Total No. of Pages: 4

Register Number: 7500

Name of the Candidate:



(paper – II)


December) (Time: 3 Hours

Maximum: 100 Marks

  1. Choose the correct answer:(5×1=5)
  1. Normal bleeding time of sheep carcasses

a)5 minutes b) 15 minutes c) 25 minutes

  1. The intensity of light required in meat inspection area is

a)5 candle footb) 50 candle foot c) 100 candle foot

  1. Scalding temperature of pigs is ______C

a) 61-64b) 71-74c) 81-84

  1. Tenderness of meat is related to

a) Age b) Connective tissue content c) Exercise

  1. Deonar Abattoir is located in

a) Mumbai b) Delhic) Kolkatta

  1. Fill in the blanks: (10×1=10)
  1. In pigs bleeding is achieved by severing ______.
  2. Bones accounts for an average of ______the weight of the carcass.
  3. Protein percent of egg york is about ______%.
  4. The pH of meat vary from ______
  5. Good quality blood meal should contain ______percent of protein.
  6. Insuline is obtained from ______
  7. Relative humidity suitable for meat cutting room is ______
  8. Colour of cow fat is ______
  9. The art of removal of hair and bristles from pig carean is ______.
  10. The maximum permissible limit of nitrite in cured meat is ______PPM.
  1. Define/ Explain any FIVE of the following: (5×2=10)
  1. Lairage
  2. Feather meal
  3. Neats foot oil
  4. Ageing
  5. Thermostabilization
  6. Stunning
  7. Blood splashes
  1. Write short notes on any FIVE of the following: (5×5=25)
  1. Freezer burn
  2. Humane slaughter
  3. PSE
  4. Mixed poultry by products meal
  5. Sticking and bleeding of animals
  6. On the rail dressing
  7. Industrial use of blood
  1. Write essay on any FIVE of the following: (5×10=50)
  1. What is adulteration? How do you identify meat from different species of animals?
  1. What are the principles underlying in meat products processing? Write in details the preparation of sausages.
  1. What is post-mortem equitation? Write in details the P.M. examinations of cattle carcasses.
  1. What are slaughter house by products? Narrate the benefits derived from utilization of by products.
  1. Write detailed procedure of dressing of pigs.
  1. Draw a neat diagram of the structure of hens egg. Explain the microbial spoilage of eggs.
  1. What is value addition? Give an account on the production of value added meat products.



vitnnaDk; Ie;J tpdhf;fSf;F tpil jUf (5×1=15)

midj;J tpdhf;fSf;Fk; rk kjpg;bgz;fs;

rhpahd tpiliaj; njh;e;bjLj;bjGJf

  1. brk;kwp Ml;il ,iwr;rpf;fhf btl;Lk; nghJ ,uj;jk; btspnaWk; neuk;

m) 5 epkplk; M) 15 epkplk; ,) 25 epkplk;

  1. ,iwr;rp Ma;t[ bra;a[k; miwapy; xsp mst[

m) 5 fhd;oy; g{l; M) 50 fhd;oy; g{l; ,) 100 fhd;oy;g{l;

  1. gd;wpia RLePhpy; eidf;Fk; nghJ jz;zPhpd; btg;g epiy

m) 61-64° br M) 71-74° br ,) 81-84° br

  1. ,iwr;rpapd; kpUJj; jd;ik vij bghWj;J mika[k;

m) taJ M) ,izg;g[j; jpRf;fspd; mst[ ,) clw;gapw;rp

  1. onahdhh; ,iwr;rpf; Tlk; mike;Js;s Ch;

m) Kk;ig M) g[J jpy;yp ,) nfhy;fj;jh

II. nfhol;l ,l';fis epug;g[f (10×1=10)

  1. gd;wpia ,iwr;rpf;fhf btl;Lk; nghJ ______,uj;jf; FHhia Jz;of;f ntz;Lk;.
  1. vYk;gpd; ruhrhp vil ,we;j gpuhzp clypd; ______rjtpfpjkhf ,Uf;Fk;
  1. Kl;il k";rs; fUtpy; ______rjtpfpjk; g[ujk; ,Uf;Fk;.
  1. ,iwr;rpapd; mkpy fhuf; FwpaPL ______Mf ,Uf;Fk;
  1. jukhd ,uj;j cztpy; ______rjtpfpjk; g[ujk; ,Uf;Fk;
  1. ,d;Rypd; ______y; ,Ue;J fpilf;fpwJ.
  1. ,iwr;rp btl;Lk; miwapy; <ug;gjk; ______rjtpfpjk;
  1. khl;Lf; bfhGg;gpd; epwk; ______
  1. gd;wpapd; clk;gpy; cs;s Kofs; kw;Wk; ePf;Ftjw;F ______vd;W bgah;
  1. cg;g[g; gjdk; bra;ag;gLk; ,iwr;rpapy; iel;iul;od; mst[ ______ppm.

III. VnjDk; Ie;jpw;F rpW Fwpg;bgGJ (5×2=10)

  1. tpy';Ffs; tHp j';fy; gl;o
  2. ,wF czt[
  3. ePl;!; Fsk;g[ vz;bza;
  4. tajhf;Fjy;/V#p';
  5. btg;gepiy rkepiyahf;Fjy;
  6. czh;tpHf;fr; bra;jy;
  7. ,uj;jk;

IV. VnjDk; Ie;jpw;F rpW Fwpg;bgGJ (5×5=25)

  1. ciwepiy jPg;g[z;
  2. kdpjhgkhd Kiwapy; tpy';Ffis btl;Ljy;
  3. gp.v!;.rp
  4. vy;yhk; fye;j nfhHp Jizg;bghUs; czt[
  5. tpy';Ffspy; xl;LjYk;/ ,uj;jk; btspnaw;WjYk;
  6. uapy; obu!;!p';
  7. bjhHpw;rhiyapy; ,uj;jj;jpd; gad;fs;

v) VnjDk; Ie;jpw;F kl;Lk; tphpthd tpilasp (5×10=50)

  1. ,iwr;rpapy; fyg;glk; vd;why; vd;d? btt;ntW tpy';Ffspd; ,iwr;rpia vg;gof; fz;lwpayhk;.
  1. ,iwr;rpg; bghUl;fspd; cUthf;fj;jpd; bray; Kiwfs; gw;wp vGJ FHyg;gk; jahhpf;Fk; Kiw gw;wp tpthp
  1. gpnuj ghpnrhjid vd;why; vd;d? czthfg; gad;gLk; khl;od; gpnujj;ij gphpnrhjid bra;a[k; Kiw gw;wp tphpthf vGJf
  1. ,iwr;rp btl;Lk; ,lj;jpy; fpilf;Fk; JizbghUl;fs; vd;d? Jiz bghUl;fspd; gad;fs; gw;wp tpthp
  1. gd;wp ,iwr;rp jahhpg;gjw;fhd Kiw gw;wp vGJf
  1. nfhHp Kl;ilapd; glk; tiue;J tpsf;Ff Ez;Qaph;fshy; Kl;il bfLjy; gw;wp vGJf
  1. kjpg;g{l;lg;gl;l ,iwr;rp vd;why; vd;d? mtw;iw vt;thW jahhpf;fyhk; vd;gijg; gw;wp tpthp
