Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Newark Valley was held Tuesday evening, May 12, 2009 at 7:00 PM in the Municipal Building. Present were:

Mayor James Tornatore

Trustees Lori DeHaas, John Kaufman, John Schaffer, Fred Blee

Clerk/Treasurer Mertie Pozzi

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Tracey Cucci

Attorney Frank Como

Guests See Attached Sheet

Regular meeting was called to order by the Mayor at 6:59 PM.

Guests: Judy Eldridge from Tillers & Toilers made request to paint fence on corner across street from village green. Mayor commented on fantastic work they have done and approval was given. Discussion interrupted by complaint from Mike Kasmarcik that the meeting started before 7:00 PM, he was informed the pledge was the only thing missed. Judy Eldridge discussed future changes and stated plantings on corners were lost due to plowing and will reconfigure garden areas and use annuals in those areas instead. Suggestion made to review plan with Bill Foster to avoid plowing problem. Plant sale was successful.

MINUTES: Minutes were read and approved as presented from April 8, 2009, and April 14, 2009, with a motion by DeHaas, seconded by Schaffer. Carried.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Discussed as presented.

BILLS: Presented. Approved as presented in the amount of $15,039.99 from abstract numbers 221 and 222, with a Motion by Kaufman, seconded by Schaffer. Carried.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Library Addition/Library Board – Mayor and Trustee Blee to attend meeting next week.

Water Rate Committee – Capital Expenditure Projects – Resolutions and SEQR at tonight’s meeting. Town residents on water system were present with questions and discussion of water system issues; Town Supervisor Yetter also presented information and desire to minimize cost and working together with Village. Town residents would like another meeting, suggestion to have Town hold special meeting with Town Board.

Walking Trail/Trout Ponds – No report.

Bike Park – Jason Rozelle discussed Charity Car Show on 5/23 with possibility of 500 cars; concerns expressed about amount of people, parking, bathroom facilities, etc. Need to use outfield for cars, Trustee Kaufman to check if games scheduled; suggestion to have park & ride at school, Jason to check with Tioga Transit; request to get port-a-johns and dumpster, police and EMS coverage; Trustee Schaffer to contact Sheriff; also required to get insurance with Village as co-insured.


Pictures on Website – No report.

Village Offices – Staying with boundaries of prevailing wage; Public hearing to be scheduled for bids.

Environmental Testing – No report.

Entered into Public Hearing at 9:25 PM. Discussion of notification from agencies of no significant impact. Question of procedure for petition; residents have 30 days to petition and need 10% of population that voted in last election, information can be obtained from Board of Elections. Out of Public Hearing at 9:29 PM.


RESOLUTION #29-09 Authorizing the Construction of Improvements to and Reconstruction of the Water Supply, Treatment Distribution Systems in and for the Village of Newark Valley (copy attached) adopted with a motion by Schaffer, seconded by DeHaas. Roll call vote. DeHaas, Kaufman, Schaffer, Blee, and Tornatore – Yes. Carried.

RESOLUTION #30-09 Village of Newark Valley, Tioga County, New York Public Water Supply System Improvements, Water Storage Tank Replacement Environmental Quality Review Act Issues of Negative Declaration (copy attached) adopted with a motion by Kaufman, seconded by Blee. Roll call vote. DeHaas, Kaufman, Schaffer, Blee, and Tornatore – Yes. Carried.

RESOLUTION #31-09 Village of Newark Valley, Tioga County, New York Public Water Supply System Improvements Environmental Quality Review Act Issues of Negative Declaration (copy attached) adopted with a motion by Schaffer, seconded by Kaufman. Roll call vote. DeHaas, Kaufman, Schaffer, Blee, and Tornatore – Yes. Carried.

RESOLUTION #32-09 Bond Resolution (copy attached) adopted with a motion by DeHaas, seconded by Blee. Roll call vote. DeHaas, Kaufman, Schaffer, Blee, and Tornatore – Yes. Carried.

RESOLUTION #33-09 Planning Board Appointments (copy attached) adopted with a motion by Schaffer, seconded by Kaufman. Roll call vote. DeHaas, Kaufman, Schaffer, Blee, and Tornatore – Yes. Carried.

RESOLUTION #34-09 Approving Summer Recreation Employees (copy attached) adopted with a motion by Blee, seconded by Kaufman. Roll call vote. DeHaas, Kaufman, Schaffer, Blee, and Tornatore – Yes. Carried.

RESOLUTION #35-09 Board of Appeals Appointment (copy attached) adopted with a motion by Blee, seconded by Schaffer. Roll call vote. DeHaas, Kaufman, Schaffer, Blee, and Tornatore – Yes. Carried.

RESOLUTION #36-09 To Hold a Public Hearing (copy attached) adopted with a motion by DeHaas, seconded by Schaffer. Roll call vote. DeHaas, Kaufman, Schaffer, Blee, and Tornatore – Yes. Carried.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Works – Repairing leaks; topsoil and seed around MB walks; open and clean TP bathrooms; install sign Depot Street; grind Maple Street; and locate and cut out gate valves on Maple for paving.

Mayor – No report.

Personnel – No report.

Planning – Now have a full planning board.

Board of Appeals – Need an alternate.

Building & Grounds – No report.

REAP- No report.

Parks – No report.

Youth – No report.

Library – No report.

Police –. No report

Child Protection – No report.

Attorney-No report.

Clerk –Annual report complete and to State Comptroller; having problems with computers; working on water bills; FOIL request for David Arnold went out yesterday; Taxes collected: $34,634.98

CORRESPONDENCES: Thank you note from Cornwell family read. Email read from Alexander Dean regarding summer job or internship. No paid positions, Clerk to email back and offer unpaid internship.

Motion to adjourn into Executive Session at 10:10 p.m.; Motion out of Executive Session and to adjourn regular meeting at 10:55 by Kaufman, seconded by Blee.

Tracey S. Cucci

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer