WHAT is the enthronement?
It is NOT….
a new devotion, for a devotion is a veneration of a saint. The Sacred Heart of Jesus
is God. Therefore, devotion to the Sacred Heart is in a class all by itself, for its object is God. So devotion to the Sacred Heart is more than veneration; it is adoration.
just a private devotion, for, like prayer, devotion to the Sacred Heart must be both
private and public, personal and social.
just a devotion, for it is a way of life: a permanent state of devotedness and love,
full of grace and joy, even in the hard moments of life.
It IS….
an installation of a picture or statue of the Sacred Heart in a prominent place or
throne (it is from this action that the word “enthronement” comes). This is done in response to the request of our Lord Himself. In his second revelation to St. Margaret Mary (1674) Jesus said, “Exhibit my image and wear it.” Jesus showed her His Sacred Heart, surrounded by a crown of thorns and surmounted by a cross. A love for the Blessed Mother goes hand-in-hand with Enthronement of Jesus, because it was she who gave Jesus his Sacred Heart, and she who leads us back to his Heart.
an act of consecration to Jesus; that is, a turning over or setting aside of ourselves
or families or schools to Jesus, our rightful Head. It means giving Jesus top priority in our lives – first place. It is a covenant or pact to do all He says – HIS will, not mine. It is a renewal of our baptismal promises – to renounce Satan (hate) for Christ (love).
a public act of homage or adoration , recognizing Christ as Lord and King.
an apostolate, to win souls to Christ, especially by using the Catholic Action
technique of one-on-one or like-on-like – student-on-student, teacher-on-teacher.
WHY the enthronement?
The enthronement is NOT just putting up a picture in a prominent place, but of
making Jesus present in that place in a special way so that everyone consecrated to Him will become more and more aware of the presence in their lives.
As the tabernacle reminds us of the presence of Jesus among us, so the place where
the Sacred Heart is enthroned should also remind us of His loving presence among us. Like Jacob, we can truly say, “The Lord is in this spot…” (Gn.28:16)
This presence is absolutely necessary, because there are times and days when we run
out of love. When a car runs out of gas, we go to a service station. So here, when we run out of love, the Sacred Heart enthroned is our service station. We can go to Him and say, “Fill me up, Lord, with love today; for right now, Lord, My heart is empty of love.”
This is the keynote of the enthronement, namely, the desire of the Sacred Heart to
be the source of love for teachers and students so that the spirit of Christian love will permeate the school, touching the hearts of all – a spirit is CAUGHT quicker than TAUGHT.
The psychological reason for the enthronement is that we need visible signs. All
knowledge comes to us through one of our five senses. If a person were born blind, he could never conceive of color.
So God accommodates Himself to our limitations. That was why His Son became
incarnate, a visible man; that was why He founded a visible Church, with visible sacraments. In human affairs, the heart is the symbol of love. When God came to rekindle love again on earth, He gave us his Heart as a visible symbol of His love.
Jesus put his finger on the need of the world, when He called us to love. The world needs love.
To draw us to this devotion, and so to His love, Jesus gave Margaret Mary 12 Promises for those who would have devotion to His Sacred Heart.
The 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.
I will establish peace in their families.
I will bless every home in which an image of My Heart is exposed and honored.
I will console them in all their difficulties.
I will be their refuge during life and especially at the hour of death.
I will shed abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.
Sinners shall find in My Heart a fountain and boundless ocean of mercy.
Tepid souls shall become fervent.
Fervent souls shall rise speedily to great perfection.
I will give to priests the power of touching the hardest hearts.
Those who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart never to be
blotted out.
I promise you, in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to
all who communicate on the First Friday of the month for nine consecutive months the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My displeasure nor without their last Sacraments: “My Divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.”
HOW do we live the Enthronement?
The devotion is lived first, by devotion to the Eucharist, especially by daily Mass and daily visits to the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus is present in the Blessed Sacrament. The sick womanwho touched the hem of His garment was cured. Power still goes out from Jesus to those who touch Him in the Blessed Sacrament.
Make the nine First Fridays in reparation to the Sacred Heart for sins committed against Him. Also on this day have an intention basket and encourage the students to put their requests to the Sacred Heart in it.
Go to confession every month.
Make the school a domestic church. Have a prayer corner – a table with a crucifix, pictures of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the Bible opened on the table, and Holy Water on it.
Have a class rosary, a morning offering, a frequent renewal of the act of consecration, to bring awareness to the students’ minds that God is with them.
Checklist for the Enthronement Ceremony
The following materials should be prepared:
Images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, ready for placement
-large one for school corridor; smaller ones for each classroom
Prepared place where the main image will be enthroned
Classroom altar
Other processional items
-basket of petitions
-Holy Bible
-Enthronement certificate
Copy of prayers for each person who will read them
Pen for signing the Enthronement certificate
Refreshments (optional)