~ 1 ~

[Mid Day Meal Scheme]

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009-10


State: UT of Daman & Diu

1. No. of children availing Mid-Day meal as on 31.12.2008 (Pry + U. Pry)

SC / ST / OBC / Minority / Others / Total
1 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Boys / 436 / 1439 / 4572 / 1064 / 1920 / 9431
Girls / 373 / 1252 / 5054 / 1042 / 1304 / 9025
Total / 809 / 2691 / 9626 / 2106 / 3224 / 18456

2. Staff (Cook/helper/others) employed under Mid Day Meal Scheme

SC / ST / OBC / Minority / Others / Total
1 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Male / 1 / 2 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 5
Female / 13 / 33 / 175 / 2 / 7 / 230
Total / 14 / 35 / 177 / 2 / 7 / 235

3. Salary paid to Staff (Cook/helper/others) employed under Mid Day Meal Scheme

Staff / Average Monthly Salary / Remarks/basis/norms for appointment and payment of wages
Cook / Rs.1000/- / As per U.T. norms @ rate of Rs.50/- per day.
Helper / Rs.1000/- / As per U.T. norms @ rate of Rs.50/- per day.
Others / N.A. / N.A.

4. Break-up of nutrition content and cost of meal per child per day as per State

Nutrition/Expenditure Norm including Central Assistance & State contribution (unit cost).

A. Primary

Sl. No. / Food Item / Quantity
(In gms) / Cost of Qty
Recommended (In Rs.) / Calories / Protein content
(in gms )
1 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1. / Foodgrains (Wheat/Rice) / 100 / Supplied free / 345 / 6.8
2 / Pulses / 10 / 0.45 / 34.5 / 2.23
3 / Vegetables (in leafy) / 50 / 0.86 / 25.5 / 1.54
4 / Oil & fat / 6 / 0.48 / 34.02 / 1.52
5 / Salt & Condiments / 6 / 0.24 / N.A. / N.A.
6 / Fuel / N.A. / N.A. / N.A. / N.A.
7 / Labour & other administrative charge / N.A. / N.A. / N.A. / N.A.
8 / Any other items Fruits / 100 / 1.95 / 116.0 / 1.2
Total / 272 / 3.98 / 555.02 / 13.29

B. Upper Primary

Sl. No. / Food Item / Quantity
(In gms) / Cost of Qty
Recommended (In Rs.) / Calories / Protein content
(in gms )
1 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1. / Foodgrains (Wheat/Rice) / 150 / Supplied free / 517.05 / 10.02
2 / Pulses / 20 / 0.90 / 69.00 / 4.45
3 / Vegetables (in leafy) / 70 / 1.20 / 35.70 / 2.16
4 / Oil & fat / 6 / 0.48 / 51.03 / 1.52
5 / Salt & Condiments / 6 / 0.24 / 11.92 / N.A.
6 / Fuel / N.A. / N.A. / N.A. / N.A.
7 / Labour & other administrative charge / N.A. / N.A. / N.A. / N.A.
8 / Any other items Fruits / 100 / 1.95 / 116.0 / 1.2
Total / 352 / 4.77 / 762.05 / 19.35

[Mid Day Meal Scheme]

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009-10

Table: AT-2: Details of Provisions made in the State Budget 2009-10

State: UT of Daman & Diu

1) Cooking Cost : Primary ( Rs.in lakh )

Year / Allocation in State/UT Budget / Total Expenditure
Central Assistance
(Reimbursement) / State
Contribution / Total
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
2006-07 / 26.61 / 90.00 / 116.61 / 116.61
2007-08 / 44.16 / 83.00 / 127.16 / 127.16
2008-09 / 44.07 / 95.00 / 139.07 / 72.00
2009-10 / 42.55 / 98.12 / 140.67 / Not Applicable

2) Cooking Cost : Upper Primary

Year / Allocation in State/UT Budget / Total Expenditure
Central Assistance
(Reimbursement) / State
Contribution / Total
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
2006-07 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00
2007-08 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00
2008-09 / 22.53 / 00 / 00 / 4.00
2009-10 / 28.84 / 07 / 35.84 / Not Applicable

