PRESENT: Kathy Praczkajlo, Chairman
Tracy Hirsch
Courtney Mead
Bethany Pryor
Robert Woodring
ALSO Patricia Maxwell Deputy Town Attorney
PRESENT: William Ferguson Code Enforcement Officer
Thelma Faulring Secretary to Boards and Committees
Chairman Praczkajlo opened the Work Session at 7:01 P.M. and read the Keppard portion of the public notice; and announced that the applications for 8032 Boston State Road, petition #’s 499 and 500 have been withdrawn by the applicants.
Mrs. Praczkajlo asked for a roll call of the members (noted above).
Mrs. Praczkajlo introduced Ms. Maxwell, Mr. Ferguson and Secretary Faulring to those in attendance
Mrs. Praczkajlo: Has everyone had a chance to review the minutes? Are there any corrections that need to be made?
Mr. Hirsch: Motion to accept.
Mrs. Praczkajlo: I will make a second to accept both the Work Session and the Petition?
Mr. Hirsch: Yes.
Mrs. Praczkajlo: All in favor?
All were in favor of the motion.
General Correspondence
Mrs. Praczkajlo: We received a SEQR for the Keppard Petition, I will read that during that petition. Is there any other business for this evening?
Secretary Faulring: We are anticipating two petitions for December 1, I will let everyone know as soon as I know for sure.
Mrs. Praczkajlo: Thank you for sending the “Use” explanation to the members, we don’t have use variances that often and a reminder is helpful.
Mr. Woodring: That was part of the training in Batavia.
Secretary Faulring: I don’t know of any training coming up so far.
Mr. Hirsch: I think we will have too, I sent a letter to the Town Board asking to go to training in New York, it’s usually held in February, 19 – 22.
Mrs. Praczkajlo: The New York Federation is usually in April in Upstate New York, Saratoga.
Secretary Faulring: Was money for that included in the budget?
Mrs. Praczkajlo: When I did the budget request I did put the numbers in for training.
Secretary Faulring: Did you also include an increase for public hearing notices that have to go to the Buffalo News now?
Mrs. Praczkajlo: At the time of request for budget that wasn’t known yet.
Secretary Faulring: Perhaps there should be a follow-up letter. The public hearing notice for tonight was $565.00 to publish in the Buffalo News, and then two withdrew so it could have been reduced.
Mr. Hirsch: If you want to write it down Saratoga is March 26 – 28, 2017.
Ms. Mead: How long is that training covered a member for?
Mr. Hirsch: There’s more than four hours of training and you can carry over your hours from one years to another. It’s four hours every year.
Mrs. Praczkajlo: Is there anything else for this evening?
Being no further discussion Mrs. Praczkajlo made a motion to close the Work Session, seconded by Miss Mead and carried.
Signed: ______Katharine Praczkajlo
Dated: ______
November 3, 2016