Sonar Class Association

Team Race Championship

Kemah, Texas

October 25-26, 2008



Team Captain/Contact: Email:

Phone Numbers: (H) (O) (Cell)


Team Members:


1. SCA/Fleet Member?

2. SCA/Fleet Member?

3. SCA/Fleet Member?

Crew Members:

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

In consideration of this entry acceptance, I and all those listed above hereby agree that the safety of those on our team, and the decision whether or not to race or continue racing is the sole responsibility of the skippers of the boats, and not that of any person sponsoring or undertaking such a race or activity. We hereby waive all claims which we may have against Texas Corinthian Yacht Club, the Sonar Class, and their respective officers, directors, members, committees, employees or gents, arising out of or in any way connected to our participation in any race or any related activity undertaken by any of them. I will inform all skippers and crew on my team of their responsibilities for safety. We agree that this waiver is and shall be binding on our heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns.

Captain’s Signature (Required): Date:

Sonar Class Association

Team Race Championship

Kemah, Texas

October 25-26, 2008

ENTRY FEE: $800.00

o Check attached or

o Bill indicated credit card: ___MasterCard ___Visa

(TCYC does NOT accept American Express or Discover.)

Card Number:

Expiration Date:

Name as printed on card:

Please be aware that at registration we will need to collect from each skipper (a) a $1,000 boat damage deposit and (b) a signed damage agreement.

Completed entry forms and entry fees must be received at the Texas Corinthian Yacht Club (TCYC) no later than the close of business on Friday, September 26, 2008. TCYC’s contact information is as follows:

Texas Corinthian Yacht Club

104 Park Circle

PO Box 577

Kemah, Texas 77565-0577

(281) 339-1566 phone

(281) 559-1478 fax

Any event questions should be addressed to Charles Milby, TCYC Sonar Fleet Captain, at (713) 253-6417 or .

Please advise us of how many sailors will require housing, whether they are male or female, and which are couples. This information should accompany this form if possible, but we must definitely receive it no later than October 10. Preliminary head counts for total participants and for those wanting housing should be sent to George Francisco at .

Also, please advise us if your team will have any guests accompanying you. Although we cannot promise housing for all guests, we will try to arrange it. In any case, we need to know the number of guests in order to arrange enough meals throughout the event.


Joel Scott – Event Chair

Bill Turner – Principal Race Officer

Charles Milby – Fleet Captain for Fleet 13

George Francisco – Housing Chair

k:\executives\joel scott\personal\recreation and clubs\sailing\kirby cup 2007\entry form - 2007-07-03.doc Page 2 of 2