Curriculum Committee Report for 2013-2014 Academic Year

Summary of Curriculum Proposals

  1. 14-001 Geology Catalog Change GEOL 1160Description
    Description: Removal of MATH 1006 pre-requisite
    Motion for Approval: Marlowe 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 7-0-0
  2. 14-002 GEOL 1025 Geology of National Parks
    Description: New course – Gen Ed Non-Lab Natural Science
    Motion for Approval: Marlowe 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: amended - changed grading scale from normal curve to 90-100 etc.
    Vote: 7-0-0
  3. 14-003 BIOL Curriculum Revision to BIOL: STEM Education B.S.
    Motion for Approval: Sompayrac 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 7-0-0
  4. 14-004 CHEM Pre and Co-Requisite Clarification
    Description: Added ENGR 2220 to 3710, Add Chem 3020 to 4220
    Motion for Approval: Sompayrac 1st, Beech 2nd
    Discussion: Needed sign off from ENGR - done
    Vote: 7-0-0
  5. 14-005 COMM 3700 Photojournalism Curriculum Proposal
    Description: new course
    Motion for Approval: Taylor 1st, Sompayrac 2nd
    Discussion:amended with grading scale
    Vote: 7-0-0
  6. 14-006 HIST 3420: Gender, Sex, and Society
    Description: new class
    Motion for Approval: Taylor 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Discussion: : tabled at 12-3 meeting to allow originator to submit more specific objectives proposal was untabledat 1-14 meeting by 6-0-0 vote. The class specific objectives had been circulated to the committee. A question was asked about possible pre-requisite classes. Dr. Kuby stated that he did not feel any were needed. The class will also be cross listed in Women’s Studies.
    Vote: 6-0-0
  7. 14-007 HIST 2000: Introduction to Historical Research and Writing
    Description: new course
    Motion for Approval: Sompayrac 1st, Marlowe 2nd
    Discussion: none
  8. 14-008 INTS Revision in the Integrated Studies: Professional Studies, B.I.S.
    Description: several classes added or removed, changed “options” hours from 19 to 26
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Marlowe 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 7-0-0
  9. 14-009 INTS Revision of Course Description for INTS 4900
    Description: removes oral presentation and changes to traditional (A,B,C,D, F) grading scale
    Motion for Approval:Somprayac 1st, Marlowe 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 7-0-0
  10. 14-010 MCLL Creation of CLAS 3880 Three Italian Civilizations: Roman, Medieval, Renaissance
    Description: new course
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Beech 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 7-0-0
  11. 14-011 PGA – Proposal to update Geomorphology Course
    Description: new course GEOL 4080, drop GEOL 1080
    Motion for Approval: Marlowe 1st, Sompayrac 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 7-0-0
  12. 14-012 PGA – New course proposal – Soil Properties, Genesis, and Development Across the Landscape
    Description: new courseGEOL 3220
    Motion for Approval: Marlowe 1st, Sompayrac 2nd
    Vote: 7-0-0
  13. 14-013 POLS 4610 Political Science Internship, add POLS 2000 as prerequisite
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: make sure POLS 2000 gets listed as prerequisite on syllabus, update DRC statement
    Vote: 7-0-0
  14. 14-014 CSE addition of a new course, changes to degree requirements, removal of courses no longer offered, prerequisite changes, renaming of courses
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Marlowe 2nd
    Vote: 7-0-0
  15. 14-015 ENGR Catalog Description Clarifications Including Pre- and Corequisite Requirements
    Motion for Approval: Taylor 1st, Somprayac 2nd
    Vote: 6-0-1
  16. 14-016 ENIE 4500 Course Description and Pre-Requisite Revision
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Vote: 7-0-0
  17. 14-017 ENGR Interdisciplinary – a new concentration in the BSE Program
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Vote: 7-0-0
  18. 14-018 ENGR Interdisiplinary Capstone Design
    Description: Replaces ENGR 3850 (3 hrs) and 4850 (3 hrs) with 6 hour combination of ENGR 3851 (2 hrs) plus ENXX 3851 (1 hr) and ENGR 4851 (1 hr) plus ENXX 4851 (2 hrs), the proposal does not eliminate ENGR 3850 and ENGR 4850
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: Motion removed from table by 4-0-0 vote. Motion was originally tabled over questions about Dean and Faculty support as well as Dr. Wigal’s concerns (as noted in the proposal). The reading day vote of the Engineering Faculty was 13-9 for approval. Dean Sutton did confirm that he had changed his vote to approval. He stated that faculty are currently assisting with the projects in the 3850 and 4850 sequence without any teaching load credit. He felt that the new sequence was the fairest way to make sure the faculty got teaching load credit. As addressed in Dr. Wigal’s letter, staffing the current class is difficult and adding a new class would make it more difficult. It was also discussed that certain departments in Engineering (Chemical) would want to opt out of the change. Dr. Orth stated that these changes would probably not be implemented until the Fall of 2015. This would give departments time to opt out if desired.
