Fall, 2011
This handbook provides a summary of the policies and procedures that apply to doctoral students enrolled in the Health Policy and Management Program which is located in the Division of Community Health Studies, in the Department of Public Health, within the School of Public Health & Health Sciences at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst. It supplements information contained in other official sources from the GraduateSchool, especially the Graduate School Bulletin and the Graduate School Handbook. In cases of conflict, the policies of the GraduateSchool will be in effect.
Every student should become familiar with all of the information contained in this manual. It is the responsibility of each student to make sure that all academic requirements and deadlines are met. Whenever in doubt, contact the department Graduate Program Director for further information.
I. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………3
A. Philosophy of the Program
B. Administration of the Program
II. COURSE REQUIREMENTS……………………………………………………..4
A. Basic Requirements
B. The Study Plan
C. Course of Study
A. Overview
B. Written Exams: Three Comprehensive Exam Papers
C. Grading the Comprehensive Papers
D. The Oral Examination
E. Scheduling the Written Exams/Papers
IV. DISSERTATION OVERVIEW…………………………………………………..11
A. Purpose
B. Timing
C. Process
D. Format of the Dissertation
E. Typing Guidelines
F. Final Doctoral Oral Examination (Dissertation Defense)
G. Deadlines
H. Degree Certification
DSP: Doctoral Studies Plan………………………………………………….17
PH892 Doctoral Seminar…………………………………………………….22
DC: Establishing a Dissertation Committee…………………………………23
DP: Sample Format for Cover Sheet of Dissertation Prospectus……………24
DD: Announcement of Date for Final Doctoral Oral Examination
(Doctoral Defense)……………………………………………25
A. Philosophy of the Program
The Ph.D. degree is the highest degree offered by the University and is awardedby the Department of Public Health. The doctoral program is specific to one of the academic concentrations within the field of Public Health. Each academic program is responsible for specifying the degree requirements and providing the academic direction and administration of the doctoral degree program. This guide describes the requirements for the doctoral degree program in Health Policy and Management (HPM), within the Department of Public Health. The doctoral degree program is focused on: (1) the development of an advanced research-oriented competence in some aspect of Health Policy and Management; (2) an understanding of the approaches and issues in a minor area; (3) an understanding of relevant research methodologies appropriate to the field of interest; and (4) a familiarity with the principles and practices of Public Health in general.
B. Administration of the Program
The administration of the doctoral program is by the faculty of the Health Policy and Management program within the Division of Community Health Studies. The major academic advisor for the doctoral student is responsible for reviewing and approving the student’s initial plan of study and for monitoring and approving any changes in the study plan. The approved study plan is reviewed by all graduate faculty in the HPM program before being filed in the student’s file. The major academic advisor is responsible for the comprehensive exam process, whose development is reviewed by the program faculty. A comprehensive exam committee is responsible for evaluating the three exam papers, with the HPM faculty reviewing the grading process and formalizing the pass or fail vote of the Comprehensive Exam Committee. The major faculty advisor is responsible for informing the Graduate Program Director about the results of the Comprehensive Exam process. The Dissertation Committee, which is selected by the student, approves the dissertation prospectus, which is reviewed and filed with the GraduateSchoolby the Graduate Program Director. The student is responsible for ensuring that all guidelines of the GraduateSchool, including all necessary documentation of student progress required by the GraduateSchool is completed. Complete information about this is available from the GraduateSchool web site.
A. Basic Requirements
Each doctoral student must selectas their major area Health Policy and Management, and a minor concentration, which may be in a content area or in a methodology area. Minimal expectations are 24-credit hours of course work in the major concentration, 12-credit hours in the minor, and completion of 3credits of a doctoral seminar, PH892. Each student takes a preliminary comprehensive examination consisting of three written papers and an oral exam. Upon the successful completion of the preliminary examination, the student completes an 18-credit dissertation.
Doctoral students in Public Health generally enter with a Master’s degree (or in certain circumstances another advanced degree). Students with their Master’s degree in a closely allied field have a four-year statute of limitations (SOL) to complete the doctoral degree, while those with an unrelated degree have six years. The SOL is determined by the UniversityGraduateSchool at the time of admission. The University residence requirement states that during the SOL period the student must be registered as a full-time student (9 or more course credits) for at least two consecutive semesters.