3) Cost of meal per child per day, as per State Expenditure Norm including Central Assistance & State contribution (Unit Cost). [Excluding Cost of wages of cook / helper, gas refilling charges and other allied requirement in kitchen items, stationery item and rice (free of cost by GOI)]

Year / Primary / Upper Primary
2006-07 / Rs.4.97 / ---
2007-08 / Rs.5.65 / Rs.5.65
2008-09 / Rs.4.00 / Rs.4.77
2009-2010 / Rs.5.00 / Rs.5.50

4) Construction of Kitchen-cum-Stores (Primary + Upper Primary) (Rs. in lakh)

Year / Provision in the State Budget / Expenditure
Central assistant (Re-imbursement / State Contribution if any including through convergence / Total
2006-07 / 15.43 / 0.00 / 15.43 / 15.43
2007-08 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
2008-09 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / (00
2009-10 / 5.00 / 5.00 / 10.00 / Not Applicable

5) Procurement of Kitchen Devices (Primary + Upper Primary)

Year / Provision in the State Budget / Expenditure
Central assistant (Re-imbursement / State Contribution if any including through convergence / Total
2006-07 / 1.62 / 0.00 / 1.62 / 1.62
2007-08 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
2008-09 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 00
2009-10 / 5.00 / 2.00 / 7.00 / Not Applicable


Secretary of Nodal Department

Table – 3

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009 – 10

(Mid Day Meal Scheme)

Table : AT-3: COVERAGE ( No. of Institutions covered ) [ Primary ]

State :- U. T. of Daman & Diu(As on 30thDecember 2008 )

Sr. No. / Name of District / No. of Institutions / No. of Institution regularly serving MDM / Diff.
Classes I-V (Govt.+LB) / Classes I-V (GA) / EGS Centres / AIE Centres / Total (col 3+4+5+6) / Classes I-V (Govt.+LB) / Classes I-V (GA) / EGS Centres / AIE Centres / Total (col 8+9+
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
1 / Daman / 51 / 03 / 00 / 00 / 54 / 51 / 03 / 00 / 00 / 54 / 00
2 / Diu / 27 / 01 / 00 / 00 / 28 / 27 / 01 / 00 / 00 / 28 / 00
TOTAL / 78 / 04 / 00 / 00 / 82 / 78 / 04 / 00 / 00 / 82 / 00

Govt. :- Government Schools

L.B. :- LocalBodySchool

GA :- Govt. Aided Schools

Reasons for the difference in col. 13 - Nil

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date:- /01/2009.

Table – 3A

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009 – 10

(Mid Day Meal Scheme )

Table : AT-3A: COVERAGE ( No. of Institutions covered ) [ Upper Primary ]

State :- U. T. of Daman & Diu(As on 30th December 2008 )

Sr. No. / Name of District / No. of Institutions (in EBBs ) / No. of Institution regularly serving MDM (in EBBs) / Diff.
Govt + LB / (GA) / EGS Centres / AIE Centres / Total (col 3+4+5+6) / Govt + LB / (GA) / EGS Centres / AIE Centres / Total (col 8+9+
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
1 / Daman / 20 / 03 / 00 / 00 / 23 / 20 / 03 / 00 / 00 / 23 / 00
2 / Diu / 20 / 01 / 00 / 00 / 21 / 20 / 01 / 00 / 00 / 21 / 00
TOTAL / 40 / 04 / 00 / 00 / 44 / 40 / 04 / 00 / 00 / 44 / 00

Govt. :- Government Schools

L.B. :- LocalBodySchool

GA :- Govt. Aided Schools

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date:- /01/2009.

