Approved 10.17.16
Conservation Commission
Meeting Minutes of September 26, 2016
Wenham Town Hall, 138 Main Street
Pursuant to the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. Chapter 30 A, §18-25, written notice posted by the Town Clerk delivered to all Commissioners, a meeting of the Conservation Commission was held on Monday, September 26, 2016 at 7 PM in the Selectmen Chambers.
With a quorum present, Mr. Colarusso called the meeting to order at 7 PM.
Board Members Present: Philip Colarusso, Chair; Chris Gajeski; Leo Maestranzi; Michael Novak; Robert Burnett; Malcolm Reid
Also present: Margaret Hoffman, Planning Coordinator; Catherine Tinsley, Recording Secretary
Continued Hearings
DEP 326-0359
Applicant: Anthony Tambone, Wenham Pines LLC
Consultant: Kyle Lally, Hancock Associates
Location: 56-60 Main Street
Project: Site development within jurisdictional proximity to wetland resource area with construction of 23 town house units on what is currently the 32.4 acre Lakeview Golf Course.
The applicant has requested a continuance to the October meeting.
Vote: Mr. Maestranzi moved, and it was seconded, to continue the public hearing for Wenham Pines at the request of the applicant to a date certain of October 17, 2016 at 7:00 pm in Town Hall. The motion carried unanimously.
Notice of Intent
DEP 326-0357
Applicant: Larch Row Land LLC
Consultant: Griffin Engineering Group LLC
Location: 213R Larch Row
Project: Construction of two single family dwellings and common driveway within the 100 foot adjacent upland resource area to a bordering vegetated wetland.
The applicant has requested a continuance to the October meeting.
Vote: Mr. Maestranzi moved, and it was seconded, to continue the public hearing for 213R Larch Row at the request of the applicant to a date certain of October 17, 2016 at 7:00 pm in Town Hall. The motion carried unanimously.
Request for Determination of Applicability
Applicant: Sean Scanlon on behalf of Craig Benvie
Location: 38 Cedar Street
Project: Request for Determination as to whether the construction of a proposed shed at 38 Cedar Street, Wenham MA (Map 18, Lot 3B) is within an area subject to the jurisdiction of the Wetlands Protection Act.
Mr. Colarusso reported on the Commissioner’s site visit to 38 Cedar Street for the relocation of a shed. He stated there is no impact or adverse effect to the wetlands.
Vote: Mr. Maestranzi moved, and it was seconded, to issue a negative determination of Applicability for 38 Cedar Street. The motion carried unanimously.
The Commissioners signed the document.
Other Matters
Mr. Gajeski was welcomed to the Commission as the newest member.
The Chairman announced the meeting was being recorded for the purpose of preparing minutes.
137 Larch Row Pool Removal - Possible RDA or NOI Informal Discussion
There is an existing in-ground pool on the property at 137 Larch Row. The property is under agreement to be sold and the prospective buyers are seeking to remove the pool liner, fir decking/carpet around the pool, crush the bottom of the pool, use fill to level the ground and loam/seed for lawn.
Present for 137 Larch Row: Hope Bachelder; Robert Bachelder; George Needham, Real Estate Agent
Ms. Bachelder gave a brief overview of the project to remove the existing in-ground pool to about 2 feet below current grade and seed for lawn. All work will be within the confines of the fencing around the pool with silt fencing around the exterior perimeter between the fence and wetlands. It was noted the homeowners do not want to replace the fence as it was only there for the pool.
The pine trees as noted on the plan are a hazard to the home and would be removed.
Ms. Bachelder told the Commission that the work is planned to be done by Eric Swanson of Corliss Landscaping who is familiar with the project and will work closely with the Commission. Corliss Brothers Nursery & Garden Center prepared a quote to provide fill and loam.
Mr. Maestranzi noted he went on the site visit and suggested there is no adverse impact to the wetlands within the Conservation Commissions jurisdiction.
