Required for September 2015

TLR 2b (£4,311)

The Bright Futures Educational Trust (BFET) is a partnership of schools based in the North West. The Trust’s core aim is to offer a quality education that guarantees choices for every one of our pupils. There are currently nine schools within the Trust. Our values of hard work, passion and integrity are at the heart of everything we do.

BFET is committed to providing all staff with the training and support they need to be the best in their profession. Benefits include: working cross-phase, knowledge exchange between our schools, opportunities for international travel and the opportunity to work with some of the most inspiring colleagues in their profession.

The governors are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic and experienced teacher who will participate fully in the life of the school. The successful candidate must be willing to engage in the school’s commitment to developing AGGS as a centre of excellence for teaching and learning.

A well qualified and enthusiastic graduate of theology or religious studies is required to join this very successful religious studies department within this selective girls’ grammar school, described as “outstanding” in the most recent Ofsted inspection.

The religious studies department currently consists of three full time teachers. This is a full time post covering all levels from Year 7 to Year 13 and will offer scope for professional development.

The religious studies department takes an academic approach to the subject and hopes to inspire an intellectual interest in, and appreciation of, the variety of religious issues facing people in the 21st century, whilst enabling pupils to apply their knowledge to their own lives.

Knowledge of the major faiths practised in Britain today and of philosophical, theological and ethical issues will be an advantage, although full training can be given. Pupils are taught in mixed ability classes within the grammar school system and the school operates a 10 day timetable. Students in Year 7 have two one-hour lessons per cycle , Year 8 and Year 9 have three one-hour lessons per cycle.

Religious studies is taken at GCSE level by a good proportion of pupils (typically two teaching groups) who have 4 lessons per cycle. At GCSE the department follows the Edexcel course. Results are generally higher than national average with over 90% of candidates achieving grades A* – A.

In Year 12 and Year 13 students can opt to study either to AS or A2 level. The department follows the AQA religious studies course and presently offers options in philosophy of religion, ethics or the synoptic module. A prospective candidate would be expected to teach to A Level and would have the opportunity to develop a course related to their own specialism e.g. Islam. Students generally achieve a 100% pass rate with excellent grades.

The religious studies department is housed in three specialist classrooms, two at Main School and one in the Sixth Form Centre. All rooms are equipped with television, video, data projector and computer.

This is a forward thinking department, committed to the study of religion in all its aspects and respected within the school by both students and colleagues. An enthusiasm for the subject and a willingness to help with extra-curricular activities and departmental initiatives would be expected of the successful candidate.

Completed application forms should be returned to Mrs C Williams by email () or by post by Tuesday 12 May 2015. Interviews will take place during the week commencing 18 May 2015.

Applicants who are not contacted during this period may assume that they have not been successful but are thanked for their interest. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants who are not called for interview

If invited for interview, candidates are required to bring original copies of the following documents which we need to have sight of on the interview day:

§  Degree Certificate

§  QTS Certificate

§  Photo ID (passport and/or driving licence)

§  Two other forms of identification that verify your name, address and date of birth e.g. birth certificate, marriage certificate, bank or credit card statement, utility bill.

§  Evidence of MPR - recent payslip and school salary notification letter stating where you are on the pay scale (if applicable)

§  Evidence of threshold/UPR (if applicable)


TLR 2b

Job Description

The description for Head of Religious Studies should to be read with the generic job description ‘TLRs for Heads of Department’ and applied accordingly. A more specific outline of the responsibilities for this post can be found below.

The post will involve responsibility for:

Principal Responsibilities

The Head of Department is responsible for the teaching and learning of religious studies throughout the school, ensuring that each pupil is positively encouraged to develop her potential to the full.

Specific Responsibilities

·  Plan, implement and review the curriculum, where appropriate, within the framework of the National Curriculum and with reference to the locally agreed syllabus.

·  Ensure that a full scheme of work for general religious education, and GCSE and A level religious studies, is written and updated and included in a departmental handbook.

·  Monitor standards and teaching within the department.

·  Contribute to the forward planning of the whole school’s development. Co-ordinate the writing of a department development plan which is reviewed twice annually.

·  Set targets and monitor progress using available information on past attainment.

·  Monitor pupil progress. Ensure that assessment is both regular and thorough and that full records of work done by members of the department and pupils are kept.

·  Develop and train staff in the department; participate in appraisal arrangements; where appropriate supervise newly/licensed/student teachers.

·  Hold regular departmental meetings within the directed time budget and ensure that records of such meetings are kept and distributed to all members of the Leadership Team.

·  Ensure that the department is represented in all matters within school relating to the curriculum.

·  Liaise with other departments in the school.

·  Liaise with the Leadership Team and any other staff with relevant responsibilities in all matters concerned with the timetable, curriculum and internal examinations.

·  Plan, monitor and review departmental spending in consultation with the rest of the department, ensuring that the department keeps within its budget and that spending is in line with school aims, the school development plan and the departmental development plan.

·  Facilitate and extend the use of technical equipment in the department through implementation of relevant work schemes and consultation with the AV technician.

·  Liaise with office staff and, where appropriate, supervise the work of support staff.

·  Ensure that the stock and equipment are well cared for and economically used.

·  Ensure safe storage of equipment.

·  Review annually health and safety procedures within the department.

·  Ensure appropriate risk assessments take place in relation to practices.

·  Oversee the extra-curricular life of the department.

·  Oversee the safety of pupils and staff in school and on visits and excursions.

·  Ensure that departmental rooms present a stimulating environment.

·  Organise GCSE, A level and other examination entries with the examinations officer.

·  Promote and publicise the work and achievements of the department.

