Resource 24
Transcript of chat show interview on Jonathan Ross Live with Lady Gaga following a performance by Lady Gaga of her song Brown Eyes
JR = Jonathan Ross LG =Lady Gaga A = member of audience
[ ] : contextual information
| | : overlapping speech
(.) : micropause
(1) : pause with number of seconds indicated
emboldened words denote stress
[Lady Gaga walks onto stage and is greeted by Jonathan Ross who leads her round to the sofa]
JR: hi there it’s Lady Gaga [audience cheering and clapping] mistress of the quick change (.) wow mind that step (1) that was fantastic (1)[inaudible] it’s Lady Gaga (.) doesn’t she look (.) spectacular [leads LG round to sofa]
A: [shouts out] love you Gaga
JR: wow you’ve got to love Gaga (.) you really do push the boat out congratulations on this [inaudible] tonight that actually isn’t a working telephone up there though is it
LG [lifts hand piece from “telephone” hat and talks into it] hello [JR laughs] hi Jonathan [laughs and turns to look at him] how are you
JR: I’m very well (.) you don’t have to use the phone it’s OK (1) come on you cheeky minx look what we got you
LG: thank you [turns to audience]
| it’s so sweet isn’t it in my dressing room isn’t that nice | [looks at JR and stops talking]
JR: | we got you a new teacup to replace the old one isn’t that | nice of us ladies and gentlemen to replace the one that was stolen by me when she came on last time [LG laughs] um er look, what a great what an incredible year it’s been for you because when you were on last time I think people (.) were coming to terms with who you are they were beginning to enjoy your music but you were sort of seen as a bit of an oddity (2) would that be fair do you think (.) background
LG: I guess so |yeah|
JR: |OK | and now I think they maybe came to wonder what all the fuss was all about and now they love what you do
LG: oh thank you thank you so much
JR: It must be very satisfying for you
LG: hmm well I really love my fans (.)[cheering from audience] I really love my fans I know (.) one of the most exciting moments has been (.) just this past week I played the O2 Arena and it was (1) sold out with the most beautiful amazing costumes and dancing and sweating and singing and I just love my fans so much
JR: but that’s what’s the incredible thing is ‘cos at I’ve only seen photographs of this I’m going to go and see you ‘cos you’re coming back here in May I think for some more dates (.) hmm but you see people go to the Lady Gaga concerts dressed not really like you but you kinda inspire them to to become glamorous I guess to be there’s some people there (points to photograph on screen)
I I know that looks like that looks like an outtake from Little Britain or something but there’s just (1) a couple (laughs) but people just go crazy |don’t they | and | I guess that makes | part of the fun of the
LG: |they’re great| |they’re mesmerising|
JR: whole |show| the whole thing |it’s| them as well hmm you won three Brits this year
LG: |yes| |yes|
or you were awarded three Brits two Grammies is that right?
LG: yes two
JR: that’s incredible
LG: thank you (.) [to audience] he’s so nice this year [audience laughs]
JR: but I was trying to be nice last time I think I just think you you didn’t expect me to be quite as good looking or something? What was it what happened [audience laughs]
LG: Yeah (1) terrifyingly good looking
JR: yeah there you go thank you [mumbling, audience laughing] hmm the clothes thing is become such an issue now everyone wants to see what you’re wearing ‘cos everyone loves (.)seeing these these outfits it’s like performance art really and I’m sure that’s partially the the intention do you ever worry though that you’ll overshadow what you’re doing will overshadow the music (.) or is it (.) all much of a oneness?
LG: no [replaces handset on hat] I’m not going to hang up on you | but I’m just |
JR: |’cos otherwise| you’ll be charged a fortune for that call (.) it’s OK though don’t panic
I’m on her friends and |family list|
LG: |No I no I | think there’s (.) for a very long time I haven’t really got in my generation (.) had hmm a (.) sort of a a a figure that was (.) really an escapist figure for me that I could latch onto and have have the fantasy of the music and their life really inspire me (.) and I guess I’ve always lived (.) since I’ve (.) been in New York writing music was always very (.) sort of artcentric glamorous life and uh it’s important to me to always be that for my fans and (1) the idea of showbiz y’know Michael Jackson showbiz and and (.) the (.) the sentiments of music (.) and er performance today with with the media and the way that it is you see (.) absolutely legendary people (1) taking out their trash (1) it’s something that (.) we as a society don’t really want to see (.) but we (2) we keep buying into it and I think it’s actually destroying show business so |if anything there’s |absolutely no way I’d ever give up my wigs and hats for anything. [audience cheers]
JR: | you mean we’re |
JR: yeah ‘cos I don’t think I’ve ever seen you looking less than spectacular
LG: thank you
JR: so you must put that work in all the time er but but who who (.) where do the clothes come from? You come up with the ideas? You have a team of people suggesting stuff to you?
LG: um (.) well the House of Gaga’s all my friends and er they travel with me a lot but um we work in so many different cities round the world and making new clothing um the living dress [points to where she has just performed wearing the dress] that you just saw for the Mount Brown Eyes performance that’s something the House of Gaga built inspired by designer er Hussain Shalam er Living Dress
JR: er well it’s a great it’s a marvellous piece of technology hmm. (1) the clothes themselves where do you keep them? You can’t keep them at home you presumably have a a whole separate area for er the outfits ‘cos you don’t want to er you don’t want to throw them away you don’t want to get rid of them ‘cos they er
LG: I keep everything on the road (2) I don’t have a house right |now No “cos|
JR: |you don’t have a house|
LG: I’m always on the road you know and I put all my money into my show