Councillors are summoned and members of the public and press are invited to a MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL to be held on MONDAY13TH JUNE 2016 at8.00pm at the Methodist Church Room to transact the following business:
1 / To receive and accept any APOLOGIES–(reason for absence should be stated)2 / CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS
3 / i)To determine any DISPENSATION REQUESTS received in advance of the meeting
ii)To invite any DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST by members on Agenda items
iii) To remind members of the REQUIREMENT TO UPDATE REGISTER OF INTEREST FORMS following any changes, within 28 days of the changes
4 / To agree and sign the MINUTES of the Annual Meetingheld on 9th May 2016in line with Standing Order 5a(iii)
5 / To welcome to the meeting Roz Bird of MEPC
c) To receive any REPORT from the District Councillor
7 / FINANCE – 7.1 To agree payment of the following accounts:
Chq No / Amount / Incl VAT of / Payee / Details / Power
300573 / £816.36)
£917.79 / Linda Paice / Salary & expenses
Shared expenses / LGA 1972 s112
LGA 1972 s111
300574 / £ 61.43 / HMRC / Tax and NHI / LGA 1972 s112
300575 / £78.00 / 13.00 / Allseasons / Brickle waste bin / Open Spaces Act
300576 / £24.00 / 4.00 / Aylesbury Mains / Light repair / Highways Act
300577 / £747.43 / Old Oak account / Refund of VAT / GPOC
300578 / £91.10 / Silverstone Methodist Church / Room Hire / LGA 1972 s111
300579 / £214.00 / Parish Mag Printers / News and Views / LGA 1972 s142
300580 / £350.00 / South Northants Arts / Grant / GPOC
300581 / Tower Mint / Queen’s birthday medals / GPOC
300582 / £528.00 / 88.00 / N J Blackwell / Mowing / Open Spaces Act
300583 / £253.15 / 42.19 / A H Contracts / Dog bin maintenance / Open Spaces Act
7.2 To note any RECEIPTS- N & V Adverts - £50
7.3 To note the Council’s bank balances at31st May 2016
7.4 To receive the report of the Internal Auditor on the Accounts to March 2016
8 / REPORTS - To receive any reports as follows:
i)PLANNING COMMITTEE – a) Report on applications considered
b) Update on Parish Plan
c) Consideration of response to Local Plan Part2 consultation
d) Update on Handley Park unilateral undertaking
ii) FOOTPATHS - a) Monthly report of Parish Path Warden
b) Any other footpaths issues to report
c) RX37 maintenance
iii) HIGHWAYS - a) Any highways issues to report.
b) Update on previously reported issues.
c) Speedwatch initiative update
d) Proposed footway on Church Street
v) LIGHTING - v iv) LIGHTS - a) Any faulty lights to report.
b) Any other lighting issues .
c0 c) Update on light in Murswell Lane
d) Light opposite entrance to Hillside Avenue
e) Update on damaged light in Kingsley Road
v) SRA – a) Report from Committee
b) Leisure facility enhancement update
c) Update on fencing
vi) PLAY AREAS – a) Church Street b) Old Oak
c) Update on repairs
vii) POCKET PARKS – a) Brickle – i) Report by Cllr Mrs Branch ii) clarification on events in the Park iii) Consideration of removal of stacked wood and chippings
b) Olney Meadow - Report by Cllr Mrs Branch ii) clarification on events in the Park
Ix viii) CIRCUIT – a) Update from latest meetings.
b) G
ix) OTHER REPORTS – a) Update on allotments position.
b) Website update
c) Defibrillator update
d) Western Power re tree works
10 / CORRESPONDENCE –10.1 To note any tabled correspondence.
10.2 Grand Prix traffic management leaflet
Pursuant to the Public Bodies (admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the sensitive nature of the matter next to be considered relating to the Clerk’s Contract of Employment and salary issues, members of the public and press will be asked to leave.
12 / To consider the annual review of the Clerk’s salary
To note DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Monday July 11th 2016 at 8pm,
LINDA PAICE,MILCM Anthony Thompson
Clerk & Proper Officer of the C0uncil Chair
9 Bradden Way, Greens Norton 16 Kingsley Road,, Silverstone
Tel: 01327 353622 Tel 01327 858843
7th June 2016
Members of the public are welcomed at all meetings of the Council and opportunity to speak will be given at the appropriate time within the meeting. Members of the public may also address the Council upon individual items listed on the agenda for a period not longer than 3 minutes provided that three clear days notice is given to the Parish Clerk of the intention. Parish Council meetings are held in a public place and attendees need to be aware that under new legislation the meeting may be recorded and/or photographs taken. If any member of the public intends to record or take photographs, as a courtesy will you please declare this at the beginning of the meeting.