B. The Study Plan
Each incoming doctoral student is assigned an academic advisor, based on their initial expressed interests. The student may then select their own advisor during their first year of course work, and should then work with that academic advisor to develop their Doctoral Studies Plan. It is very important for the student to work closely with the major academic advisor as well as other relevant faculty to develop a study plan which clearly documents how the academic program will be focused. The study plan, shown in the Appendix as Form DSP, should be completed by the end of the second semester. It should identify the courses in both the major and minor areas, including the estimated dates for completion of coursework, and completion of the comprehensive exam. An especially important part of the study plan is selection of a minor concentration and minor advisor. This minor may be in another academic concentration within Public Health or in a subject relevant to the major and comprised of courses taken from a department with a doctoral degree program, including other departments within the School of Public Health and Health Sciences or external to the School. This DSP form should be used by the major faculty advisor and the student to record changes to the program as well as benchmarks of progress, such as completion of the Preliminary Comprehensive Exam process.
All doctoral students are expected to have a background (either experience or course work) in Public Health which is the equivalent of the School of Public Health current MS or MPHdegree core requirements. If this background or course work is not present, the required core courses must be taken during the doctoral program. These courses, in general, will not count towards either major or minor area credit requirements. Responsibility for verification of the background lies with the student and must be approved by the major advisor as part of the development of the study plan.
The initial Study Plan (Form DSP) must be signed by both major and minor advisors and is reviewed by all full-time HPM program faculty before being placed in the student file. Changes to this plan should be recorded on Form DSP as the student progresses through the program. The student should maintain a duplicate copy for their personal records.
C. Course of Study
Guidelines and restrictions on the course work are as follows:
1. Major Concentration 24 Credits
a. Must be in Health Policy and Management.
b. No more than 6 credits in Special Problems or Independent Study are counted
c. At least 9 credits must be doctoral or advanced Master’s level courses(700 or 800
d. May include up to 6 credits in graduate level courses directly related to the major but which are offered in other UMASS departments. It is normally expected that these will be from departments which offer a doctoral degree.
e. No more than two courses at the 500-level are counted
f. Up to but not more than 12 credits of the required 24 credits in the major may be waived by previous graduate levelcourse work directly related to health policy and management. The student must provide detailed course outlines for each course requested. All requests should be carefully documented in the initial study plan and be approved by the major advisor, and the full-time HPM program faculty.
2. Minor Concentration12 Credits
a. This may be any other academic concentration in Public Health, but may also be comprised of courses from any other University department which has a doctoral degree program, including departments within the School of Public Health and Health Sciences or external to the School.
- Up to but not more than 6 credits of the required 12 credits in the minor may be waived by previous doctoral levelcourse work. The student must provide detailed course outlines for each course requested. All requests should be carefully documented in the initial study plan and be approved by the minor advisor, and the full-time HPM program faculty.
3. Doctoral Seminar -- PH892 3 Credits
This upper level seminar explores advanced research methods and current research issues in public health. Given that a) public health professionals often work in interdisciplinary teams and b) that knowledge of a broad range of methodological approaches is necessary to address evolving and changing research priorities, the doctoral seminar offers a unique opportunity for the advanced study of research issues and methods. (Appendix, PH 892 Doctoral Seminar.)
Students are advised to enroll in the seminar during their second full year of courses.
4. Dissertation Research18 credits
All doctoral students must complete an original investigation within a content area related to Health Policy and Management. The dissertation must be based on original research, represent independent work by the student, and be of publishable quality. There are two options for completing this requirement, which are described in Section IV, part D.
Total:57 Credits
5. University Residency Requirement
The University’s residency requirement states that the student be registered full time, 9 credits, for two consecutive semesters.
6. Language Requirement
The Program of Health Policy and Managementhas no foreign language requirement.
7. Grading
All courses taken by PhD students for credit toward their doctoral degree must be taken on a graded basis. The only exception is the Doctoral Seminar (PH892) which is taken Pass/Fail. All course work counting toward the doctoral degree must be completed with a grade of B or better, and the overall GPA must be at least B+ or a 3.3 GPA. Student progress is monitored by the major academic advisor and the Graduate Program Director. According to University regulations, failure to make adequate progress toward the completion of the degree or failure to maintain an acceptable grade level will result in dismissal from the doctoral program.
