Service Plan Progress Report: Services to People
2006 – 07 Full Year Stage
APPENDIX 4: Progress Summary - Services to People
/Target Outcome
/ No. of targets2006-07 / Complete / Unlikely to complete during the year /
/Adult Care
AC1 / Local partnerships in place to ensure the provision of flexible and responsive care, support, prevention and rehabilitation services which enhance the overall health and wellbeing of people who are vulnerable due to age, sickness, addiction or disability. / 12 / 67% / 33% / There has been some good progress this year in joint working with health partners for the Joint Future Agenda through the Community Health Partnership which is now established. A Management review has been undertaken and a revised partnership group establshed to take work forwardAC2 / Adults referred for community care assessments receive prompt, co-ordinated and flexible responses which are based on their individual needs. Services are provided in the most appropriate and cost effective way. / 8 / 75% / 25% / Reporting in the Joint Future Performance Framework for 2006-2007 shows some good progress on assessments and service delivery. A full report will be available from May 2007.
AC3 / From an assessment of their individual needs, adults of all community care groups have access to further integrated services and supports which are responsive, and which promote independence and social inclusion. / 4 / 100% / 0% / The integrated mental health service and services for people with learning disabilities continue to make progress on integration and social inclusion through communty-based schemes and improved joint working across agencies
AC4 / People who have drug and alcohol related problems, and other social work needs, receive information, support and services that promote healthy and crime-free lives. / 1 / 0% / 100% / There is further work to be done to identify gaps and service needs of who have social work needs and also have difficulties resulting from substance misuse
AC5 / All eligible carers receive responsive services and other support, according to their identified needs and in relation to their caring role. / 3 / 67% / 33% / More carers are being identifed for an assesment of carer needs and the provision of support and services
AC6 / A skilled Social Services workforce providing high quality services, in conjunction with key partners, to people in all community care groups / 3 / 33% / 67% / A Workforce Development Group has been established to focus on 21st Century Social Work Review, 'Changing Lives'
Early Years & Out of School Care
EY1 / Early years services are supported and developed / 2 / 100% / 0% / Both targets have been achievedEY2 / Out of School Care Services are supported and developed / 1 / 0% / 100% / Good progress has been made with the development of the service for older children
EY3 / Children’s health and development are improved / 2 / 50% / 50% / One target achieved, good progress being made with second target
EY4 / Staff provide an effective service / 2 / 100% / 0% / Both targets have been achieved
Child Care
CH1 / Children and young people referred as being in need of protection receive a prompt, professional service in response to their needs / 3 / 33.3% / 66.7% / Staffing issues impact on performance.CH2 / Young people leaving care receive an effective Throughcare service / 1 / 0% / 100% / Improvements planned.
CH3 / Provide a high quality Family Placement and Adoptive Service meeting the needs of child and families / 2 / 100% / 0%
CH4 / The Rights of Looked After and Looked After and Accommodated Children are enhanced / 2 / 0% / 100% / Staffing issues impact on performance.
CH5 / Effective and constructive measures are provided to those children and young people in trouble with the law to divert them away from offending behaviour / 1 / 0% / 100% / New service being introduced to improve performance in this area.
CH6 / Child Care Recruitment and Retention is improved / 1 / 0% / 100% / Ongoing.
CH7 / Maintain ISO 9001:2000 Accreditation / 1 / 0% / 100% / New system replacing previous performance measures.
Criminal Justice Service
CJ1 / Increased safety and public protection through the provision of services which focus on reducing offending / 2 / 100% / 0% / Pilot sucessful, Integrated Case Management System now fully operational in all Scottish Prisons.CJ2 / Greater social inclusion of offenders through rehabilitation / 2 / 100% / 0% / Audit is being undertaken by Chief Officer of all services across CJA to inform the Fife & FV 3 year Area Plan 2008-2011. To be completed by Sept 2007.
CJ3 / Maintain ISO 9000:2000 accreditation / 1 / 100% / 0%
CJ4 / Improve staff training in working with sex offenders in the community / 1 / 100% / 0%
Culture & Community Services
CC1 / The service will introduce a system for recording and celebrating learning achievement by 2008/09 / 16 / 100% / 0% / Cognisoft System purchased.Annual youth event to celebrate achievement, November 2006.
Duke of Edinburgh Award Ceremony held, November 2006.
