(General Staff)
(HR/GS) effective 08/12
  • This form is to be used for the appointment of casual general employees.
  • For administrative purposes only, and irrespective of the envisaged duration of casual employment, the job details specified below will remain valid on the HR system for a period of 12months from commencement.
  • Submit the original of this form to Payroll Services together with a Tax File Number (TFN) Declaration. (Note: ATO regulations require the University to submit ATO TFN Declarations within 2 weeks of commencement of new employment).
  • A copy of this form is to be provided to the casual employee and one copy retained by the area. All parts of the form must be completed.
  • Do not use this form for current full-time continuing or fixed-term full time general staff members as such staff members are not eligible to be paid on a casual basis.
  • To complete form electronically, simply tab from cell to cell.
/ Payroll Use Only
Job No
Payroll No
CLevel Code
Offer of casual employment
Flinders University offers to engage the services of (the employee) in
(School) in
(Major Cost Centre) on a casual basis to perform the duties specified below.
Conditions of employment– for the information of the casual employee
  • The University’s provisionson employment of casual staff are available at:
  • Other important employment information for general casual staff (including guidelines for use of electronic timesheets) is included on pages 5 and 6 of this form.
  • The Occupational Health & Safety Induction Checklist included with this form (page 4) must be completed at the commencement of new employment in each School/Division or if OH&S procedures have changed since you last worked in the School/Division.

Employment Period, Duties and Rates – to be completed by the supervisor of the casual employee
Start Date: / Expected End Date:
Recommended Classification Level: (pls indicate if Junior or Adult) / Anticipated Hours per week: / Casual Hourly Rate:
HEO / Junior (Under 21Years) / Adult / $
(For information on classification descriptors, refer to url: )
Salaries Account Number(s) to be charged (including on-costs applicable):
Account Fraction / %
Account Fraction / %

NB: If funding is split between two account numbers, the total fraction must equal 100%.

Position Title:

The key duties and responsibilities to be undertaken by the casual employee are as follows:






Justification for the casual appointment and proposed classification level:

PART B – EMPLOYEE DETAILS –all sections to be completed by the employee in full.
Personal Details
Title:Family Name:
Given Name(s) in full: Preferred Name:
Home Address:
Postal Address (if different from above):
Home telephone: () Mobile No Email:
Male Female Date of Birth (dd-mm-yyyy): (must be completed)
Are you currently, or have you ever been, employed at FlindersUniversity in any capacity / YES / NOYESNO / If yes, Payroll No (if known):
Are you currently, or have you ever been a student at FlindersUniversity? / YES / NOYESNO / If yes, Student ID No:
Please indicate your residency status(pls tick relevant box) : / Australian Citizen / Visa Holder
If holding a visa, please indicate type and sub-class of visa:
If holding a visa, what work rights do you have?

Note: If you are not an Australian citizen, your visa must be sighted by the University and a copy of your visa and your passport photo pageattached to this form to enable HR to verify work rights with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. You should be aware that heavy penalties apply for any breaches of Immigration regulations.

Financial Institution Details for Deposit of Pay– to be completed by employee
Institution Name:
Branch Location:
Branch (BSB) Code: / Account Number:
Max (9 digits)
Name(s) in which account is held

Signature of employee:Date:

(please also sign Declaration by Casual Employee overleaf)
Pay Advice
Your payslips and your Payment Summary can only be accessed on-line. These can be printed or viewed online via the Employee Self Service link at: :
Declaration by Employee – please tick each box to confirm your response
This employment does not contravene visa restrictions about paid employment in Australia that apply to me.
My present physical and mental health would in no way prevent me from satisfactorily performing the duties for which I am engaged.
I have completed the OH&S Induction Checklist with my supervisor
I accept my obligation to submit electronic timesheets (see page 6) reflecting sessions actually worked.
I have read the attached instructions on how to enter electronic timesheets on the Employee Self Service.
I will comply with University polices and procedures as they exist from time to time.
I have read and accept the duties and conditions that apply to my employment as a casual general employee
I declare that the details supplied by me on this form are true and correct.
I have retained a copy of this Casual Employment Form.
I have attached the following (please tick)
  • my completed Tax File Number (TFN) Declaration
NB: If you are a new employee you must complete and attach your TFN Declaration otherwise the University is obliged to deduct tax instalments at the highest marginal rate and your superannuation contributions may be affected. If you have previously been employed at the University and have completed a TFN Declaration within the last 12 months, you do not need to forward a new form, unless the information contained in your previous TFN Declaration has changed.
  • a copy of my visa and passport photo page (where not an Australian citizen)
  • I consent to the University verifying my visa status with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Signature: ______Date:
Supervisor Declaration and Authority – please tick each box to confirm your response
I am satisfied that this employee has the necessary skills/experience/qualifications to carry out the duties as listed on page 1.
I confirm that this form has been duly completed.
I confirm that I have completed the OH&S Induction Checklist in respect of this casual employee and that I have retained a copy.
I confirm that this casual employee does not have a relationship (financial, familial, sexual or otherwise) with me.
I acknowledge my responsibility to approve the casual employee’s electronic timesheets in a timely manner
I undertake to advise Payroll Services at of any negative variation to the casual employee’s electronic timesheet entry at the earliest opportunity to avoid overpayment of salary.
I am satisfied that this employee is an Australian citizen, permanent resident or has visa authorisation allowing employment.
I undertake to provide the employee with a copy of this completed form. A copy will also be retained by the School/Division.
I have made arrangements for this employee to be given access to the University’s electronic communications systems, including email and internet for carrying out her/his University tasks.
Supervisor’s signature:______Name: Date:
Electronic Timesheet Approver
▪I confirm that I am responsible for approving the casual employee’s electronic timesheets in a timely manner and for advising Payroll Services of any negative variation to the casual employee’s electronic timesheet entry at the earliest opportunity.
Electronic Timesheet Approver’s signature:______Name: Date:
Dean of School/Head of Division (or Delegate) Declaration and Authority
  • I am satisfied that due process has been followed in the selection of this casual employee and that supervisory arrangements are appropriate.
  • I certify that funds are available for the appointment.
  • I authorise (print name) (payroll number) to approve electronic timesheets on the Employee Self Service for this casual employee.
Dean of School/Head of Division Signature: ______Name: Date:
For casual positions at HEO6 or above, authorisation by Head of Major Cost Centre (Faculty/VCO):
  • I am satisfied that the duties of this position warrant a classification at HEO6 or above.
Head of Major Cost Centre Signature: ______Name: Date:


Occupational Health and Safety Induction Checklist *

(Form HR/OHS)

Name: / Position: / Start Date:

Please complete all applicable sections of the Checklist below.

Emergency and First Aid Procedures


√when done

Advised of procedures & sounds for emergency evacuation and location of assembly area
Shown location of emergency exits and fire extinguishers
Introduced to area Fire Warden
Advised of first aid procedures and location of first aid person(s)
Informed of Security procedures on campus

Occupational Health & Safety

Provided with contact details of area Health & Safety Representative
Given and explained Occupational Health & Safety Information Brochure
Show location of University OHS website
  • Location of OH&S Policy
  • Access to OH&S Policy
  • OH&S Policy explained

Area specific hazard information
  • Repetitive work (including word processing and data entry)
  • Manual handling
  • Other (list)
  • Explain relevant Safe Operating procedures (where relevant)
  • Advise location of Material Safety Data Sheets
(Continue overleaf if necessary)
Told to report hazards to supervisor for risk assessment & control
Advised of work times and breaks – including the need to alternate intensive keyboard work with other duties
Shown workstation – tools, equipment and plant used for the job
Other job specific policies / guides (list)

Laboratories, workshops, maintenance areas







Shown location of Workplace Substances Register and MSDSs
Shown location of Plant Register∆ and associated Risk Assessments
Shown location of Standard Operating Procedures

∆The Electrical Inventory may cover all Plant in your area. “Plant” does not include manually powered hand-held tools.

*Area specific OH&S Induction Checklists may also apply. Supervisor to retain all signed sheets.