Table – 3B

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009 – 10

(Mid Day Meal Scheme )

Table : AT-3B: COVERAGE ( No. of Institutions covered ) [ Upper Primary ]

Number of Institutions regularly serving MDM

State :- U. T. of Daman & Diu(As on 30th December 2008 )

Sr. No. / Name of District / No. of Institutions having upper Primary classes WITHOUT primary classes ( classes I-V ) attached to theme / No. of Institutions having upper primary classes WITH primary classes ( Classes I-V ) attached to them / Total (col
7+ 12))
(Govt.+LB) / (GA) / EGS Centres / AIE Centres / Total (col 3+4+5+6) / (Govt.+LB) / (GA) / EGS Centres / AIE Centres / Total (col 8+9+
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
1 / Daman / 11 / 04 / 00 / 00 / 15 / 11 / 04 / 00 / 00 / 15 / 00
2 / Diu / 11 / 01 / 00 / 00 / 12 / 11 / 01 / 00 / 00 / 12 / 00
TOTAL / 22 / 05 / 00 / 00 / 27 / 22 / 05 / 00 / 00 / 27 / 00

Govt. :- Government Schools

L.B. :- LocalBodySchool

GA :- Govt. Aided Schools

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date:- /01/2009.

Table – 4

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009-10

[Mid-Day Meal Scheme ]

Table :AT-4 District-wise information on Enrolment and Children availing MDM for 2008-09 for Primary Stage

( Classes I –V )

(As on 30th Sep., 2008 )

S. No. / Name of District / Total Enrolment / No. of children likely to avail MDM
I – V
(Govt+ LB+
GA) / EGS Centres / AIE Centres / Total
(col 3+4+5) / Classes
(Govt+ LB+
GA) / EGS Centres / AIE Centres / Total
(col 7+8+9
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
1 / Daman / 8456 / N.A. / 60 / 8516 / 6720 / N.A. / 00 / 6720
2 / Diu / 4523 / N.A. / 00 / 4523 / 4314 / N.A. / 00 / 4314
TOTAL / 12979 / N.A. / 00 / 13039 / 11034 / N.A. / 00 / 11034

Govt. :- Government Schools

L.B. :- LocalBodySchool

GA :- Govt. Aided Schools

*AIE Centre in Daman & Diu District Started one in each District in January 2009

i)No. of actual school working days during 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008
ii)No. of days mid-day meal served during 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008 / SCHOOL / EGS / AIE
157 / 00 / 00
135 / 00 / 00

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date:- /01/2009

Table – 4A

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009-10

[Mid-Day Meal Scheme ]

Table :AT-4A District-wise information on Enrolment and Children availing MDM for 2008-09 for Upper Primary Stage

( Classes VI –VIII )

(As on 30th Sep., 2008 )

S. No. / Name of District / Total Enrolment / No. of childrenavailing MDM* for the year
(Govt+ LB+
GA) / EGS Centres / AIE Centres / Total (col 3+4+5) / Classes
(Govt+ LB+
GA) / EGS Centres / AIE Centres / Total
(col 7+8+9
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
1 / Daman / 4508 / 00 / 00 / 4508 / 2680 / 00 / 00 / 2680
2 / Diu / 3410 / 00 / 00 / 3410 / 2014 / 00 / 00 / 2014
TOTAL / 7918 / 00 / 00 / 7918 / 4694 / 00 / 00 / 4694

Govt. :- Government Schools

L.B. :- LocalBodySchool

GA :- Govt. Aided Schools

* Total enrolment of Std. VI to VIII & no. of children availing MDM of Std. VI to VII.

(i)No. of actual school working days during 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008
(ii)No. of days mid-day meal served during 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008 / SCHOOL / EGS / AIE
157 / 00 / 00
130 / 00 / 00

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date:- /01/2009.

