Branko Terzic
U.S. & Global Regulatory Policy Leader – Energy & Resources, Deloitte Services LP
Branko Terzic, a former Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) commissioner, state Public Service Commissioncommissioner and utility chief executive officer, is currently a Global & U.S. Regulatory Policy leader in Energy & Resources for Deloitte Services LP. From 1999 to 2002, he also served as regional managing partner for the Resources, Energy & Infrastructure practice group of Deloitte & Touche Central Europe (Prague, Czech Republic).
In 2007, Branko was elected chairman of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Production from Coal and Other Fossil Fuels of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Committee on Sustainable Energy.He also acts aschairman of the Royal Society for his encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce; sits on theU.S. Advisory Committee for the CarbonLimited project on personal carbon trading; and is an appointed member of the Advisory Council of the North American Energy Standards Board. In 2006, he was appointed a member of the National Petroleum Council, the advisory body to the U.S. Secretary of Energy. Branko is also a member of the Executive Council of the Energy Efficiency Forum and the executive committee of the Bordeaux Energy Colloquium.
Branko’s government career began in 1981 when he was nominated by Governor Lee Sherman Dreyfus to a six-year term as commissioner on the State of Wisconsin Public Service Commission.Upon completing his term,Governor Tommy Thompson appointed him to a five-year term as the first chairman of the State of Wisconsin Racing Board. In 1990, President George H.W. Bush appointed him to complete a one-year term as commissioner on the U.S. FERC. He was renominated by President Bush in 1991, and confirmed, to a full five-year term. He resigned in 1993.
Prior to his current position, he was chairman, chief executive officer and president of a large utility. He also served in leadership roles at various consulting firms. He began his career in utility valuation as an environmental engineer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
During his careerBranko has been a U.S. delegate to Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue, a frequent speaker at energy industry events, has lectured at the Departments of Energy and State and has been a consultant to the World Bank, U.S. Agency for International Development and the Inter-American Development Bank. His column Terzic on Strategy has appeared in the biweekly New Power Executive newsletter since 1999.Terzic’s articles and commentary also have appeared in American Gas, Deregulation Watch, The Desk, Electric Light & Power, EnergyBiz, Institutional Investor, The National Interest, Natural Gas, The Oil Weekly and Public Utilities Fortnightly, among other publications. He has appeared on PBS specials and PBS’ McNeil-Lehrer News Hour and The Nightly Business Report, CNBC’s Street Talk and The White House Chronicle television programs.
Branko was elected a Fellow in 1995 of The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce in London, England. He holds a bachelor of science degree in engineering from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee and was honored by UWM in 1999 as a Distinguished University Graduate. He is a registered professional engineer in Wisconsin. Branko served as a Captain (Field Artillery) in the Wisconsin Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve.