Supplementary materials
Table SM1: Classification of Sediment quality (Igeo, Cf, PLI, Er, PERI)
Classification of Sediment quality (Geo – accumulation Index)Igeo value / Igeo Class / Sediment Quality
<0 / 0 / Uncontaminated
0–1 / 1 / Uncontaminated to moderately contaminated
1–2 / 2 / Moderately contaminated
2–3 / 3 / Moderately to strongly contaminated
3–4 / 4 / Strongly contaminated
4–5 / 5 / Strongly to extremely contaminated
> 5 / 6 / Extremely contaminated
Classification of Sediment quality (Contamination Factor)
Cf value / Sediment Quality
< 1 / Low Contamination
1 – 3 / Moderate Contamination
3- 6 / Considerable Contamination
> 6 / High Contamination
Classification of Sediment quality (Pollution Load Index)
PLI value / Sediment Quality
0 / No Pollution
1 / Baseline level of Pollution
1 / Progressive deterioration of estuarine quality
> 6 / High Contamination
Modified Classification of Sediment quality (Potential Risk of individual element & Potential Ecological Risk Index)
Er / Pollution degree / PERI / Risk level / Risk Degree
Er<30 / Slight / PERI<40 / A / Slight
30≤Er≤60 / Medium / 40≤PERI≤80 / B / Medium
60≤Er≤120 / Strong / 80≤PERI≤160 / C / Strong
120≤Er≤240 / Very strong / 160≤PERI<320 / D / Very strong
Er≥240 / Extremely strong / PERI≥320 / -
TEL, PEL, ERM and ERM guideline Values for elements
Cr / 52.3 / 160.4 / 81.0 / 370.0
Cu / 18.7 / 108.2 / 34.0 / 270.0
Ni / 15.9 / 42.8 / 20.9 / 51.6
Pb / 30.2 / 112.2 / 46.7 / 218.0
Zn / 124.0 / 271.0 / 150.0 / 410.0
Table SM2: Correlation among plants and surface sediments on the basis of elemental composition (n= 6)
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level; **Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level
A. marina / A. ilicifolius / A. alba / A. officinalis / S. apetela / S. caseolaris / N. fruticans / E. agallocha / A. corniculatum / C. decandraFigure SM3: Dendrogram of the Cluster analysis of ten mangrove plants according to their
elemental concentrations (according to similarity index value)
Table SM1: Classification of Sediment quality (Igeo, Cf, PLI, Er, PERI)
Table SM2: Correlation among plants and surface sediments on the basis of elemental composition (n= 6)
Figure SM3: Dendrogram of the Cluster analysis of ten mangrove plants according to their
elemental concentrations (according to similarity index value)