Health and Physical Education Achievement Chart for: Danish Longball
Categories /Level 1
/Level 2
/Level 3
/Level 4
Knowledge and Understanding
Game: of the basic requirements to play the game and the skills involved
Game Appreciation: of the layout required to play the game and its regulations / Rarely demonstratesOffence: importance of hitting the ball hard and low into open space
Defense: importance of minimizing available open space / Sometimes demonstrates
Offence: importance of hitting the ball hard and low into open space
Defense: importance of minimizing available open space / Usually demonstrates:
Offence: importance of hitting the ball hard and low into open space
Defense: importance of minimizing available open space / Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the
Offence: importance of hitting the ball hard and low into open space
Defense: importance of minimizing available open space
Thinking and Inquiry
Tactical Awareness: knowing what to do during different phases of the gameMaking Decisions: knowing what to do when and why, making on-going adjustments
/ Understands little of the strategies involved on offence and defense and knows what to do with and without the ball.Makes decisions during the game that demonstrates limited ability to adjust strategies and utilize different skills. / Understands some of the strategies involved on offence and defense and knows what to do with and without the ball.
Makes decisions during the game that demonstrates some ability to adjust strategies and utilize different skills. / Understands most of the strategies involved on offence and defense and knows what to do with and without the ball.
Makes decisions during the game that demonstrates ability to adjust strategies and utilize different skills. / Understands most of the strategies involved on offence and defense and knows what to do with and without the ball.
Makes decisions during the game that demonstrates high level ability to adjust strategies and utilize different skills.
Living Skills
Personal Skills (PS)
·Self-awareness and self-monitoring skills
·Adaptive, management, and coping skills
Interpersonal Skills (IS)
·Communication skills
·Relationship and social skills
Critical and Creative Thinking (CT)
·Drawing conclusions/ presenting results
·Reflecting/ evaluating / Rarely demonstrates the ability to take responsibility for their actions and adapt to changes that arise. (PS)
Rarely demonstrates effective communication strategies with team mates and seldom displays sportsmanship. (IS)
Rarely contributes strategies in an organized way and seldom plans the next step for game improvement. (CT) / Occasionally demonstrates the ability to take responsibility for their actions and adapt to changes that arise. (PS)
Occasionally demonstrates effective communication strategies with team mates and sometimes displays sportsmanship.(IS)
Occasionally contributes strategies in an organized way and sometimes plans the next step for game improvement. (CT) / Consistently demonstrates the ability to take responsibility for their actions and adapt to changes that arise. (PS)
Consistently demonstrates effective communication strategies with team mates and usually displays sportsmanship. (IS)
Consistently contributes strategies in an organized way and usually plans the next step for game improvement. (CT) / Frequently demonstrates the ability to take responsibility for their actions and adapt to changes that arise. (PS)
Thoroughly demonstrates effective communication strategies with team mates and consistently displays sportsmanship. (IS)
Almost always contributes strategies in an organized way and consistently plans the next step for game improvement. (CT)
Movement competenceSkill Execution: how to execute the required skills
Performance: how well the required skills are being executed / Rarely demonstrates ability to strike, receive, throw the ball, and run
Performs the required skills with limited success and effectiveness. / Sometimes demonstrates ability to strike, receive, throw the ball, and run
Performs the required skills with some success and effectiveness. / Usually demonstrates ability to strike, receive, throw the ball, and run
Performs the required skills with success and effectiveness. / Consistently demonstrates ability to strike, receive, throw the ball, and run
Performs the required skills with high degree of success and effectiveness
Active Living
Active Participation (AP)
Regular participation in a variety of lifelong activities.
Enjoyment, motivation
Physical Fitness (PF)
Fitness development through daily physical activity, personal fitness plans
Safety (S)
Personal safety and safety of others during physical activity / Rarely participates in:
skill building activities (AP)
using personal time to improve skills (PF)
applying strategies to ensure safe play (S) / Occasionally participates in:
skill building activities (AP)
using personal time to improve skills (PF)
applying strategies to ensure safe play (S) / Often participates in:
skill building activities (AP)
using personal time to improve skills (PF)
applying strategies to ensure safe play (S) / Almost always participates in:
skill building activities (AP)
using personal time to improve
skills (PF)
applying strategies to ensure safe play (S)