Columbia Greene Housing Coalition General Membership Meeting
Date/Time: April 24, 2015 10am Location: Greene County Department of Social Services
Attendance: Tina Sharpe, COI; Florence Ohle, CAGC; Susan Cody, MHA; Renee Pine, TCRS; Michelle Guilson, TCRS; Margaret Kennedy, community; Sue Palmer, CARES; Michael Cole, CCDHS; Brandon Bailey, Solider On; Alison Calhoun, CCDHS; Suzanne Paolino, GCDSS; Felicia Walters, GCDSS; Tess Cleary, CARES; Robert Romaker, LASNNY; Maggie Graham, GC; Tara McSherry, HCSD;
Welcome and Introductions & Review of Minutes: Approval of minutes from April 11, 2014 general membership meeting motioned by Florence Ohle, seconded by Susan Cody, motion carries.
Board Report: Advisory Board Met in March, Point In Time study shared, Formalized structure between HUD and CARES with bylaws which maintains housing coalition and with open membership,
By-law changes discussed:
Feedback on By-laws requested by August 3rd.
Section III A2: Homeless formerly homeless renamed consumer position, by-laws stipulate appointment at September Board meeting. Suggested change to allow appointment by Board at any time.
Section III A5: Chair and Vice Chair become co-chairs, collapse responsibility section
Advisory Board name change to Executive Board
Combine Review & Ranking with Monitoring and Evaluation-suggested wording by end of August.
Subcommittee Reports:
Review and Ranking: Margaret reported: met twice via conference call, reviewed last years efforts in preparation for this years work. Subcommittee brainstormed ideas to improve Rank and Review form and process for projects. Information gathered need to include HUD requirements and our strategic planning objectives. Rank and Review for Project participants will start in May and finish up by the end of June with Project interviews.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Margaret reported: met twice via conference call, APR submissions to HUD are 90 days after project ends, CARES would like at 60 days to review prior to final submission. CARES does not need financials to complete reviews. Discussed monitoring ideas which included informal presentations by projects throughout the year at regularly scheduled meetings. The format of these presentations would be guided by a checklist which will be created by the subcommittee and approved by the Advisory Board. Site visits or CARES technical assistance as needed in response to information received through rank and review, APR data and project presentations.
Education & Outreach: Bob reported: Homeless Forum held November 2014, hope to repeat this year with improvement to publicity. Landlord/Tenant Forum by Fair Housing end of March: Bob was on panel, May have a candidate for the consumer position. Sent representative to CARES regional meeting in February. Outreach regional group may be formed.
Coordinated Assessment: Kai can no longer chair this committee. Goal to serve the hardest to serve, no wrong door, process has been established. COC funded projects will meet May 4th to prepare implementation of coordinated assessment pilot June 1st. How to publicize tool? Office of Temporary Assistance and Disability Services (OTDA) regulations conflict with Housing and Urban Development (HUD) goals. Example: DSS can’t fill out forms they can only refer to other agencies. DSS can’t share MH information with MHA to allow housing; Clinic needs to get involved to supply MH dx.
Discussion: Is there potential for HUD to encourage all programs to accept all COC qualified homeless?
How to publicize and get community feedback? Social media, engage schools, Public relation events.
PIT/HMIS Committee: Susie reported: Implemented Data Quality report. Emergency sheltered only come form DSS, unsheltered information was collected from multiple agencies, key informants and local officials. Homeless on separate form, expand beyond typical resources: food pantries, libraries. Report submitted to HUD –deadline is April 30th.
Collaborative Applicant Report: Tess provided a handout reporting CARES activities on our behalf form Sept 2014-April 2015. Bullets included assistance to all subcommittees, timely HUD applications and document submissions, HMIS internal audit reviews, review of aggregated program performance data with attention to our strategic planning objectives.
Agency Member Updates:
COI: Tina :Section 8 Moratorium being lifted. COI can start providing vouchers. Actively recruiting for Head Start
CAGC: Flo: STEHP funds depleted 6 months into program.
Schools: Tara: McKinney Vento has very liberal definition of homeless, allows doubled-up families, couch surfing. Successful fundraiser by Rotary for homeless HCSD children.
Legal Aid: Bob: wants to up visibility of services. Will be sending out 3 page summary of all programs. The. Tenant eviction and SSI/SSDI very active, tax help available, foreclosures services under utilized.
Affordable Housing: Susie: MHA is requesting an exemption form the Town of Greenport housing moratorium. Greenport Gardens 66 unit mixed-use affordable, homeless, special needs. Time for public comment,
Twin County Shelter Plus Care: Renee: recent audit, started with 4 units, will have 8 units end of May with same funding.
Respectfully submitted by
Margaret S. Kennedy
Tess Cleary