Tropic Town Council Meeting

Minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting

Held March 12, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Tropic Town Heritage Center

PRESENT: Mayor WaLon Brinkerhoff BOARD MEMBERS:Mike Burbidge, Jason Bybee and Travis LeFevre; Shilo Richards was excused. Marie Niemann – Tropic Town Clerk & Sydney Syrett – Tropic Town Treasurer.

OTHERS: Gaia Greenhalgh, Brett Chynoweth, Bob R Sudweeks, Dennis Pollock, Brady Syrett, Braden Syrett, Susan Garrard, Sean Garrard and Casey Chynoweth.

CALL TO ORDER: Mayor WaLon Brinkerhoff

PRAYER: Marie Niemann

PLEDGE: Braden Syrett

APPROVAL OF MINTUES: A motion was made by Mike Burbidge to approve the minutes of the Tropic Town Board Meeting held February 12, 2015. Second by Travis LeFevre - Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF TOWN AUDIT MINUTES: A motion was made by Travis LeFevre to approve the minutes of the 2013-2014 Town Board minutes held February 12, 2015. Second by Jason Bybee – Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: A motion was made by Mike Burbidge to approve the agenda with the addition of Eagle Scout project. Second byJason Bybee - Motion carried.



Vacation Home Business License: Clint Mecham and Mindy Grimshaw have applied for a business license to use their homes as a vacation rental. With a number of these homes becoming an alternative use for those families who have moved, the Mayor and Town Council have received a number of calls expressing concern from neighbors of not being notified of this possible change to their neighborhood. Looking into permitted and conditional uses in Residential zoning, Home Occupation is listed under Conditional Uses;but there are stipulations regarding home occupations. After much discussion, the Council created a list of concerns that needs to be addressed: Notify neighbors, noise control, w/s commercial rates, meet with Sydney to file resort tax and sales tax, etc. The approval for a business licenses was tabled; an agreement will be drafted, and upon review by the Mayor and Council, be sent to Mr. Mecham and Mrs. Grimshawinviting them to Town Board to discuss the issues.

Eagle Scout Project: Structure designs for the bulletin/message board at the post office was presented, Skyler Syrett will be drawing up the plan; discussed possible materials to use, section behind glass locked or not locked area, etc. Cost was also discussed, nothing substantial, much is donated; excess materials, i.e. boards, metal roofing, donated from Ruby’s Inn, possible use of rock left over from the Town’s entrance signs. A couple of designs were chosen; Sean will discuss with Skyler ideas having him put together a design.

Neighborhood Watch: Casey Chynoweth is studying criminal law and approach the Council to discuss creating a “Neighborhood Watch”; Mr. Chynoweth feels there is need for this in town and would the Town have an employment opportunity for him. In response, Mayor & Council reported the Town has contracted with the County Sheriff office for extra patrolling in the past; but it comes with a price and Tropic does not have funds to hire its own law enforcement officer. Citizen are to report problems or concerns to the County Sheriff’s office.


Review of warrants: Sydney reported the cost of cancelling the security alarm contract is $900. Public Hearing to amend the 2014-2015 Budget will be held prior to town board meeting at 5:30 p.m. Also, a public hearing will be held in May to adopt the 2015-2016 Town Budget. A motion was made by Travis LeFevre to approve the warrants are presented, second by Mike Burbidge – Motion carried.


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  1. Resolution authorizing the issuance of Subordinated and Parity Water Revenue Bonds: Consideration for and adoption of Resolution authority the issuance of not to exceed $200,000 in Subordinated and Parity Water Revenue Bonds for Tropic Town and calling of a public hearing to receive input with respect to the issuance of such bonds and any potential impact to the private sector from the construction of the project; and
  1. Consideration for any adoption of a Resolution approving the organization of a Local Building Authority for Tropic Town.

The Chairman stated that the first item of business involved the election of officers of the Authority. Upon motion being duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted.

RESOLVED: That the normal rules of order be and the same hereby are waived and that the following persons be and they hereby are elected to serve as officers of this Authority until their successors are duly elected and qualified:

WaLon K. BrinkerhoffPresident

Shilo RichardsTrustee

Michael BurbidgeTrustee

Jason BybeeTrustee

Travis LeFevreTrustee

Marie NiemannSecretary

Sydney SyrettTreasurer

The Chairman stated that the next item of business to be transacted involved the adoption by the Board of Trustees of a proposed set of By-Laws for the regulation and management of the affairs of the Authority. The Chairman explained that the By-Laws had been reviewed and approved by the Town Council of Tropic Town, Utah at its meeting held March 12, 2015 and have previously been reviewed by each of the Trustees prior to this meeting.

