State NRM Program community projects

Successful projects announced:

December 2014

November 2013

October 2012

December 2011

May 2011

March 2010


LCDC – Land Conservation District Committee

NRM – Natural Resource Management

WoNS – Weeds of National Significance

Successful projects - December 2014

Northern agricultural region

Recipient / Title / Grant
Australian Wildlife Conservancy / The control of feral animals on Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary (14112) / $48 000
City of Greater Geraldton / Chapman River wildlife corridor community awareness and regeneration experience (CARE) project: stage two (14198) / $47 100
Conservation Council (WA) / Building regional capacity for fairy tern conservation action (14014) / $27 000
Moore Catchment Council / Planting food for endangered Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo in the Calingiri IBA (14163) / $40 000
Protecting and enhancing the Moore River biodiversity assets (14162) / $35 000
Rehabilitation of the north Guilderton dunes: stage two (14161) / $15 000
West Midlands Group / Protecting on-farm remnant vegetation in the West Midlands area: stage three (14089) / $20 000

Peel-Harvey region

Recipient / Title / Grant
City of Mandurah / Renewable and sustainable fencing practices of remnant vegetation at Marlee Reserve (14140) / $24 000
Peel Group of the Riding for the Disabled Association / Site investigations and weed control for management of wetland interface (14033) / $14 060
St Stephen’s School / Blackberry eradication at Nanga (14225) / $17 000

Perth region

Recipient / Title / Grant
Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group / Project Palomino: restoring the Wungong River (14017) / $15 000
Bannister Creek Catchment Group / Bannister Creek living stream: final stage– Iveston Rd to Acacia Weir (14116) / $40 000
Blackadder/Woodbridge Catchment Group / Blackadder wetlands transition from tidal to freshwater project (14123) / $18 000
Bungendore Park Management Committee / Weed control and dieback treatment: Bungendore Park and adjacent land (14065) / $18 000
Chittering Valley LCDC / Chasing remaining feral pigs in the Chittering Valley (14042) / $40 000
City of Canning / Black Creek biodiversity and water quality improvement project (14070) / $35 000
City of Cockburn / Lake Yangebup nutrient stripping basin and living stream (14027) / $26 000
Revegetating Rose Shanks Reserve within a rabbit proof fenced area (14148) / $22 000
Dieback Working Group / “Discovering Dieback” upper primary education package revision and launch (14222) / $25 000
Ellen Brockman Integrated Catchment Group / Tracking remaining feral pigs in the Chittering Valley (14057) / $10 000
Friends of Forrestdale / Forrestdale Lake community education project (14135) / $17 000
Friends of Lake Claremont / Extension of revegetation to the northern and eastern boundaries of Lake Claremont to restore indigenous woodland (14002) / $25 000
Friends of Mary Carroll Wetlands / Revegetation of the islands at Mary Carroll Lake (14016) / $11 000
Friends of North Ocean Reef – Iluka Foreshore / Cape tulip control and eradication in Bush Forever site 325 (14041) / $10 000
Friends of Pioneer Park / Sawyers Road to Lion Street heritage trail project (14110) / $7 302
Friends of Queens Park Bushland / Land management and activities in Queens Park Regional Open Space (14006) / $40 000
Helena College Junior School / The Nyannia project: to protect and restore natural bushland adjacent to Nyaania Creek (14032) / $19 500

Perth region continued…

Recipient / Title / Grant
Herdsman Lake Community Advisory Committee / Herdsman Lake Regional Park – Glendalough Reserve revegetation project (14130) / $14 000
Mt Henry Peninsula Conservation Group / Mt Henry Peninsula rehabilitation: weed and feral animal control (14011) / $7 000
Mullaloo Beach Community Group / Mullaloo dunes ecological restoration: year four (14037) / $11 360
Murdoch Environmental Restoration Group / Restoration and habitat protection for endangered fauna (14150) / $25 000
Shire of Kalamunda / Haas grass control in the Shire of Kalamunda (14165) / $17 200
Shire of Mundaring / Environmental recovery for the Parkerville/Stoneville/Mt Helena Fires 2014 (14107) / $30 000
South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare / Aquatic weed capacity building and management training (14068) / $35 000
Blackberry removal and restoration of Bull Creek Reserve: stage 2 (14119) / $27 000
Canning River foreshore restoration (14158) / $45 000
Post fire restoration in the Canning River Regional Park (14055) / $45 000
Protection and enhancement of the biodiversity of Booragoon Lake Reserve (14118) / $25 000
Wilson Wetlands Action Group Inc / Combined management strategies targeting declared weed Hydrocotyle in Wilson Lagoon (14077) / $45 000