CC2 / The service will assist young people to engage in decision-making processes which affect their lives. / 18 / 94% / 6% / Ongoing Progress.
Youth Council established June 2006.
Youth representation on all three themes under Community Learning and Development Strategy.
CC3 / The service working practices will implement the national standards for community engagement / 10 / 100% / 0% / National Standards for community engagement embeded in Council ethos.
CC4 / The service will continue to develop self evaluation and continuous improvement mechanisms. / 11 / 100% / 0% / Ongoing progress, training commenced on `How Good is Our community Learning and Development 2`.
CC5 / The service will develop and implement an action plan in response to HMIE report / 13 / 100% / 0% / Action plan completed, re-inspection by HMIE due May 2007.
Leisure & Recreation
LR1 / To improve participation, ensure quality of facilities, deliver quality services, ensure viability and develop sustainability / 5 / 80% / 20% / Leisure targets are being met generally with two targets running behind schedule. The new corporate booking system is taking longer to install than anticipated, but is already showing an improvement at key sites. Quality Management information now available.Outdoor activity centre development awaiting the outcome of the sportscotland Facility Planning Model due mid May 2007.
Sports Development
SD1 / Establish partnerships with various internal and external agencies to create opportunities and pathways for education establishments, communities, individuals, clubs and targeted groups to be active, healthy and realise their sporting potential. / 11 / 100% / 0% / All targets either completed or making good progress, Clackmannanshire has a good national reputation for its commitment to developing physical activity, PE and sport. Good local club links, higher % of athletes and performers from Clacks in FV squads. Strong p/ships with SRU, SFA, SASA, CSIS, sportcentral, sportscotland, sports lottery, all primary, secondary, special and nursery schools, early years serviceHousing & Advice Services
HA1 / Progress has been made to ensure a higher percentage of Social housing in Clackmannanshire has attained or exceeded the Scottish Housing Quality Standard and a realistic and achievable programme is in place to increase this to 70% by 2009 / 1 / 100% / 0% / Final Delivery plan received approval this year and will be updated 07/08HA2 / Progress has been made to ensure an additional 20% of privately owned or rented housing has attained or exceeded the Scottish Housing Quality Standard and realistic and achievable programme is in place to complete this by 2009 / 4 / 75% / 25% / Good progress in this target with 3 targets complete out of 4. The only reason target 1 was not complete was due to new proposals in this area from Communities Scotland which would influence how this task was approached.
HA3 / Progress has been made to ensure Housing Services are both customer and community oriented and a realistic and achievable programme is in place to complete this by 2009 / 12 / 67% / 33% / Good Progress in this area with 8 targets being achieved. 1 target is no longer relevant, and 3 targets are being carried over to next year, although work is at an advanced stage. Pressures of time has been a major factor in the delays in these 3 areas. Communities Scotland Inspection was extremely resource intensive and placed additional burdens on staff who are involved in these targets.
HA4 / Policies & Procedures Developed to promote sustainable communities / 10 / 70% / 30% / Good progress 7 out of 10 targets achieved. 2 targets being carried forward for 07/08 were on the Common Housing Register, timescales on this project have been heavily influenced by external partners..
HA5 / The shortfall of specialist housing and housing support services promoting independent living is being addressed and is on track to be delivered by 2009 / 4 / 50% / 50% / 2 targets have been achieved in this area. Good progress has been made with the integrated adaptations service with an action plan now in place following research.
Target Outcome
/ No. of targets2006-07 / Complete / Unlikely to complete during the year /
SL1 / To implement ‘A Curriculum for Excellence (ACE)’ / 12 / 33% / 67% / Overall, good progress is being made in overtaking the objectives set out in this part of the Service Plan. Many of the objectives represent on-going commitments which may never, in fact, complete.SL2 / To raise attainment / 24 / 17% / 83% / Good overall prgress continues to be made; attainment is on an upward trend The gradient of that improvement needs to increase.
SL3 / Create conditions conducive to learning / 18 / 50% / 50% / Overall, good progress is being made in creating improved conditions for effective learning and teaching in schools.
Total / Average
/ 224 / 69% / 31%G:\Service Improvement\Performance Management Framework\Progress Reports\2006-07\Full Year\P&A papers\Final progress reports\Summaries\StP Summary Report v0.05.doc
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