    Vote: 4-0-0
    proposal did not pass Faculty Senate and was withdrawn
  19. 14-019 MGT 3320 Human Resource Management
    Description: new class – dropping MGT 3150 are pre-requisite and rewording course description
    Motion for Approval: Sompayrac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Discussion: none
  20. 14-020 BIOL/ESC 4590 Advanced Topics in Evolutionary Ecology
    Description: New course – elective in major
    Motion for Approval: Sompayrac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Discussion: none
  21. 14-021 BIOL/ESC 4460 Global Change Biology
    Description: New course – elective in major
    Motion for Approval: Sompayrac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Discussion: none
  22. 14-022 BIOL/ESC 4470 Ecological and Evolutionary Statistics
    Description: new course
    Motion for Approval: Sompayrac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 5-0-0
  23. 14-023 MATH Renumbering and modification of descriptions of MATH 4270, 4100, 4110, and 4120
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: proposal was untabled by 6-0-0 vote, original concerns related to Physics were satisfied
    Vote: 6-0-0
  24. 14-024 MATH 4170 Nonparametric Statistics
    Motion for Approval; Kuhn 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: proposal was untabled by 6-0-0 vote, original concerns related to Physics were satisfied
    Vote: 6-0-0
  25. 14-025 Physics Change in Required Course: Biophysics degree option
    Description: Current – CHEM 4350 Proteins and Nucleic Acids proposed CHEM 4530 or BIOL 4280 Cellular Biology
    Motion for Approval: Beech 1st, Scott 2nd
    Discussion: none
  26. 14-026 INTD 3250 Introduction to Sustainable Design
    Description: new course
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Vote: 5-0-0
  27. 14-027 INTD 2000 –remove corequisite
    Description: change pre-co req INTD 1550 with grade of C or better to pre-req INTD 1150 with grade of C or better
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
  28. 14-028 INTD 3050 Prerequisite Change
    Description: Change from INTD 2150 to INTD 2150 for interior design majors or INTD 1100 for ETM: Construction management and ETM: Engineering Management Majors
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Discussion: Different prerequisite different for INTD majors is to keep them in proper class sequence
    Vote: 5-0-0
  29. 14-029 INTD 3230 prerequisite change
    Description: Change from INTD 2000 to INTD 2000 for interior design majors or INTD 1100 for design foundation minors
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Vote: 5-0-0
  30. 14-030 INTD 4000 and INTD 4100 Name Change
    Description: Information Item
    Motion for Approval
    Vote: 5-0-0
  31. 14-031 INTD Admission Procedures
    Description: adds recommendation form to Interior Design Major application for transfer students
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Vote: 5-0-0
  32. 14-032 INTD C or Better Rule
    Description: adds the terms with a grade of C or better to the prerequisites for INTD classes
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Vote: 5-0-0
  33. 14-033 INTD Course Offerings
    Description: changes semester listed in catalog of certain INTD classes
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Vote: 5-0-0
  34. 14-034 INTD Design Foundations Minor
    Description: INTD 1100 in required and select 12 hours from list. Proposal removes it from select 12 hours from list
    Motion for Approval: Somprayac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Vote: 5-0-0
  35. 14-035 ESC – Major Curriculum Revision to Environmental Science, B.S.