Rangelands region

Recipient / Title / Grant
Carnarvon Land Conservation District Committee / Towards athel pine eradication in the Lower Gascoyne (14155) / $35 000
Central Desert Native Title Services / Lorna Glen/Matuwa cacti cull (14184) / $30 000
Wiluna women looking after country (14192) / $30 000
Goldfields Land and Sea Council / Weed control in the Dundas Nature Reserve (14217) / $35 000
Goldfields Nullarbor Rangelands Biosecurity Association / Nullarbor cactus clean-up (14153) / $30 000
Kija Rangers – Kimberley Land Council / Control of Bellyache bush in the upper reaches of the Ord River catchment (14223) / $22 000
Kimberley Land Council / The Bardi Jawi Vine Thicket nursery regional pilot project (14177) / $40 000
Kimberley Rangelands Biosecurity Association Inc. / Improving Pastoral Recognised Biosecurity Group Capacity (14109) / $23 000
Meekatharra Rangelands Biosecurity Association Inc. / Walloping a WONS at Windimurra (14010) / $46 930
Nicholson Range Management Committee / Nicholson Range conservation and restoration project: stage two B (14215) / $32 000
Ord Land and Water / Prickle bush control in the East Kimberley (14053) / $50 000
Rangelands Fibre and Produce Association / Control of significant outlier infestations of strategically important WONS (14040) / $30 000
Reef Life Survey Foundation / Volunteer scientific monitoring of Western Australian marine biodiversity (14126) / $30 000
Shire of Upper Gascoyne / Upper Gascoyne feral pig eradication project (14009) / $30 000
Upper Gascoyne Mesquite control project (14008) / $45 000

Rangelands region continued…

Recipient / Title / Grant
Society for Kimberley Indigenous Plants and Animals / The Kimberley regional seed bank cooperative (14193) / $25 000
Theatre Kimberley / Kimberley environmental education puppet project (14211) / $25 000
West Kimberley Rubber Vine Steering Committee / Aquila project: crowdsourcing volunteers to detect rubber vine in aerial imagery (14078) / $37 000
Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation / Ngurrawaana Rangers controlling Parkinsonia on Leramagadu Lease block (14005) / $35 000

South coast region

Recipient / Title / Grant
Albany Branch Western Australian Wildflower Society / Albany Regional Herbarium Collection: building a comprehensive resource to meet community needs (14023) / $42 000
Esperance Regional Forum Incorporated / Connecting gaps and protecting riparian vegetation in the Stokes Catchment (14030) / $49 600
Friends of the Porongurup Range Inc. / Declared and environmental weed control in the National Heritage listed Porongurup National Park (14185) / $35 000
Friends of the Western Ground Parrot Inc / Saving the western ground parrot (14181) / $17 240
Green Skills / Sydney wattle eradication project: Torndirrup, Robinson, Grasmere – Albany region (14147) / $45 000
Wetland and biodiversity restoration in the Forest to Stirlings Gondwana Link 2015 (14167) / $45 000
Oyster Harbour Catchment Group / Controlling weedy acacia species in the Ranges Link: Stirling to Porongurup (14188) / $45 000
Protecting the Stirling Range National Park from bridal creeper (14187) / $40 000
Shire of Denmark / Mitigating the risk of dieback on four priority reserves in Denmark (14182) / $10 600
Shire of Esperance / Twilight Cove restoration project (14101) / $16 380
Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee / Eastern states wattle control in Redmond: phase two (14058) / $23 000