Table – 4B

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009-10

[Mid-Day Meal Scheme ]

Table :AT-4B No. of Children as per Annual Plan Vs. actual no. of children availing MDM [ PRIMARY]

(As on 31ST Dec., 2008 )

S. No. / Name of District / No. of Children as per Annual Plan
& Budget 2008-09 / Average number of children availing MDM* / In % term
(Govt+ LB+
Schools / EGS/AIE Centres / Total
(col 3+4) / (Govt+ LB+
Schools / EGS/AIE Centres / Total
(col 6+7) / (Govt+ LB+
(Col.6/Col..3) x 100 / EGS/AIE Centres
(Col.7/Col.4) x 100 / Total
(col 8/Col.5)x 100
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
1 / Daman / 8569 / 00 / 8569 / 6533 / 00 / 6533 / 76% / 00 / 76%
2 / Diu / 4777 / 00 / 4777 / 4384 / 00 / 4384 / 92% / 00 / 92%
TOTAL / 13346 / 00 / 13346 / 10917 / 00 / 10917 / 82% / 00 / 82%

* District wise aggregation of actual no. of children availing MDM based on school level MDM attendance register maintained.

Govt. :- Government Schools

L.B. :- LocalBodySchool

GA :- Govt. Aided Schools

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date:- /01/2009.

Table – 4C

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009-10

[Mid-Day Meal Scheme ]

Table :AT-4C No. of Children as per Annual Plan Vs. actual no. of children availing MDM [ UPPER PRIMARY]

( Classes VI –VII )

(As on 31ST Dec., 2008 )

S. No. / Name of District / No. of Children as per Annual Plan
& Budget 2008-09 / Average number of children availing MDM* / In % term
(Govt+ LB+
Schools / EGS/AIE Centres / Total
(col 3+4) / (Govt+ LB+
Schools / EGS/AIE Centres / Total
(col 6+7) / (Govt+ LB+
(Col.6/Col.3) x 100 / EGS/AIE Centres
(Col.7/Col.4) x 100 / Total
(col 8/Col.5)x 100
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
1 / Daman / 3060 / 00 / 3060 / 2365 / 00 / 2365 / 77% / 00 / 77%
2 / Diu / 2074 / 00 / 2074 / 2026 / 00 / 2026 / 98% / 00 / 98%
TOTAL / 5134 / 00 / 5134 / 4391 / 00 / 4391 / 86% / 00 / 86%

* District wise aggregation of actual no. of children availing MDM based on school level MDM attendance register maintained.

Govt. :- Government Schools

L.B. :- LocalBodySchool

GA :- Govt. Aided Schools

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date:- /01/2009.

Table – 5

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009-10

[Mid-Day Meal Scheme ]

Table :AT-5 Annual Work Plan & Budget vs. PERFORMANCE ( Classes I to V )

( Classes I –V )

(For the Period 01.4.08 to 31.12. 2008 )

S. No. / Name of District / As per AWP& B 2008-09 / PERFORMANCE (Actuals during 2008-09)
No. of Children / No. of working day / No. of meals to be served / Average No. of
Children availed MDM / In % terms
[ col (6)/Col.(3)] *100 / Average No. of working days MDM served / In % terms
[ col (8)/Col.(4)] *100 / Total no. of meals served / Effective Rate of Meals Served (RAMS)
[(Col.10/Col 5) x 100]
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
1 / Daman / 8569 / 157 / 143 / 6720 / 78% / 135 / 86% / 135 / 94%
2 / Diu / 4777 / 157 / 143 / 4384 / 92% / 96 / 61% / 96 / 67%
TOTAL / 13346 / 286 / 11104 / 83% / 231 / 231 / 81%

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date:- /01/2009.

Table – 5A

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009-10

[Mid-Day Meal Scheme ]

Table :AT-5A Annual Work Plan & Budget vs. PERFORMANCE ( Classes VI to VII )

(For the Period 01.4.08 to 31.12. 2008 )

S. No. / Name of District / As per AWP& B 2008-09 / PERFORMANCE (Actuals during 2008-09)
No. of Children / No. of working day / No. of meals to be served / Average No. of
Children availed MDM / In % terms
[ col (6)/Col.(3)] *100 / Average No. of working days MDM served / In % terms
[ col (8)/Col.(4)] *100 / Total no. of meals served / Effective Rate of Meals Served (RAMS)
[(Col.10/Col 5) x 100]
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
1 / Daman / 3060 / 157 / 143 / 2680 / 88% / 135 / 86% / 135 / 94%
2 / Diu / 2074 / 157 / 143 / 2034 / 98% / 96 / 61% / 96 / 67%
TOTAL / 5134 / 286 / 4714 / 231 / 231 / 81%

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date:- /01/2009.

Table – 6

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009 – 10

(Mid Day Meal Scheme )

Table : AT-6 : Utilization of foodgrains [ Classes (I-V)]

For the period 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008

State :- U. T. of Daman & Diu(Qnty in MTs)

S. No. / Name of District / Rice / Wheat
Allocation for the FY 2008-09
( GROSS by MDM-PAB) / Opening Balance as on 1.4.2008 / Lifted from FCI / Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level / Balance Stock as on 31.12.2008 (col.4+5-6)
[ Book Stock ] / Quantity of stock physically available / Diff. between book stock vis-à-vis physical stock as on 31.12.08 (Col 7-8) / Allocation for the year 2007-08 / Opening Balance as on 1.4.2007 / Lifted / Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level / Bal. / Qty. / Diff.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
1 / Daman / 148.07 / 4.5 / 116.66 / 74.37 / 46.79 / 46.79 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00
2 / Diu / 76.18 / 5.22 / 49.05 / 30.22 / 24.05 / 24.05 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00
TOTAL / 224.25 / 9.72 / 165.71 / 104.59 / 70.84 / 70.84 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00
  • includes unspent balance at State, District, Block and School level( including NGOs/Private Agencies in the end of quarter.

Note: the reason for Col.9 and Col.16 ( difference between column 7 & 8 and 14 & 15, if any ) and nature of adjustment made is required to be provided in a separate enclosure if necessary.

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date :- /01/2009.

Table – 6A

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009 – 10

(Mid Day Meal Scheme )

Table : AT-6 A: Utilization of foodgrains [ Classes (VI-VII)]

For the period 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008

State :- U. T. of Daman & Diu(Qnty in MTs)

S. No. / Name of District / Rice / Wheat
Allocation for the FY 2008-09
( GROSS by MDM-PAB) / Opening Balance as on 1.4.2007 / Lifted from FCI / Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level / Balance Stock as on 31.12.2008 (col.4+5-6)
[ Book Stock ] / Quantity of stock / Diff. between book stock vis-à-vis physical stock as on 31.12.08 (Col 7-8) / Allocation for the year 2007-08 / Opening Balance as on 1.4.2007 / Lifted / Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level / Bal. / Qty. / Diff.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
1 / Daman / 80.58 / 0 / 57.31 / 38.71 / 18.60 / 18.60 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00
2 / Diu / 47.96 / 0 / 31.92 / 16.92 / 15.00 / 15.00 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00
TOTAL / 128.54 / 0 / 89.23 / 55.63 / 33.60 / 33.60 / 0 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00 / 00
  • includes unspent balance at State, District, Block and School level( including NGOs/Private Agencies in the end of quarter.

Note: the reason for Col.9 and Col.16 ( difference between column 7 & 8 and 14 & 15, if any ) and nature of adjustment made is required to be provided in a separate enclosure if necessary.

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date :- /01/2009.

Table – 7

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009 – 10

(Mid Day Meal Scheme )

Table : AT-7: Utilisation of Cooking cost [ Classes (I-V)]

(For the period 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008)

State :- U. T. of Daman & Diu(Rs. in lakh.)

S. No. / Name of District / Allocation for 2008-09
(Note: 1) / Opening Balance as on 1.4.2008
(Note: 1) / Cooking assistance received
(Note: 1) / Total cooking cost expenditure
(Note: 2) / Total Unspent Balance as on 31.12.2008 (Col 4+5-6) (Note : 3 & 4) / Share of unspent balance mentioned in column 7
Central Share / State Share
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
1 / Daman / 88.30 / 00 / 67.07 / 52.00 / 15.07 / 0.07 / 30.00
2 / Diu / 50.77 / 00 / 38.94 / 25.00 / 13.94 / 3.00 / 13.00
STATE LEVEL / 139.07 / 00 / 106.01 / 77.00 / 29.08 / 3.07 / 43.00
Stage / Total Cost of the meal
( Excluding cost of food-grains) Per child per day / Central Assistance ( Out of the Col.1 ) / State Contribution
( Out of Col.1 )
1 / 2 / 3
Primary / Rs.4.00 / 11.01 / 95.00*

* UT share is common for Primary & Upper Primary section.