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Whorton 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 6-0-0
  36. 14-036 MCLL Creation of LAT 1110 & 1120
    Description: new course
    Motion for Approval: Taylor 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Discussion: proposal was untabled by 6-0-0 vote. The new syllabi showing the progression from LAT 1110 to 1120 had been circulated to the committee. HHP, MATH and NURSING were added to the list of majors who could take the class.
    Vote: 6-0-0
  37. 14-037 SOE – Increase in GPA for Recommendation for licensure to 2.75 – Addendum to proposal approved on 2/1/13
    Motion for Approval: Taylor 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Discussion: changes would be in effect for all catalog years
    Vote: 6-0-0
  38. 14-038 NURS: Requiring students to meet checkpoints to remain as pre-nursing major, revising NURS 1000, increasing GPA for admission, removing preadmission ATI TEAS exam and clarification of admission deadlines
    Motion for Approval: Taylor 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Discussion: question was asked if there were any good substitutes for ATI TEAS. The Dr. Norwood stated that unfortunately, there were not any.
    Vote: 6-0-0
  39. 14-039 HHP: New Course approvals
    Description: new activity courses
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: proposal untabled by 6-0-0 vote, revised definition of participation was circulated to the committee.
    Vote: 6-0-0
  40. 14-040 HHP Exercise Science Class Name Changes
    Description: information item
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 6-0-0
  41. 14-041 HHP Sport and Leisure Services Administration Revisions
    Description: new course, removed requirement for Business Minor, clarification on Gen Ed
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: clarification on statistics requirement – all accepted with MATH 2100, MGT 2110 and HHP 4010 recommended
    Vote: 6-0-0
  42. 14-042 HHP: Changes to the Exercise Science: Pre-Professional Concentration
    Description: combines exercise science: pre-professional and exercise science: applied concentration allowing more flexibility to meet student needs
    Motion for Approval: Marlowe 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 6-0-0
  43. 14-043 HHP 2010 Name Change
    Description: information item
    Motion for Approval: Marlowe 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 6-0-0
  44. 14-044 ART Drop ART 2440 Ceramics 1 for the B.S. and B.A. degree programs
    Description: B.S. Dropping ART 2440 adding 3 hours of studio electives; B.A. Dropping ART 2440 and 6 hours in art electives from 3000/4000 Level, adding 9 hours in studio electives
    Motion for Approval: Sompayrac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 5-0-0
  45. 14-045 ART: Drop ART 3250 printmaking: Intaglio; ART 3260 printmaking: lithography; and ART3030r Watercolor
    Description: not Information item, adding ART 2830 Media Arts 1 as a course option in B.A. and B.S.
    Motion for Approval: Sompayrac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 5-0-0
  46. 14-046 ART changes to Minor in ART History
    Description: Due to faculty loss deleting ART 4160 Cultural Identity in Contemporary Art and ART 4170 British ART of the 20th Century from select 12 hours from list adding 3 hours from 3000-4000 Level Classics, History, Humanities or Philosophy 3360 Aesthetics
    Motion for Approval: Sompayrac 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 5-0-0
  47. 14-047 ENGL 4120 Change title from Twentieth-Century American Novel to American Novel Since 1900
    Description: information item
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Sokol 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 5-0-0
  48. 14-048 NURS: Removing the Freshman Admission Option from the School of Nursing
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: question about the number of absent faculty on vote for proposal. Dr. Norwood assured that the proposal had the support of all the Nursing Faculty