South west region

Recipient / Title / Grant
Blackwood Basin Group Incorporated / Priority recovery waterway: salinity management in the Dinninup catchment (14105) / $40 000
Protecting, restoring and regenerating the Blackwood River (14087) / $35 000
Cape to Cape Catchments Group / Targeted on-ground action in the Margaret River catchment (14038) / $49 000
City of Busselton (Meelup Regional Park Management Committee) / Rehabilitation of zone 6 in Meelup Regional Park (14072) / $23 000
Dumbleyung Landcare Zone / Protect and connect Tarin Rock bush blocks (14075) / $15 000
East Manjimup Primary School / Another link in the chain - restoring Manjimup Brook: stage 4 (14015) / $15 320
Friends of Big Swamp / Caring for a valuable urban wetland in a drying climate (14133) / $14 800
Geographe Catchment Council / A pilot of the Dairy Australia Fert$mart project in Geographe catchment (14094) / $25 000
Protecting biodiversity in Carbunup Reserve through Phytophthora management (14098) / $20 000
Protection and enhancement of biodiversity in Yoongarillup Reserve. (14097) / $10 000
Katanning LCDC / Battling bridal creeper – The fight continues (14180) / $40 000
Fencing and revegetation works in the Katanning region (14103) / $40 000
South of the border: Extending red-tailed phascogales into Katanning (14013) / $10 000
Keipa Boodja Aboriginal Corporation / To preserve Waterloo Reserves for environmental, cultural and historical purposes (14176) / $20 000
Leschenault Catchment Council Inc. / Leschenault Catchment Council weed management and revegetation program (14115) / $50 000
Shire of Augusta Margaret River / WoNS control in Priority Shire Reserves (14172) / $12 100
Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup / Strategic planning for the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup’s reserves and drainage easements (phase 1) (14034) / $10 000
Shire of Kent / Protection of remnant vegetation in the Chinocup, Gnowanalup, Nyabing and Lefroy catchments (14201) / $35 000

South west region continued…

Recipient / Title / Grant
Tangaroa Blue Foundation / The Australian Marine Debris Initiative Training Videos - building community capacity (14169) / $17 000
Wagin Woodanilling Landcare Zone / Kill the bride: bridal creeper control program (14050) / $10 000
Protecting and enhancing the conservation and biodiversity of remnant vegetation and riparian land in the Woodanilling region (14045) / $35 000
Walpole Nornalup National Parks Association / Rehabilitation of peat swamps in the Walpole Wilderness (14024) / $35 000
Wandering Primary P&C / Wandering Primary School: Reaching out to Carnabys, culture and community (14216) / $10 000
Warren Catchments Council / Ongoing control of isolated populations of highly invasive environmental weeds. (14166) / $15 000

Wheatbelt region

Recipient / Title / Grant
HotRock / Seed2Tree 2015 (14121) / $13 000
Shire of Westonia / Not so common: Protecting the biodiversity values of Westonia Common (14145) / $29 000
Wadderin Wildlife Sanctuary Inc. / Reintroduction of fauna to Wadderin Sanctuary: consolidating the gains (14056) / $27 990
WWF –Australia / Re-fencing Mount Caroline for threatened rock wallaby habitat protection (14069) / $21 443
Yaraguia Enterprises Incorporated (Yei) / “MarlakNiran” - returning country to bushland" (14117) / $30 000

Successful projects - November 2013

Northern agricultural region

Recipient / Project title / Grant
City of Greater Geraldton / Chapman River wildlife corridor community awareness and regeneration experience project / $49 875
Moora Catchment Council / Conservation of Candy's Bush Reserve through traditional and ecological knowledge sharing / $32 450
Planting feed species for the endangered Carnaby's black-cockatoo in the northern Swan Coastal Plain Important Bird Area / $45 000
Reconnecting fragmented Malleefowl (LeipoaOcellata) habitat near Maya, WA / $36 325
Shire of Chapman Valley / Revegetation the Moresby Stage four / $50 000
Protecting waterways and remnant vegetation in the Chapman River catchment area / $50 000
Invasive species plan implementation in the western third of Chapman Valley / $47 000
West Koojan - Gillingarra LCDC / Saltland stabilisation using NyPa(salt loving forage grass) to control erosion and improve soil drainage / $27 000
West Midlands Group / Protecting on-farm remnant vegetation to enhance wildlife habitat, in the West Midlands area- stage two / $50 000
Pest control to protect our sensitive vegetation in the West Midlands / $33 165