Note 1 : Includes Central Assistance & State Contribution, both in terms of funds and monetary value of the commodities supplied by the State/UT.

Note 2 . Including monetary value of the commodities supplied by the State/UT and consumed at school level.

Note 3. Including monetary value of closing stock of commodities supplied by the State/UT.

Note 4 : Unspent balance is aggregate of unspent balances at District, Block, Village/Panchayat & School level.

Note 5 . State contribution of cooking cost released to MDM Scheme during 2007-08 Rs.83.00 lakhs

Note 6. Total unsoent balance as on 31.3.2008 as per col.7. is to be shared between Centre & State in the same ratio of Centre & State in the same ratio of Centre allocation for 2007-08 and State contribution as per note 5 above.

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date :-

Table – 7A

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009 – 10

(Mid Day Meal Scheme )

Table : AT-7A: Utilisation of Cooking cost [ Classes (VI-VII)]

(For the period 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008)

State :- U. T. of Daman & Diu(Rs. in lakh.)

S. No. / Name of District / Allocation for 2008-09
(Note: 1) / Opening Balance as on 1.4.2008
(Note: 1) / Cooking assistance received
(Note: 1) / Total cooking cost expenditure
(Note: 2) / Total Unspent Balance as on 31.12.2008 (Col 4+5-6) (Note : 3 & 4) / Share of unspent balance mentioned in column 7
Central Share / State Share
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
1 / Daman / 13.43 / 00 / 3.29 / 3.00 / 0.29 / 0.29 / 00
2 / Diu / 9.10 / 00 / 2.34 / 2.00 / 0.34 / 0.34 / 00
STATE LEVEL / 22.53 / 00 / 5.63 / 5.00 / 0.63 / 0.63 / 00
Stage / Total Cost of the meal
( Excluding cost of food-grains) Per child per day / Central Assistance ( Out of the Col.1 ) / State Contribution
( Out of Col.1 )
1 / 2 / 3
UP PY / Rs.4.77 / 22.53 / 00*

* UT share is common for Primary & Upper Primary section.

Note 1 : Includes Central Assistance & State Contribution, both in terms of funds and monetary value of the commodities supplied by the State/UT.

Note 2 . Including monetary value of the commodities supplied by the State/UT and consumed at school level.

Note 3. Including monetary value of closing stock of commodities supplied by the State/UT.

Note 4 : Unspent balance is aggregate of unspent balances at District, Block, Village/Panchayat & School level.

Note 5 . State contribution of cooking cost released to MDM Scheme during 2007-08 Rs.Nil

Note 6. Total unsoent balance as on 31.3.2008 as per col.7. is to be shared between Centre & State in the same ratio of Centre & State in the same ratio of Centre allocation for 2007-08 and State contribution as per note 5 above.

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date :-

Table – 8

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009 – 10

(Mid Day Meal Scheme )

Table : AT-8 : Reconciliation of Food grains utilization vis-à-vis No. of meals served [ Primary ]

( For the period 1.4.08 to 31.12.08 )

State :- U. T. of Daman & Diu

S. No. / District / No. of Meals served during 01.4.08 to 31.12.08
(Note: 1) / Expected consumption of food grains in MTs
(Note:2) / Actual consumption of food grains MTs
(Note : 3) / Diff.
[6] – [7] / Diff. in %
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1 / Daman / 135 / 116.66 / 74.37 / 42.29 / 64%
2 / Diu / 111 / 49.05 / 30.22 / 18.83 / 62%
TOTAL / 246 / 165.71 / 104.59 / 61.12 / 63%

Note 1 : Please ensure total no. meals served in the col.3 above is same as col. 10 of Table AT-5.

