Spanish 2

Course Syllabus 2012-2013

Instructor: Sra. Susan Mills


GHS Phone No: (270) 651-8801

Planning Time: 8:05-9:30 am Room: 118

Textbook: Descrubre by Vista Higher Learning

Course Description

Español is an incredible language to learn! You do not have to venture very far to see how Spanish is used and needed in our region every day. Spanish requires a lot of time and dedication on the part of the student. Please be prepared to sleep, eat, and breathe el español.

The 5 Aspects of Spanish Class are (1) Speaking, (2) Listening, (3) Reading, (4) Writing, and (5) Culture. Students will be assessed on each of these throughout the year. Participation is KEY in this class.

Course Objectives

This is a rigorous course in which students will continue their understanding of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture. The guiding principles for world language instruction are five interwoven goals that are based in Kentucky academic expectations and the National Standards for World Languages.

1)  Communicate in a language other than English.

2)  Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.

3)  Connect with and acquire information from other disciplines.

4)  Develop insight into the nature of language and culture through comparisons.

5)  Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.

Course Materials

Students are expected to come to class prepared each and every day. Students will bring Spanish/English dictionary, paper, and pen/pencils to class on a daily basis. These items will not be provided.

Additional materials may be required for projects/presentations—a list will be provided for each as it is assigned.

Grading Policy

Student’s grades will be based on daily participation, completion of assignments, chapter exams, quizzes, homework, and cultural presentations & projects.

Grades will be based on the percentage of total possible points a student has earned at the end of the nine weeks.

The grading scale is as follows:

A= 90-100

B= 80-89

C= 70-79

D= 60-69

F= 59-below

Homework (Extended Practice) Policy

Homework or Extended Practice work is given 2 to 3 times a week. Generally, there will be some time at the end of class to complete the assignment. Always remember to use time wisely. If the assignment is not completed during this time, then it is to be taken home. All homework is due the following day.

Testing Policy **IMPORTANT**

Students are expected to take tests on the scheduled days. In the event a student is absent from class on the testing day, the student will be given a make-up test before or after school. The test MUST be made up during the 5 day allotted time frame as stated in the student handbook. Generally, test dates will be given a week in advance. If a student knows he/she is going to be absent, then he/she should make arrangements with Sra. Mills for a time to take it.

Classroom Expectations/Student Responsibilities

Ø  R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Be respectful to every person and his/her belongings at ALL times.

Ø  Be prepared! Bring all materials to class daily. A student may not go to his/her locker to get them and he/she may not leave them in the classroom.

Ø  Be ready! Be ready to begin class when the bell rings. Do NOT be tardy! A Bell Ringer assignment will be written on the board for the student to complete when the student walks into class.

Ø  Be responsible! If a student is absent for any reason, it is his/her responsibility for any and all make-up work.

Ø  ¡No comida! ¡No bebida! Absolutely NO food or drinks allowed in the classroom. We are in a brand new building, and it’s important that we take excellent care of it. It’s beautiful! J

Course Outline—Spanish 2

Lesson 1

·  Clothing and shopping

·  Preterite tense of regular verbs, Saber and Conocer

·  Cultura—los mercados al aire libre

Lesson 2

·  Food, meals, celebrations

·  Preterite of ser and ir, preterite of stem-changing verbs, preterite of irregular verbs

·  Verbs that change meaning in the preterite

·  Cultura—Frutas y verduras de las Americas, Semana Santa

Lesson 3

·  Health and medical terms, parts of the body, health professions

·  The imperfect tense, The preterite and Imperfect, adverbs

·  Cultura—Servicios de salud

Lesson 4

·  Home electronics, the car and accessories

·  Familiar commands, por & para

·  Cultura—el teléfono cellular

Lesson 5

·  Parts of a house, household chores, table settings

·  Relative pronouns, formal commands, the present subjunctive

·  Cultura—el patio central

Lesson 6

·  Nature and the environment, recycling and conservation

·  Subjunctive

·  Cultura--¡Los Andes se mueven!

Lesson 7

·  City life and daily chores, money and banking, the post office

·  Subjunctive in adjective clauses, past participles

·  Cultura—Paseando en metro

Lesson 8

·  Nutrition, exercise & physical activity, health & well-being

·  The present perfect, the past perfect, the present perfect subjunctive

·  Cultura—Spas al natural

Lesson 9

·  Professions, the workplace, job interviews

·  The future, the future perfect, the past subjunctive

·  Cultura—un largo día de trabajo

Lesson 10

·  The arts, movies, television

·  The conditional, the conditional perfect, the past perfect subjunctive

·  Cultura—Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Venezuela

August 16, 2012

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I am very excited that your son/daughter has decided to take a Spanish class at Glasgow High School. Learning a foreign language is not an easy task and will take dedication, practice, and patience. I am asking for your support in helping your child learn a foreign language. Please read the syllabus carefully. Your child will keep the syllabus in his/her binder or folder for future reference. Please sign and return this letter to me no later than Wednesday, August 22, 2012.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email. I am looking forward to working with you and your child.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Ms. Susan Mills

My child and I have read the course syllabus for Spanish 2 and agree to follow its guidelines and policies.


Student’s Signature Date


Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Date


Parent’s E-mail Address