8. Demonstration of Progress
It is important for each doctoral student to make consistent and steady progress toward the completion of their degree. This is particularly challenging once the majority of coursework has been completed and the student is working more independently, both in preparing for the completion of the preliminary comprehensive exams, and for completion of the dissertation. It is expected that each doctoral student will meet at least once per semester with the major academic advisor to present evidence of progress. At the end of each academic year, the major advisor will notify each of their doctoral students in writing about their progress, with a copy of this placed in the student’s file.. The full-time HPM faculty will meet once per year to discuss and evaluate the progress of each student.
9. Financial support of Doctoral students.
The HPM program makes a serious effort to financially support each doctoral student throughout their program. It is most common that the doctoral student will be a Teaching Assistant during their first year or two and then be supported by a research project of a faculty member, or their own research project. The University and Departmental guidelines are such that a doctoral student must be enrolled in 9 credits to be financially supported either as a Teaching Assistant or as a Research Assistant.
A. Overview
Upon completion of all course work (major, minor and doctoral seminar), the student is eligible to take the preliminary comprehensive examinations with the approval of the major and minor academic advisors. These examinations are intended to be primarily integrative rather than a re-testing of specifics already covered in course examinations. The preliminary comprehensive examconsists of two parts: three written papers and a subsequent oral exam. It is expected that this process will be completed within one calendar year. The Comprehensive Exam Committee (CEC) is responsible for the development, oversight and grading of the comprehensive exam, and the full-time HPM program faculty serve in a review and consultative capacity. The CEC is composed of the student’s major advisor, the minor advisor, and a third HPM program faculty member, which is selected by the student and major advisor. One of the members of the CEC may be from outside the HPM program, but at least two members must be from within the HPM program faculty.
B. Three Comprehensive Exam Papers
There are four goals of the three comprehensive exam papers: (1) to demonstrate advanced research-based competence in some aspect of the field of Health Policy and Management; (2) to demonstrate an understanding of the approaches and issues in the stated minor area of concentration; (3) to present evidence of competence of relevant research methodologies appropriate to the potential field of research; and (4) to demonstrate a familiarity with the principles and practices of the field of Public Health in general and with Health Policy and Management specifically. Typically these three papers include a focus on the major area of concentration, with at least one paper related to the minor area. Additionally, at least one paper should focus on the content of the major concentration area, and one paper should focus on methodology. Each paper should demonstrate comprehensiveness, including breadth and depth of knowledge. Examples of appropriate types of papers include the following:
- An extensive literature review demonstrating in depth knowledge of a specific field within health policy and management. This may be an area related to the dissertation topic, or it may be an independent ‘statement of field’ knowledge.
- A paper that demonstrates mastery of one or more methodological perspectives. This may demonstrate mastery of a set of qualitative methodologies, or of quantitative methodologies. This may be an independent statement of knowledge, or may be related to the methodological approach that will be used in the dissertation. This may be the methodology section of the dissertation prospectus.
- A policy analysis paper that takes a clear perspective on a health/human services problem. This should include demonstrating clear understanding of the nature of the social and/or health problem, including a comprehensive literature review. This policy analysis paper should conclude with either a suggested policy or an analysis of a current policy.
- A grant proposal, which may also represent an exploration of a possible dissertation topic.
Students should select options for papers that are appropriate for their intellectual growth and development, as well as providing preparation for their dissertation. One or more of these papers may be used as a basis for the dissertation, but only one paper may be used in the compendium model dissertation (described below) in the exact form as for the preliminary written comprehensive exam.
As part of the process of developing these paper topics, students should provide to the members of the CEC a 2-3 page outline along with a beginning bibliography of each proposed topic area. The CEC is responsible for approving these and the full-time HPM program faculty are available to review them when requested to do so by the CEC.
When the CEC has approved the three paper topics the major faculty advisor will give formal approval to the student to begin work on the three papers. This date will be recorded on the DSP form and will be considered the beginning of the one calendar year period of time. The student has one calendar year to complete all three papers and schedule the oral exam. The student may request additional time by submitting in writing a detailed time line which must be approved in by the CEC, and reviewed by the full-time HPM program faculty. Failure to meet the projected time line will result in dismissal from the doctoral program.
Each of the three papers should be in a formal academic style, including a cover page, appropriate formatting, and references.