Upon motion being duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: That the form of By-Laws submitted at this meeting be and the same hereby are adopted as the official By-Laws of this Authority.

The Chairman stated that the next item of business involved the adoption of an official seal of the Authority.

Upon motion being duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: That the seal presented at that this meeting, an imprint of which is impressed below was adopted as the office seal of this Authority.

It was then deemed advisable to give general authority to the President and the Secretary to execute all necessary instruments or documents on behalf of the Authority required for the conduct of its affairs in the State of Utah.

Upon motion being duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: That the President and the Secretary be and they are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Authority any and all employment agreements, deeds, leases, contracts, purchase orders, assignments, notes, bonds, mortgages, deeds of trust, and other instruments or documents which may be necessary or desirable in connection with the conduct of the affairs of the Authority.

The Chairman then stated that the next item of business was the ratification of any and all actions heretofore taken by the officers of the Authority on behalf of the Authority with respect to its organization.

Upon motion being duly mode, seconded and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted.

RESOLVED: That any and all actions taken by the officers of the Authority prior to the date of this organizational meeting that are within the authority conferred hereby are hereby ratified, confirmed, and approved as the act and deed of the Authority, including but not limited to such actions as have heretofore been taken in connection with the organization of the Authority.

The Chairman then stated that the next item of business was establishing the annual meeting schedule of the Authority for the current year and for all future calendar years.

Upon motion being duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: That the Board of Trustees of the Authority will hold regular meetings for the current calendar year and for all future calendar years from time to time as the Board of Trustees shall deem necessary. When held, regular meetings of the Board of Trustees will be held on the second Thursday of each month at the hour of 7:30 o’clock p.m. at the Tropic Heritage Center, Tropic Utah. Notice for the annual meeting schedule for the Authority for each calendar year specifying the date, time and place of regular meetings of the Authority shall be given as required by Chapter 4 of title 52, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, or such successor provisions thereto as may be enacted by the Utah Legislature from time to time.

RESOLVED FURTHER: That the Secretary of Authority is hereby elected to give public notice of the annual meeting schedule of the Board for calendar year 2015 by:

(a)Causing a notice of the annual meeting schedule for the Authority to be posted at the principal office of the Authority as the Heritage Center, Tropic Utah, as soon as reasonably practicable hereafter, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit “B”; said notice of annual meeting schedule to continuously remain so posted and available for public inspection during regular office hours of the Secretary until at least December 31, 2015; and

(b)Causing a copy of the notice of annual meeting schedule in the form hereto as Exhibit “B” to be provided as soon as reasonably practicable to the Insider, a newspaper of general circulation within the geographic jurisdiction of Tropic Utah and the Authority, and to each local media correspondent, newspaper, radio station or television station which has requested information of meetings of the Board.

The Chairman then stated that the next item of business was the appointment of bond counsel, to act in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery by the Authority of certain Lease Revenue Bonds, to finance the acquisition of public safety equipment of behalf of Tropic Town, Utah.

Upon motion being duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: That the law firm of Chamberlain Associates is hereby appointed to act as bond counsel in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of certain Lease Revenue Bonds by the Authority for the purpose of financing the acquisition of public safety equipment on behalf of the Town an authorized by the Utah Local Building Authority Act, and the President is hereby authorized and directed to attest, and engagement letter between the Authority and Chamberlain Associates in form and content acceptable to the President of the Authority.

Call for Public Comments:

Mayor Brinkerhoff called for questions or comments regarding the issuance of the Resolution authorizing the issuance of Subordinated and Parity Water Revenue Bondsand for the Consideration for any adoption of a Resolution approving the organization of a Local Building Authority for Tropic Town. No comments or questions were made.

After the conduct of other business not pertinent to the foregoing, it was upon motion being duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, adjourned.

/s/WaLon K. Brinkerhoff/s/Shilo Richards

/s/Michael Burbidge/s/Jason Bybee

/s/Travis LeFevre


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A motion was made by Mike Burbidge to adjourn Town Board Meeting and move into an executive session – Second by Jason Bybee – Motion carried.

Approved this 16th of April 2015

Marie H. Niemann – Tropic Town Clerk