UNIT:Intro to Civil Obligations – Term 3
DETAILS:Multimodal Presentation 3 – 5 minutes
No / Learning Goal / Success Criteria/Activities(I Know I’ve got it when I can …)
1 / Students will define agreement and understand that they all make agreements on a daily basis. / Successfully complete introductory activity, page 349 and activity 2, page 353.
2 – 3 / Students will explore agreements, in particular what constitutes an ‘offer’ and an ‘acceptance’. / Successfully complete activity 4, page 354, and discussion activities on PowerPoint and Activity 7, page 359.
4 - 5 / Students will discuss how an ‘intention to create legal relations’ makes an agreement legally binding. / Successfully complete cloze activity and activities 21 and 22 on page 372.
6 / Students will explore the concept of ‘consideration’ and understand that each party to an agreement must uphold their end of the promise. / Successful completion of, ‘Consideration’and ‘Promissory Estoppel’ worksheets.
7 / Students will analyse the terms of a contract, in particular, comparing conditions and warranties to determine which are binding and which are not. / Successfully identify and highlight the conditions and warranties of a contract and distinguish between the two.
8 / Students will be introduced to the legislation governing contracts and examine the guidelines it sets out in relation to making agreements. / As a class, successfully identify whether an agreement has been entered into and is legally binding by using the, ‘Interactive Agreements’ ppt.
9 - 10 / Students will explore the many defences available to people who either break an agreement or suffer an injury due to the other party breaching their part of the contract and also the remedies available to injured parties. / Successfully complete activities on page 47 of textbook, ‘Investigating Legal Studies for Queensland’.
11 – 16 / Students will discuss the importance of negligence laws, the elements needed to sue in negligence, the remedies available under the tort and also the defences available to the defendant. / Successfully complete worksheets, ‘Protecting Consumers in Australia’, ‘Factors in a Breach of Duty of Care’, ‘Compensation Case Study’ and ‘Compensation’.
Complete activities 13, 15, 16, 20 and 32 from textbook.
17 / Students will analyse the writing structure for the assignment and deconstruct each given scenario to aid in planning and preparation. / Successfully identify whether each given scenario is an agreement, negligence or both, be able to identify the defences and remedies available and lastly correctly identify the position they should take on the issue.