Perth region

Recipient / Project title / Grant
Active Greening / The greening project - pilot project / $20000
Ardross Primary School Parents & Citizens Association / Protecting bats in Melville through providing habitats and education / $9000
Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group / Palomino seasonal damp land stage two / $12000
Bannister Creek Catchment Group / Nicholson Road bushland restoration and weed management (Bushforever site 456) / $25000
Bungendore Park Management Committee / Dieback treatment and weed control Bungendore Park and adjacent land / $18000
Canning River Regional Park Volunteers / Urban weed control revision / $13250
City of Armadale / Cilantro parkway conservation wetland / $20000
City of Belmont / Improving connectivity of a regional ecological linkage, Ascot/Rivervale foreshore / $13347
City of Canning / Ranford bushland environmental study and rehabilitation, Canning Vale / $28000
City of Kwinana / Revegetation and erosion control in the Tuart woodland of Thomas oval bushland, Kwinana / $13367
City of South Perth / Expanding the Collier Park golf course sanctuary / $24000
Dawson Park Primary School / Dawson Park Primary School threatened ecological species conservation project / $10000
Ellen Brockman Integrated Catchment Group / Management of two invasive species (pigs and foxes) in the Ellen Brockman region / $46900
Friends of Bugle Tree Gully Reserve / Bugle Tree Gully restoration and community engagement / $12000
Friends of Gidge Reserve / Gidge Reserve (2145) and FR Berry Reserve management plans project 2013-14 / $15000
Friends of John Forrest National Park / Control of geophyte, woody and herbaceous weeds in the catchment area of Priest Creek / $23150
Friends of Lake Claremont / Extension of revegetation to the northern section of Lake Claremont to restore indigenous woodland / $28000
Friends of Mary Carroll Lake / Revegetation of the islands at Mary Carroll Lake stage two / $11000

Perth region continued…

Recipient / Project title / Grant
Friends of Piesse Brook / Watsonia control at the Piesse Brook Gorge area / $17000
Friends of Pioneer Park / Sawyers Road to Lion Street heritage trail project / $13200
Friends of Queens Park Bushland / Environmental weed management and revegetation in Queens Park regional open space / $35000
Friends of Talbot Road Nature Reserve / Friends of Talbot Road Nature Reserve weed management / $11000
Friends of Upper Lesmurdie Falls / Rehabilitation of the upper Lesmurdie Falls / $40000
Friends of Wireless Hill / Enhancing biodiversity in urban bushland at Wireless Hill / $34000
Glen Forrest Primary School / Rehabilitation and protection of Jarrah forest at Glen Forrest Primary School / $17688
Helena College Junior School / The Waabiny project / $20000
JMH Action Group / To revegetate an area of unused land on Como Secondary College for biodiversity conservation purposes / $30000
Mt Henry Peninsula Conservation Group / Control weeds, feral animals and dieback fungal disease for conservation of flora and fauna biodiversity / $14845
Mullaloo Beach Community Group / Mullaloo dune revegetation project year three / $10000
Murdoch Environmental Restoration Group / Restoration and habitat protection for endangered flora and fauna / $46000
Nature Reserves Preservation Group / Crumpet Creek project, Mundy Regional Park and Rocky Pool creek line, Kalamunda National Park / $10000
North Swan LCDC / Bushland protection and restoration in Bullsbrook / $10757
Nursery & Garden Industry of WA / Building capacity to respond to biosecurity issues identified- Perth metro phase one / $36450

Perth region continued…

Recipient / Project title / Grant
South East Regional Centre of Urban Landcare / Restoring the Bickley Brook upstream of the Bickley Reservoir / $17050
Blackberry removal and the restoration of Bull Creek Reserve / $36000
Protection and enhancement of the biodiversity of Booragoon Lake Reserve / $28000
Construction of bird hide and interpretive signage for the Beckenham Open Space / $16570
Canning River foreshore restoration / $50000
Post-fire restoration in the Canning River Regional Park / $50000
Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group / Conservation and restoration of remnant vegetation sites in Bush Forever Site 331 / $26600
Wilson Wetland Action Group / Fern Road East revegetation / $20000
Mills Street Stream- weed management in revegetated area / $10500
Castledare revegetation and Wilson living stream / $20000
Kent Street conservation loop / $20000
Woodvale Water Land Owners Association / Yellagonga Regional Park Woodvale revegetation enhancement project (Stage two) / $25000

