February 13, 2009

Bully Training

I.  The Olweus Anti-Bullying Program Introduction

  1. State mandated (staff must be trained)

b.  Student Members and Parents SUGGESTIONS! (Group 2 – Please suggest more students and analyze our ideas, we are going with students who are respected by their peers, are not afraid to stand up to their peers, and from different social groups).

  1. At least 3 Kids per grade in order to avoid burnout and receive more support
  2. 8th
  3. Kezia Harewood
  4. Jordan James
  5. Alex Beasley
  6. Freshman
  7. Nia Scott
  8. Te’allen Johnson
  9. Sophomore
  10. Draevon Welsh
  11. Shannon Turner
  12. Junior
  13. John Yezovich
  14. Christa Jovanovich
  15. Lauren Mohan
  16. Devin Naylor

II.  Educational Ideas behind the program:

  1. Bullying Basics
  2. Using physical, emotional, psychological power to hurt someone
  3. If bullying is not stopped at a young age, it continues and matures into violence
  4. Bully Students end up in jail….
  5. Bullying is based on the abuse of power
  1. the connection between school violence and bullying behaviors in school
  2. Teachers NEED to be respected
  3. Consequences should be supported by administration and other teachers
  4. Consequences should be effective (no OSS, instead have fines or Saturday school)

c.  Positive Consequences for negative actions (Group 2 - We developed a few “positive” consequences, any more analysis or ideas would be appreciated. The idea is to give students consequences that will make them think twice about bullying again).

  1. Community Service – get community groups involved.
  2. Cleaning the school – kids have already started cleaning as a punishment and they HATE it.
  3. Shine program - tutor other kids?
  4. Farming program in Braddock or Stanton Avenue (Mildred’s Daughters Urban Farm)


  1. Research program
  2. Students will take a bullying survey
  3. all at the same time… homeroom?
  4. Have teacher read the questions to the students
  5. Online survey on cyber bullying
  6. Teacher survey
  7. Results take two weeks to get back
  8. Early identification program
  9. referral and monitoring of at risk students (to bully team, we can work through it during common prep time)
  10. Students may have distorted cognition due to depression (do not think about consequences), self medicate…etc
  11. Design a mechanism to track the kids who are involved in bullying
  12. Get rid of “snitches get stitches”
  13. Get rid of fear of reporting bullying
  14. Email System (or accessible document on our shares)
  15. Bullying Report (given to teachers weekly with student names on it)
  16. Drug and Alcohol program
  17. DARE doesn’t work, Life Skills does
  18. Drug and alcohol problems = high risk to bring weapons to school
  19. Effective disciplinary programs
  20. School culture that allows for students to confide in teachers/administrations about bullying and school violence (students who care about each other)
  22. Parental involvement!
  23. Cannot give the advice to “just ignore it”
  25. Parameters
  26. School wide
  27. Classroom specific
  28. Community involvement
  29. Has a Positive Name
  30. Have clear bullying rules

VII.  We do not bully

VIII.  We will help people being bullied

IX.  We will include people who are left out

X.  We will tell an adult about bullying

XI.  Adults will act in a way reassuring children that bullying will stop

XII.  Define bullying

  1. Train ALL Staff

VII.  inservice in june (kick-off for teachers)

VIII.  inservice in august

IX.  Ongoing discussions (maybe on Wednesdays once a month)

X.  Bully Prevention Team Duty for 2009-2010 school year

  1. like SAP, have common plan time with both teachers and students).
  3. 20 minutes a week of bullying discussion (HOMEROOM?)

VII.  Give students strategies and skills for dealing with bullying

VIII.  Anger Management and Conflict Management

IX.  Promethean for editing map of the school (where does bullying take place?)

X.  What is embarrassing? What type of bullying happens on the school bus

  1. ID hot spots
  2. Kick-Off Event

VII.  Wristbands

VIII.  Teacher Shirt (we are woodland Hills?)

IX.  Student “anti-bully” uniform (aka tshirts)


  1. Reduce bullying
  2. Improve student behavior (less time on discipline)
  3. Improve academic performance
  4. Help bully and victims
  5. Creates a positive school climate
  6. Reduce anti-social behavior
  7. Improve attendance
  8. Reduce rates of depression/drug use/suicidal behavior
  9. Improve relationship between students, staff parents and community



Can we change school environment by starting to offer breakfast, NUTRITIONAL!



Cyber bullying with cff stuff (pull examples off on myspace)

Bullying email address

Bullying wikispace?

V.  Questions

  1. What positive impact do you have?
  2. Conscience Development? How can we make our kids think?
  3. What to do with students who are getting bullied outside of school? How can we stop it/give consequences for it?
  4. How to help students make friends? Get each student at least one friend.
  5. Never let kids choose partners – gives them opportunity to exploit and not pick people.
  6. How does this help the kid in the real world?
  7. Is there a program to help our adults who bully other adults?
  8. Could fines go towards scholarship program?
  9. Could unpaid fines even be enforced?
  2. Effective Instruction?
  3. Ease of use within the school environment
  4. Faculty coming up with consequences
  5. Giving significant consequences (focusing on the positives)
  6. Data collection surveys (get a long report with graphs and charts)

Suggested but improbable

VI.  Have parents come in as hall monitor

  1. Cannot be done (paraprofessionals laid off last year)
  2. Parents were friendly with students and ignoring student misconduct

Classroom meeting (5 -10 minutes)

Objective: SWBAT define and describe bullying and synthesize a working definition of bullying

Day 1


1.  Make a list of the ways that people can be bullied. Split students into groups and have each group generate a list of how students can be bullied with consequences. They can also share stories about how they have been bullied. They could use the big white paper to generate their responses.

  1. Hurt
  2. Humiliation
  3. Exclusion
  4. Exposure

2.  Present each topic. Teacher can start by sharing a bullying story of when they were bullied. Interpret the proper definition of the word bullying.





Positive Presence?

Homeroom (at least 10 minutes a week)

Booklet for all teachers to follow in DAY format

Teamwork Camp (for our bullying team)

Our Proposal:

We had training on feb 13 and additional training

Meeting before April 6 and right after

Please consider and let us know….