-shirt) to wear under tux shirt
  5. black drillmaster shoes (cleaned and POLISHED)
  6. black opaque socks (up to mid-calf…no ankle socks)

Bow ties will be brought in a separate box and handed out prior to the“formal” performances. If you have one at home, please turn it in ASAP!


  • Your uniform trousers, coat, and tuxedo shirt must be hung neatly on a sturdy hanger inside of your garment bag.
  • Youshould also store your black shoes and black socks in a plastic bag and place it in the zippered pouch at the bottom of your garment bag.
  • Your garment bag must be labeled on the front with your full name on an index card, which should appear in the ID window on the front.

D.FLAG TEAM MEMBERS must remember to bring their performance uniforms. This includes your shoes. Remember to also pack any articles that will be worn in your hair for the performance, as well as special make-up supplies.

E.ALL BAND MEMBERS must make sure that their uniform pants have been hemmed to the proper length (bottom of the ankle – DO NOT cut anymaterial). Also, any soiled or wrinkled uniformparts (including theraincoat) must be dry cleaned before thetrip. Note: Failure to dress in the correct uniform attire may result in exclusionfrom a performance and additional disciplinary action.

F. Plan on a couple “nice” dress outfits for Broadway and the Opera. No jeans, no t-shirts preferred. Does not have to be suit and tie.

G.There may be an opportunity to swim at the hotel. You may wish to pack a swimsuit and a towel.

H.Remember: anything that would be inappropriate to wear at GHS is

inappropriate to wear on this trip.

  1. MONEY
  1. MEALS: You are responsible to bring enough “pocket money” for FOUR meals during the trip all while traveling to and from NY. 2 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner.
  1. How much extra money you take for souvenirs, etc. is up to you.
  1. Traveler’s checks are accepted at various locations and may be used if you prefer them to cash; however, the traveler’s checks must be in U.S. dollars and you must present some form of photo I.D. when using them! Based upon past experience, we do not recommend traveler’s checks on this trip.
  1. Credit cards may be used, but often require photo I.D.
  1. Cash stations are available at various locations, but may impose a fee for their use.
  1. You are ENCOURAGED to bring a CELL PHONE with you on this trip (don’t forget to pack your CHARGER). For the bus ride to and from NY, we also recommend that you bring a battery-powered phone charger, which can be found at Radio Shack, Best Buy, etc.

Note: Phones in the hotel rooms are to be used for room-to room calls only. Long-distance or local calls outside the hotel (other than 911) should be blocked by the hotel from these phones. If a call were to make it through, however, a charge will be assessed to that room which must be paid by the student before leaving.

G.Laundry machines are available at the hotel. Bring along extra money (singles, quarters) if you expect to use them.

H.Keep your spending money, credit cards, etc. on yourperson at all times, especially during the bus ride. We cannot open the busstorage bays at each stop to retrieve money from suitcases!


Each student is allowed to bring the following:

  • One pillow
  • One blanket
  • Your instrument case(s).

All of these items MUST be labeled with the student’s name, address, and home telephone number.