Signed (Supervisor) / Date
Signed (Staff Member) / Date


Employment of Casual Staff Policy
The University’s provisions on employment of casual staff are available at:
Reporting relationships
Casual general staff are responsible to the Dean of the School/Head of Division in which they work and are assigned responsibilities by the Dean/Head. Direct day-to-day duties are usually assigned by the immediate supervisor.
Induction information, including OH&S requirements, will be provided by the supervisor.
Casual general staff are paid on the basis of work undertaken and completed. There is no provision for one-off rates to be paid.
The duration of employment is the decision of the supervisor.
Casual general staff do not receive paid or unpaid leave nor payment for public holidays.
Rates of pay are specified at Junior rates of pay apply to levels HEO1 – HEO3.
For occupational health and safety reasons, casual employees should not work more than 5 hours without a break. They are then required to take a minimum break of 30 minutes which must be reflected in the electronic timesheet.
Payroll Procedures
Casual general staff must record the hours worked via the Employee Self Service (ESS) and these will be approved electronically by their supervisor. Guidelines for electronic timesheet recording can be found overleaf on page 6.
Payment, which is taxable, is based on the number of hours recorded and approved on the ESS and is processed through the University’s payroll system at designated fortnightly intervals. Fortnightly deadlines for submission of hours worked can be found at:
With respect to the first salary payment after commencement, a casual employee should be aware that there may be a delay of up to 4 weeks depending on the point in the pay cycle that s/he commences work. Early payment will depend on prompt submission of the Casual Employment Form to Payroll Services prior to commencement of employment.
Taxation legislation requires every casual employee to submit a Tax File Number Declaration and this must be forwarded to Payroll Services prior to commencement of employment.Failure to do so may delay the initial salary payment.
In accordance with legislation the Superannuation Guarantee Levy is paid for casual general employees to UniSuper’s Accumulation Super 1 Scheme. No contribution is required from the casual employee. The University’s contribution to this scheme will appear on the casual employee’s payslip where applicable on the last payslip of each calendar month. All members receive individual statements each year from UniSuper. Further enquiries can be made by contacting the Employee Benefits Office telephone 8201 5727 or 8201 5231. At the completion of employment with Flinders University, casual employees should contact the Employee Benefits Office to make arrangements for either payment or roll-over of their superannuation benefit, if any.
University Policies and Procedures
Casual employees are required to observe University policies including human resources and student–related policies and procedures and policies on Occupational Health & Safety and Equal Opportunity. Copies of the relevant policies are available via the Flinders University Web home page at:
Equipment and Resources
Equipment and resources provided by the University remain the property of the University.
Casual staff will be given access to the University’s electronic communications systems, including email and internet for carrying out their University tasks. Either the employee or the employee’s supervisor can arrange with either Payroll Services (ext 12501 or 15014) or the Cost Centre’s local computing support staff for a Flinders Authentication Name (FAN) which will give the employee access to a number of University electronic services such as electronic mail and network services. Generally FAN details will be created and available for casual employees from the date they commence their employment.
It is important that casual employees ensure that their FAN is activated so that they can receive all University emails, including those generated by the Employee Self Service. To activate your FAN, go to: .
Notice Period
Either the University or the casual employee may provide at least one hour’s notice of the termination of the casual employment.
Conversion to Non-Casual Employment
A casual general staff member has a right to apply to have her or his employment converted to a non-casual appointment subject to meeting certain eligibility requirements. In general terms, to be eligible to apply for conversion, a casual general staff member must be employed on a regular or systematic basis in the same or similar position in the same School/Division over the immediately preceding period of 12 months (depending on the average hours worked) or 24 months. Full details of the conversion criteria can be found in clause10 of the University’s Casual General Staff provisions at


General Information

All casual general staff members are required to submit fortnightly electronic timesheets reflecting hours worked. This should be done via the Employee Self Service (ESS). If there is any reason why you cannot use the electronic timesheet please contact stating your reason(s).
The electronic timesheet can be completed on a daily basis and saved on your Employee Self Service. It should be submitted to your supervisor for approval prior to the relevant fortnightly deadline. Deadlines may change during the year and should be checked from time to time. Full payroll deadline details can be found at:
More information on casual timesheets is available at:
You can also use the Employee Self Service to view and print your payslip and payment summary. You can also change your personal details when necessary. Go to to find out more.

Logging into the Employee Self Service

Use these instructions if you have not previously logged into the Employee Self Service.
Go to: Add this to your ‘favourites’.
Click ‘Login to Employee Self Service’ under the ‘Important Notices’ section.
User id – your 6 digit payroll number (if you don’t know this, call Payroll Services on 12501 or 15014)
Password – your initial password is your date of birth in the format of ddmmyyyy eg 01051955

Getting to your timesheet

Once logged in:
  • Click ‘Casual Timesheets’
  • Click ‘General Staff T/S’
Note: Any pending timesheets can be accessed at this point

Starting a new timesheet

  • Click ‘Add new record’.
  • Enter the start date for the timesheet by selecting a date from the calendar.
  • Select the job number using the lookup facility – click on the required job no.
  • If you have more than one casual job you will need to record them on separate timesheets.
  • Click ‘Show Days’.
  • Note: Leave the ‘approval person’ and ‘submit’ fields blank at this point.
  • Enter the start and end time and total hours worked, less any breaks.
  • Click ‘Insert’. This will save the timesheet as pending, enabling you to update it until you are ready to submit it to your supervisor.

Updating a timesheet

Once you have created the timesheet for the first time you should come back daily to update it.
  • Get to the ‘General Staff T/S’ page.
  • Click on the ‘period start date’ of the timesheet you wish to update.
  • Enter the start, end time and total hours worked, less any breaks.
  • Click ‘Update’.

Submitting a timesheet to your supervisor or nominated approver

Note: Once a timesheet has been submitted for approval it cannot be changed.
  • Get to the ‘General Staff T/S’ page, click on the ‘period start date’ of the timesheet you wish to submit.
  • Submit to your approver by selecting ‘submit’ from the pull down menu.
  • Click ‘update’ at the bottom of the page and wait for the ‘Success’ message.
  • An email will be sent to your approver prompting them to approve the timesheet.
  • If your approver does not approve your timesheet within 1 day, a daily email reminder will be sent to both you and your approver until it is approved. It is therefore important that you have activated your FAN to enable you to receive all University emails.

Delete your timesheet before it is approved

  • Select ‘Pending Requests’ from the left menu.
  • Select the timesheet record you wish to delete, by clicking in the delete box beside the record.
  • Click the delete button at the bottom of the page and confirm the delete.

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