DATE: April 25, 2012
PLACE: 500 N. Calvert Street 3rd Floor Conference Room
Baltimore, MD 21202
Diane Cho, Chair
Stephen Parker
Gary Bowden
Gary Ey
Paul Edmeades
William Parham
Magda Westerhout
OTHERS PRESENT: Pamela J. Edwards, Executive Director
Terry A White, Administrative Secretary
Milena Trust, Assistant Attorney General
John Corkill, AIAMD
Janet Morgan, Outreach Coordinator
Thomas McManus, Visitor
Diane Cho, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
Motion(I) was made by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried to approve the March 25, 2012 meeting minutes.
The Complaint Committee reported on the status of the following complaints:
11-AR-09 - Open; Sent to AAG on 03/29/12.
12-AR-02 - Open; Criminal charges filed
12-AR-06 - Open; Send to investigation 03/02/12
12-AR-07 - Open; Sent 20-day letter on 04/19/12
12-AR-08 - Open; Consent order sent 02/23/12
12-AR-09 - Open; Offer consent order and fine
12-AR-10 - Open; Offer consent order and fine
Maryland Board of Architects
March 28, 2012
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Motion (II) was made by Ms. Westerhout, seconded by Mr. Parham and unanimously carried to accept the report of the Complaint Committee.
The Board approved the following applications for reciprocal licensing:
Philip R. Logan 16902 Douglas A. Eriksen 16836
Raymond J. Cavalieri 16909 David D. Cannon 16904
Jeffrey T. Boschulte 16910 Patrick J. Dolan 16911
Kevin R. Dowell 16912 Eric J. Eshbach 16913 Benjamin I. Farrell 16914 Richard F. Fanelli 16915
Theodore G. Fery 16916 Eduardo Guzman 16917 Reza A. Hadaegh 16918 Patrick C. Harris 16919
Wesley B. Hay 16920 Erik A. Hoffland 16921
Andrew A. Jalbert 16922 William C. NcLees 16923
Richard A. Mayors, Jr. 16924 Paul M. Rosenblatt 16925
James E. Strack 16923 John T. Thomann 16927
Frederic M. Zonsius 16928 Francisco Alvarado 16929 LouAnn Fornataro 16906
The Board approved the following applications for the Architectural Registration Examination:
Caterina M. McFadden Shamaul F. Choudhury
Thomas E. Dorsey Weijia Yu
Allison M. Wilson
The Board approved the following applications for the Certificate of Authorization:
Barker Nestor, Inc. 16930
Baker & Associates, Architects, Inc. 16931
Emotive Architecture, PLLC 16932
MBI|K2M Architecture, Inc. 16933
Nika Architects+Engineers, Inc. 16934
McAlpine Tankersley Architecture, PC 16935
J. Price Architecture, Inc. 15930
PHE Architecture, LLC 16942
Maryland Board of Architects
April 25, 2012
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The Board unanimously approved 28 applications for Reinstatement.
Motion (III) was made by Mr. Parker, seconded by Ms. Westerhout and unanimously carried to deny 4 applications due to incompleteness.
Continuing Professional Competency Committee
The board is moving to complete this committee as the Continuing Competency Bill is now in place. Chris Parts and Dave Rechia, AIA Representatives are available for the committee. Gary Bowden conveyed that he has not yet secured an educator, but is willing to serve in that capacity. Also, a representative from NCARB was desired but the consensus is that their input was established in the crafting of the new requirements and a physical presence may not be necessary.
The only other related item is the scheduling of the meeting. Ms Edwards will coordinate the scheduling of the meeting with the committee members.
Baltimore City Electronic Seals Update
Diane Cho, Howard Harclerode, Milena Trust Harry Loleas met with Baltimore City officials regarding electronic signatures. As discussed last month, Baltimore City is preparing to launch the ProjectDox which electronically transmits drawing and plans from the design community to the permits office.
The procedure agreed upon by the parties is an electronic permit set will be submitted by the design professional to the permits offices. Corrections and comments will be made on the electronic set. After the permit review is complete, a final set with a wet signature will be filed with the city.
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April 25, 2012
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The Board today designated Paul Edmeades as the funded "primary" delegate for the upcoming NCARB Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on June 20-23, 2012. Stephen Parker will serve as the alternate delegate and will be funded by the Department.
Legislative Update
-Continuing Competency Bill passed and will be effective October 1, 2012
-Special fund Bill will be signed this May 2012, making permanent the special funding for the design boards.
-Firm Permit Bill defeated.
Regarding the Firm Permit Bill, it was conveyed that this bill was defeated because it failed to gain support from all of the design community. This Board feels it is worthy of a reintroduction at a later time. The Board still wished to add enforcement features to its' already standing firm permits, which was included in the bill, but the timing was just not right. This Board asked that Ms Cho, Chair, reiterate at the Joint Chairs meeting the Board's position in this matter.
CEU Reporting
As the Chair inquired about audit responses, the administrative staff reported that response rate is very good as most respond immediately.
Florestano Letter
Dana Florestano, licensed architect emailed the Board to inquire as to his ability to "co-certify" plans prepared by an out-of-state professional engineer.
The plans are for a property he owns in Annapolis, and shows signs of structural damage.
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April 25, 2012
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The Board advised him previously that his actions to sign and seal could be construed as "plan stamping" as he did not prepare the drawings himself.
Now, Mr. Florestano wants to know if he can co-certify the plans for the same building. He is using the same engineer as a consultant. After careful consideration, the Board's opinion is that Mr. Florestano needs a professional Maryland licensed engineer to seal the plans. The Board does not recognize a "co-certification", and the person that did the calculations is the person expected to sign.
Board Member Resignation
Regretfully Ms Cho, Chair accepted the resignation of consumer member Gary Ey. My Ey served 2 terms as a member, was a huge contribution to the Board with sound voice of common sense and reasoning. Gary's work situation disallows him to continue on the Board.
The Board declared that Gary Ey made major contributions to the Board of Architects that definitely enhanced the design quality and promoted the public safety for both the architectural community and the citizens of our great state.
There being no further business, motion (IV) was made by Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Parker and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 a.m.
______With Corrections
_____Without Corrections
Diane Cho, Chair