  1. Bring necessary toiletries (deodorant, toothbrush, etc.). Many of these items are best stored in Ziploc bags (just in case something breaks or leaks).
  1. You may bring small, personal electronic musical equipment (e.g., an iPod) if you wish, but these should only be used on the bus and in thehotel room, NOT at any other public event, concert, or clinic we attend. On the bus and at the hotel, be courteous to others and keep the volume LOW – not everyone wants to hear the same music you do!
  1. You may bring playing cards and other games for the trip, but absolutely no gambling is allowed!
  1. DO NOT bring any large audio/visual devices or unnecessary large items on the trip. Luggage space will be tight on the trip and we will not have room for these items.
  1. Check with your roommates to see which appliances might be SHARED in the hotel room (curling iron, etc.) instead of everyone bringing one.
  1. You may bring snacks with you on the bus and in the hotel room; however, these should be sealed tightly when not in use and stored properly to avoid a mess (use chip clips, plastic containers, Ziplock bags, etc.). Avoid bringing drinks and snacks that will stain fabric if spilled (fruit juices, dairy items, cream-filled or frosted foods, etc).
  1. BRING A TIMEPIECE(watch, cell phone) TO HAVE WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES – this is a MUST!!!
  1. You should bring a pillow and a blanket for use overnight on the bus.
  1. You may bring DVD’s to watch on the bus; however, please realize that school rules apply on this trip. Any movie deemed inappropriate by the director, chaperones, or driver on your bus will not be allowed. Movie should not be above a PG rating. All movies should be labeled with the owner’s name.
  1. Bring a large plastic or canvas bag to keep dirty laundry in.
  1. Most students will be allowed to self-medicate on the trip; however, the following guidelines must be observed:
  1. All students and their parents will be asked to complete a HEALTH STATEMENT FORM (provided by the school) which describes the nature of any illness, medications being taken, the correct dosage, and information pertaining to the prescribing physician. This form is to be turned in with the final trip payment by Friday, February 6, 2015.
  2. If your medication may be needed in an emergency (inhaler, EpiPen, etc.) then you must keep it with you AT ALL TIMES, along with clearly written directions that explain how this medication is to be administered.
  3. EPIPENS, INHALERS, and GLUCAGON kits: We ask that any student requiring an EpiPen, Inhaler, or Glucagon kit on the trip adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Make sure that the item itself – not just the box – is labeled with the student’s name and any other pertinent information.
  • Bring at least one EXTRA item (EpiPen, inhaler, glucagon kit) that can be GIVEN TO THE CHAPERONES for safekeeping in case of emergency or loss of your primary items. Make sure that the items are placed in a safe, protective, portable, labeled container.
  1. If you have a medical alert necklace or bracelet, be sure to wear it AT ALL TIMES!
  2. The SHARING OF MEDICATIONS (even aspirin) with another student is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.
  3. If you are in need of medical assistance during the trip, or if you find yourself in need of any medications you do not have with you, see a director or chaperone immediately.

The following measures will be in place on the trip to ensure your health/safety on the trip:

  1. Two of our chaperones are health professionals.
  2. Each bus will be equipped with a first aid kit.
  3. Copies of the students’ Health Statement Forms will be kept on file and on each bus.
  1. If any parent wishes that a chaperone be placed in charge of

administering medications to their child throughout the trip, they should indicate their request IN WRITING and forward it to Mr. Frederick ASAP.

  1. All ORCHESTRA members are responsible for bringing their own instrument (or school-owned instrument) and all necessary accessories.
  1. All BAND members must bring their own instrument (or school-owned instrument) and all necessary accessories, including:
  1. at least three good reeds
  2. oil
  3. mutes/plungers (if needed)
  4. stick bags with all required sticks, mallets, and beater

IMPORTANT: If you share a school-owned instrument with another GHS student, make sure that the instrument has been loaded underneath the bus and that your mouthpiece has been packed. Do not assume that the other person took care of everything for you!

C.All BAND members will place their black, concert music folders in the appropriate box before boarding the busses.

D.PERCUSSIONISTS must create a checklist of all necessary percussion equipment – including sticks, mallets, and beaters - prior to the trip. Section leaders are responsible for making sure that this is done. All percussion equipment should be stored/returned to the proper cases during the trip so those items are easy to find at all times. ALL percussionists should assist in loading/moving the percussion equipment to the different locations during the trip. Percussionists should plan on bringing their own sticks, mallets, and beaters to their scheduled clinics and performances.

E.FLAG TEAM members must pack their flags in the black travel bag. Be sure, however, to wear athletic shoes to the clinic.