·  Implement through the department cross-curricular and other school policies currently in force.

·  Advise the principal about recruiting, advertising and appointing new staff.

·  Allocate responsibilities within the department and help draw up suitable job specifications.

·  Assist other teachers of the subject with discipline problems and ensure that the department’s discipline policy is reviewed and implemented.

·  Advise the librarian on the purchase of specialist books for the library.

·  Contribute to the forward planning of the whole school's development.

·  Compile and update a departmental handbook containing all the department's aims, objectives, policies and practices.

·  Ensure that the department is represented at open evenings and information evenings.

·  Contribute as appropriate to the school’s specialist areas, for example language college and teaching school. The school may pursue other status and further contributions may be requested.

·  Support the extra-curricular life of the school.

In addition Any other relevant duties requested by the Principal.

Additional Specific Responsibilities

·  Carry out the duties of a form tutor.

General Duties

·  Carry out a share of supervisory duties in accordance with published schedules.

·  Fulfil the conditions of employment of school teachers as laid down in the Pay and Conditions Document.

TLRs for Heads of Department

The TLR for Heads of Department were set in January 2006 through consultation with staff and teacher unions, extensive deliberation at the Pay and Personnel Committee of the Governing Body and its presentation to the full Governing Body.

Where there are seconds in the department, HoDs need to identify the area of responsibility/ies they would wish their second to take on as areas for development under their leadership. It is expected these roles and responsibilities will change annually or biennially. The Head of Department still maintains the overall responsibility for the department, sets the standard of leadership within the department and exercises his/her leadership on behalf of the Leadership Team.

Head of Department to take responsibility for:-

Personnel issues:

·  The induction of NQTs including: weekly monitoring meetings, lesson observations and feedback, all other obligations as set out in the guidelines for NQT induction.

·  The induction of new staff, teaching and associate.

·  The induction of trainee teachers including: weekly monitoring meetings, lesson observations and feedback, all other obligations as set out in the guidelines for trainee teacher induction.

·  Appraisal.

·  Professional development of staff, both teaching and associate, within the department.

·  Effective deployment of staff.

·  Ensuring that all members of staff are issued with/have access to SATS, CATS, ALIS, etc data.

·  Supporting colleagues in the use of new technologies especially in the areas of teaching and learning, assessment and reporting.

·  Ensuring the appropriate use of ICT by staff is embedded at all key stages.

·  Feeding back formally to colleagues from Heads of Department or other relevant meetings.

·  Organising external examination entries with the Examination Officer or her/his substitute.

·  Contributing to the departmental content of the KS3, KS4 and KS5 booklets.

·  Holding regular meetings within the department and sending a copy of agenda and action points/minutes to the Leadership Team and the office manager (by email please).

·  Overseeing implementation of dress code and punctuality within Department.

·  Monitoring staff absence and its effect on teaching and learning.

·  Monitoring the quality of teaching and learning within the department.

·  Liaison with assistant vice-principals on matters relating to timetabling and most effective use of human resources.

·  Advising the principal on staffing issues, responsibility allocation with job descriptions and appointments to the department.

·  Ensuring that recruitment, meeting and subsequent feedback to candidates is carried out in a professional manner.

·  Liaising with the school librarian on the purchase of appropriate resources and the organisation of special displays.

·  Overseeing the department’s contribution to the primary induction programme.

·  Fostering and supporting a good working relationship within the team and the whole school including associate staff, senior staff and line managers.

·  Reporting regularly to the leadership team on the department’s successes, areas for improvement and proposed future developments.

Pupil and student responsibilities

·  Providing reading and research lists for girls in Year 11 going into Year 12.

·  Regular monitoring of books and marking.

·  Overseeing the SOWs.

·  Ensuring that homework of quality is set in line with the school policy.

·  Encouraging, supporting and co-ordinating the department’s extra-curricular activities.

·  Ensuring provision for SEND, G+T, EAL and other groups.

·  Co-ordination of the department to ensure that pupils and students are encouraged and able to access help when required.

·  Regularly inviting specialist speakers into school and organising specialist excursions.

·  Ensuring pupils are using appropriate numeracy and literacy strategies in their work.

·  Annual update of departmental handbook.

·  Regular review of syllabus requirements.

·  Review of examination results, including strategies for improvement.

·  Overseeing target setting for pupils and for the department.

·  Overseeing that subject specialist support and advice is available for examination results days for students and senior staff.

·  Ensuring the department’s behaviour policy is up to date and followed.

·  Updating senior staff on departmental developments and pupil progress.

·  Ensuring pupils are using appropriate ICT in their work.

Physical resources

·  Ensuring that colleagues within the department will take care of teaching rooms, corridor areas, stock rooms etc. including furniture and maintain them to high standards.

·  Referring on health and safety issues as per school policy.

·  Creating and maintaining an attractive teaching environment, monitoring displays of pupils’ work and ensuring that such examples are correct and of a high standards.

·  Completing annually capitation review and bid.

·  Completing the DDP (Department Development Plan), including the mid-year review and contributing to the SDP (School Development Plan).

·  Ensuring that the shared school target is a focus for members of the department.

·  Ensuring effective use of resources including the quality of ICT hardware and software within the department.

Parents and the wider community

·  Contributing to and supporting the school’s specialist status(es).

·  Contributing to school developments such as school to school support and international partnerships.

·  Supporting and contributing where appropriate to the cross-curriculum e.g. citizenship; enterprise education; careers; ICT, SEAL.

·  Reporting termly to the principal on the department for the principal’s report to governors.

·  Overseeing the department’s contribution to various publications such as the school magazine, specialist school publications, school bulletin.