    Vote: 6-0-0
  49. 14-049 HHP: Changes for the HHP Dietetics Curriculum
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: Error on Cover sheet – There were 0 eligible faculty members absent, clarification on Gen Ed Math – MATH 1130 or higher accepted
    Vote: 6-0-0
  50. 14-050 SOCW Change to Catalog for Approved Upper Level Elective for Social Work
    Description: adds a Department Head approved 3000 or 4000 level elective to major
    Motion for Approval: Beech 1st, Sompayrac 2nd
    Vote: 5-0-0
  51. 14-051 SOCW Adding Prerequisite Requirements for Admission into SOCW Major
    Description: Adding SOCW 2010 and ANTH 2080 or ECON 1010, those classes are already program requirements
    Motion for Approval: Beech 1st, Sompayrac 2nd
    Discussion: amended from passing grade to passing grade of C or higher
    Vote: 5-0-0
  52. 14-052 SOCW Information Item for Editorial Changes for Two Course Descriptions in SOCW
    Description: information item – change course descriptions of SOCW 3080 and 4900
    Motion for Approval: Beech 1st, Sompayrac 2nd
    Vote: 5-0-0
  53. 14-053 ENGR/ENEV BSE: Environmental Engineering Program Curriculum Revision
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Vote: 6-0-0
  54. 14-054 ETM Changes in the BS Engineering Technology Management (ETM) Program
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: Error on Cover sheet – There were 0 eligible faculty members absent
    Vote: 6-0-0
  55. 14-055 PSY 3650 – Medicine and Disease: A Cross-Cultural Perspective Course Number Change
    Description: information item – adjusts class based on ANTH changes because the class is cross-listed
    Motion for Approval: Taylor 1st, Kuhn 2nd
    Vote: 6-0-0
  56. 14-056 ANTH Concentration Curriculum Revision
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: The addition of the pre-requisite of ANTH 1200 (formerly 2080) since the class is co-listed with SOC and PSY. However, the class originated in ANTH so it is their class to change.
    Vote: 6-0-0
  57. 14-057 COMM 2200 Mass Media History
    Description: new class
    Motion for Approval: Kuhn 1st, Taylor 2nd
    Discussion: none
    Vote: 6-0-0
  58. 14-058 PHIL 2310 Existentialism
    Description: new class
    Motion for Approval:
    Discussion: no issues were raised concerning the proposal. Voting done on blackboard
    Vote: 7-0-0

Curriculum Committee Meeting Attendance December 3, 2013
Jennifer Beech / EGN
Robert Marlowe / PHYS GEOL ASTR
Katherine Rehyansky / ENGL
Joanie Sompayrac / ACCT
Caryl Taylor / SOE
Kristine Whorton / ENGL
Chelsea Sokol / Student
Linda Orth / Records Office
Sandy Zitkus / Records Office
Yancy Freeman / Provost’s Office
Ed Rozema / MATH
SumithGunasekera / MATH
Manuel Santiago / CHEM
Amy Brock-Hon / GEOL
Charlene Simmons / COMM
Sara Jorgensen / HIST
Ann Holmes / GEOL
Cecelia Wigal / ENGR
Curriculum Committee Meeting Attendance January 10, 2014
Jennifer Beech / ENG
Stephen, Kuhn / MATH
Cathy Scott / SOC WK
Joanie Sompayrac / ACCT
Chelsea Sokol / Student
Sandy Zitkus / Records Office
Michael Ball / Library
Sarah Boykin / INTD
Nicholas Boer / HHP
Jamie Harvey / HHP
Betty McNulty / HHP
Curriculum Committee Meeting Attendance January 14, 2014
Stephen Kuhn / MATH
Robert Marlowe / PHYS GEOL ASTR
Katherine Rehyansky / ENGL
Caryl Taylor / SOE
Kristine Whorton / ENG
Chelsea Sokol / Student
Sandy Zitkus / Records Office
Linda Orth / Records Office
David Rausch / Provost Office
Michael Ball / Library
Neslihan Alp / ENGR
H. Lyn Miles / SOC/ANTH
Valerie Rutledge / CHEPS
Pamela Ashmore / SOC/ANTH
Linda Johnston / SOE
Ed McMahon / ENGR
Zibin Guo / SOC/ANTH
Nick Homerkamp / SOC/ANTH
April Anderson / NURSING
Barbara Norwood / NURSING
Charlene Simmons / COMM
Andrew Bailey / HHP
Curriculum Committee Meeting Attendance January 31, 2014
Stephen Kuhn / MATH
Cathy Scott / SOC WK
Caryl Taylor / SOE
Katherine Rehyansky / ENGL
Linda Orth / Records Office
Michael Ball / Library
Karen Adsit / Provost’s Office
Will Sutton / ENGR
Cecelia Wigal / ENGR
Ed McMahon / ENGR