F.BAND MEMBERS: ALL INSTRUMENT CASES MUST HAVE AN IDENTIFICATION TAG affixed to them which shows the student’s full name, home address, area code and phone number, and the school’s name. School-owned instruments should also have a tag displaying the school’s name, address and phone number (this is the responsibility of the students using school-owned instruments!):

Geneva Community High School

Band Department

416 McKinley Ave.

Geneva, IL 60134

(630) 463-3975

  1. OTHER
  1. The TRIP ITINERARY should be kept with you AT ALL TIMES during the trip. We highly recommend that you highlight the items/events on the itinerary that apply to you.
  1. SMALLER INSTRUMENTS, such as violins, violas, flutes, piccolos, oboes, and clarinets should be stored in the overhead compartments on the busses.
  1. BUS #1 will be used to store percussion equipment and LARGE instruments throughout the trip. Please allow these items to be loaded FIRST before personal luggage.
  1. During the bus ride to NY and back, uniform/robe garment bags should be laid FLAT in NEAT STACKS in the undercarriage compartments of the bus. Never fold your uniform or place it beneath the luggage and equipment. When we arrive at the hotel, your uniform should be brought into your hotel room and HUNG UP to unwrinkle. DO NOT IRON the uniforms.
  1. For both the bus ride DOWN and the bus ride BACK, plan on wearing comfortable street clothes that you can sleep in overnight. DO NOT plan on bringing pajamas or other sleepwear to change into on the bus.
  1. For the hotel, plan on bringing pajamas or other sleepwear that would be appropriate to be seen in. Remember: chaperones will be coming to your room periodically for room checks, so please dress modestly.
  1. PERFORMANCE APPEARANCE: In accordance with GHS guidelines, the following must be adhered to when performing in the parks:
  1. No brightly colored hair. Light, natural tinting is okay, but greens, purples, etc. are not permitted.
  2. Ladies – nothing larger than post earrings (ONE per ear) and no facial jewelry (nose piercing, etc.)
  3. Gentlemen – no earrings or facial jewelry. Any facial hair must be neatly trimmed.

Note: These appearance guidelines do not apply when you are not performing; however, Geneva High School dress code guidelines (as found in your student handbook) DO APPLY during our trip:

“Students are expected to dress in a manner which will not disrupt the educational process, constitute a health or safety hazard, or violate civil law. The administration reserves the right to deem any item of clothing inappropriate.”

  • According to State Health Standards, footwear is required at all times.
  • The display of obscenities and/or implied vulgarity on clothing will not be permitted.
  • Clothing that displays, promotes, advertises or makes reference to or symbolizes alcohol,tobacco, drugs is prohibited.
  • Clothing which depicts graphics or wording with sexual, lewd, or indecent meanings orconnotations, or clothing which by community standards is indecent for purposes ofeducational and school activity is prohibited.
  • Clothing that promotes violence or intolerance of any sort is prohibited.
  • All hats, caps, bandanas, hoods and other headwear should be removed when indoors.
  • Modesty in dress is expected. Bare torsos, shoulders and revealing or immodest attire(including but not limited to tank tops, halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti strapped tops, andexcessively short skirts and shorts) are prohibited in accordance with the policy. Pants,shirts, skirts, and dresses need to cover all under garments. Dresses, skirts, and shorts areconsidered inappropriate if they are shorter than the extended tip of the longest fingerwith arms hanging naturally at the sides.
  • Students may not wear sunglasses indoors.
  • Chains and/or dog/cat collars or any spiked jewelry/belts will be considered inappropriateand disruptive to the educational process.
  • Inappropriately tight clothing is prohibited.
  • Students violating the dress code will be asked to change. Students refusing to comply with these guidelines may be subject to disciplinary action.

VII.Property and Room Inspections on School Field Trips:

Please be advised that all students attending a school field trip may be subject to an inspection of their personal belongings and/or hotel room by Geneva High School Faculty or Chaperones. Such inspections are within the legal rights of School District 304, and will only take place if the teachers feel that there is a legitimate reason to suspect that a student or students may have inappropriate materials in their possession. A GHS Faculty member will always conduct these searches unless the size,scope, and or urgent nature of the search require the involvement of chaperones. Although the idea of such an inspection may seem intrusive on the surface, we wish to reassure you that the intention is only to safeguard the health and well being of our students. We also wish to ensure that rewarding and enjoyable experiences such as our upcoming trip will continue to be available to our students in the future. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Geneva High School Administration.

QUESTIONS? Talk to your director ASAP!