It was observed that the abutters have not been notified.
Mr. Novak voiced his concern that 99% of the work in the buffer zone and that a filing is warranted to assure erosion control is in place, the fill being brought in is not being stored on site, and the lawn is not expanded. He suggested silt fabric filters be used opposed to hay bales.
Mr. Gajeski asked for the distance from the wetland to the closest structure be recorded on the plans for verification if needed.
This was an informal discussion and no application was submitted to date and no action was required by the Commissioners at this time. The Commission recommended that the Bachelders submit a formal Request for Determination be filed with the Planning Coordinator in order for them to make a formal decision on the proposal.
The Food Project – Raymond Farm Lease Update
Present: Ben Zoba, North Shore Grower for The Food Project at Raymond Farm, Larch Row
Andrew Brousseau Co-owner of Black Earth Compost
Mr. Zoba reported:
· In spite of the drought, they grew a lot of food and they are still harvesting.
· Brick Ends Farm provided composting for organic matter to be added into the soil. The cover crops will be planted with winter rye and clover.
· Wenham DPW brings leaves from the fall collection to the farm to be mulched; this helps with water retention. It was questioned if leaves from the town’s leaf pick up would be brought to the farm again this year. The DPW will be contacted.
Mr. Maestranzi voiced his concern that organic matter was dumped in the bordering vegetated wetlands noting the rows are planted parallel to the river to help with erosion.
Mr. Zoba explained the organic matter will be pulled up into the soils; this will strengthen the growth of the winter cover crops and prevent erosion.
Mr. Brousseau accompanied Mr. Zoba and spoke about a proposal to bring organic waste from Beverly residents to Reynolds Farm to be added to the soils.
Mr. Brousseau is a co-owner of Black Earth Compost and has the contract to pick up organic waste in Beverly’s residential pilot program.
The Commissioners voiced their concern with food scraps attracting rats, flies, vermin, etc.
It was explained to the Commissioners that the food scraps are immediately covered with at least a foot of leaves. As the food pieces break down, it is added to the soil. The carbons added to the organic matter such as paper and cardboard, reduce moisture and odors and speed up the process.
The Commission agreed the abutters within 300 feet, including Enon Village, be notified. They agreed to discuss this request further at the next meeting after the abutters have received notice.
Mr. Brousseau was asked to provide an estimate of material matter, amount, and a contingency plan if this is approved but does not work out.
Salem Beverly Water Supply Board (SBWSB) – Vegetation Management Plan
The SBWSB notified the Town in in a letter dated September 8, 2016 that under Section 3 of the Exceptions of the Town of Wenham Water Resources Protection Bylaw, the SBWSB is planning to undertake vegetation management work on Putnamville Reservoir Right-of-Way beginning on October 10, 2016. This includes mowing, cutting, and pruning of vegetation within the right-of-way. Some of this work will take place in or near wetlands. The details of this plan were provided to the Commissioners.
No action was required.
Administrative Business:
Meeting Minutes – August 8, 2016 and September 12, 2016
Vote: Mr. Maestranzi moved to accept the minutes of August 8, 2016 as written and it was unanimous to do so with Mr. Gajeski abstaining citing he was not a Commissioner at the time.
Vote: Mr. Maestranzi moved to accept the minutes of September 12, 2016 as written and it was unanimous to do so with Mr. Gajeski abstaining citing he was not a Commissioner at the time.
Ms. Hoffman informed the Commissioners that the MACC Environmental Handbook is on line and digital subscriptions are available for members at a cost of $15 annually per subscription. The Commissioners indicated their interest to subscribe.
The next Conservation Commission meeting is October 17, due to the holiday on the second Monday of the month. The Commissioners agreed to meet as usual on the fourth Monday of the month.
The Commissioners unanimously adjourned at 8:07 pm.
Respectfully Submitted By
Catherine Tinsley
ConCom 9.26.16