Rangelands region

Recipient / Project title / Grant
Carnarvon Rangelands Biosecurity Association / Control of significant outlier infestations of strategically important WoNS weeds / $47000
Carnarvon WoNS control partnership 2014 / $50000
Cactus control Marrilla (project one); cactus control Mardathuna (project two) / $20000
Central Desert Native Title Services / Protecting the biodiversity values of Windich Springs and its catchment through collaborative land management on the Canning Stock Route / $45400
ECOCEAN / Reviewing the impact of tourism on the whale shark population off the Ningaloo coast / $30000
Goldfields Land and Sea Council / Weed management in the Great Western Woodlands / $25000
Goldfields Nullarbor Rangelands Biosecurity Association / Mertondale / Menzies invasive cactus roundup / $40000
Nicholson Range Management Committee / Protecting the ecologically significant Nicholson Range in the Murchison from total grazing pressure / $50000
Pilbara Mesquite Management Committee / Tackling invasive WoNS in the Ashburton catchment / $50000
Tackling weeds on the Yannarie River / $48250
Rangelands Fibre and Produce Association / Control of significant outlier infestations of strategically important WONs weeds / $40000
Southern Gascoyne Group / Improving condition and reducing rainfall run off from stations surrounding the Shark Bay World Heritage Area / $45500
Track Care WA / Bringing life back to Katjarra / $50000
Upper Gascoyne LCDC / Upper Gascoyne erosion and sediment control demonstration / $37500

South coast region

Recipient / Project title / Grant
Albany Community Environment Centre / Yakamia Creek Community weed control and revegetation project / $10020
Banjelungup Aboriginal Corporation / Biodiversity planting to protect and connect Bitter Water Creeks/wetlands in the Fitzgerald / $22000
Denmark Weed Action Group / Protection of biodiversity in public reserves in the Shire of Denmark by on-ground action and community education / $15000
Flinders Park Primary School / Bush tucker trail / $13900
Friends of the Porongurup Range / Declared and environmental weed control in the national heritage listed Porongurup National Park / $50000
Gondwana Link Ltd / Completing the circle of adaptive management across Gondwana Link / $30000
Green Skills / Senecioglastifloius eradication / $38000
Forests to Stirling Gondwana Link: from plans to action / $30000
King River Weed Control and River Restoration Group / King River and Willyung Creek weed control and riparian restoration project / $28000
MoolyallWoodenup Catchment Group / Protection and extension of bushland corridors in the MoolyallWoodenup Catchment / $50000
North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources / Protecting and linking on farm corridors to existing remnant vegetation in north east Ongerup / $25000
Wellstead Community Resource Centre / Strategic control and community education of Sydney golden wattle control in Wellstead / $50000
Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee / Eastern States Wattle control in Denbarker phase two / $13000
Implementing the management plan for Mondurup Reserve / $12000
Restoring the Govie Dam Reserve / $13000
Eastern States Wattle control in Redmond / $18000

South west region

Recipient / Project title / Grant
Blackwood Basin Group / On-ground Salinity Management Work for the Gnowangerup/Scott's Brook / $25000
Bush Heritage Australia / Kojonup Reserve Biodiversity Enhancement / $10000
Capel LCDC / Arum Lily eradication Capel Tuart forests at Ludlow and Mininup stage two / $20000
Darling Downs Residents Association / Clean up and revegetation of Darling Downs wetlands / $11140
Dumbleyung LCDC / Continuing to sustainably manage catchments surrounding Dumbleyung Lake / $35000
Freshwater Fish Group & Fish Health Unit, Murdoch Uni / Conserving the unique aestivating freshwater fishes in the wetlands of the south-coast of WA / $41350
Geographe Catchment Council / Reducing nutrients leaving priority urban and peri-urban areas of the Vasse-Wonnerup catchment / $40000
Western ringtail possums in our schools and community / $30000
Geographe Primary School / Geographe Primary School - outdoor classroom / $17500
Jarrahdale Heritage Society / Gooralong Brook restoration, Jarrahdale / $15000
Katanning LCDC / Native vegetation for the Carrolup / $17000
Attacking Badgebups salinity / $33000
Environmental care on the eastern flats / $22000
Supporting enthusiastic farmers, Katanning / $5000
Bridal creeper and WoNS wars - spreading the word / $37000
Landcare SJ / Weed control for improving the health and resilience of threatened ecological communities in Serpentine Jarrahdale and north Murray / $30000

South west region continued…