Note 2 : Expected consumption of food grains = ( col. [3] x .0001 MT ]

Note 3 : Total of consumption of food grains = Col 6 + 13 of Table AT -6

Reasons for difference and nature of

Corrective measures taken or

Note 4 : Proposed to be taken to reconcile

The food grain utilization.

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date :-

Table – 8A

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009 – 10

(Mid Day Meal Scheme )

Table : AT-8A : Reconciliation of Food grains utilization vis-à-vis No. of meals served

[ Upper Primary ]

( For the period 1.4.08 to 31.12.08 )

State :- U. T. of Daman & Diu

S. No. / District / No. of Meals served during 01.4.08 to 31.12.08
(Note: 1) / Expected consumption of food grains in MTs
(Note:2) / Actual consumption of food grains MTs
(Note : 3) / Diff.
[6] – [7] / Diff. in %
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1 / Daman / 135 / 57.31 / 38.71 / 18.6 / 68%
2 / Diu / 96 / 31.92 / 16.92 / 15.00 / 53%
TOTAL / 231 / 89.23 / 55.63 / 33.6 / 62%

Note 1 : Please ensure total no. meals served in the col.3 above is same as col. 10 of Table AT-5A.

Note 2 : Expected consumption of food grains = ( col. [3] x .0001 MT ]

Note 3 : Total of consumption of food grains = Col 6 + 13 of Table AT -6A

Reasons for difference and nature of

Corrective measures taken or

Note 4 : Proposed to be taken to reconcile

The food grain utilization.

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date :-

Table – 9

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009 – 10

(Mid Day Meal Scheme )

Table : AT-9 : Reconciliation of Cooking cost expenditure vis-à-vis No. of meals served

[ Primary ]

( For the period 1.4.08 to 31.12.08 )

State :- U. T. of Daman & Diu

S. No. / District / No. of Meals served during 01.4.08 to 31.12.08
(Note: 1) / Expected Cooking cost expenditure
(Note:2) / Actual Cooking cost expenditure
(Note : 3) / Diff.
[4] – [5] / Diff. in %
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1 / Daman / 135 / 36.29 / 57.00
2 / Diu / 96 / 16.83 / 25.00
TOTAL / 231 / 53.12 / 82.00 / *

* UT share is common for Primary & Upper Primary section.

Note 1 : Please ensure total no. meals served in the col.3 above is same as col. 10 of Table AT-5.

Note 2 : Expected utilization of food grains = ( col. [3] x Total unit cost for primary per child per day ]

Note 3 : Total of cooking cost expenditure = Col 6 of Table AT-7

The main reason for the shortfall in expenditure towards the funds of Rs.53.70 lakhs allotted to this U.T. in January 2009 is that the same is received very late and we have been utilizing funds from this U.T.
It is submitted that if Central allotment is received during first quarter of the Financial Year 2009-10 than the same can be spent fully.

Reasons for difference and nature of

Corrective measures taken or

Note 4 : Proposed to be taken to reconcile

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date :-

Table – 9A

Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009 – 10

(Mid Day Meal Scheme )

Table : AT-9A : Reconciliation of Cooking cost expenditure vis-à-vis No. of meals served

[ Upper Primary ]

( For the period 1.4.08 to 31.12.08 )

State :- U. T. of Daman & Diu

S. No. / District / No. of Meals served during 01.4.08 to 31.12.08
(Note: 1) / Expected Cooking cost expenditure
(Note:2) / Actual Cooking cost expenditure
(Note : 3) / Diff.
[4] – [5] / Diff. in %
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1 / Daman / 135 / 17.26 / 3.00
2 / Diu / 96 / 9.31 / 2.00
TOTAL / 231 / 26.57 / 5.00 / *

* UT share is common for Primary & Upper Primary section.

Note 1 : Please ensure total no. meals served in the col.3 above is same as col. 10 of Table AT-5.

Note 2 : Expected utilization of food grains = ( col. [3] x Total unit cost for primary per child per day ]

Note 3 : Total of cooking cost expenditure = Col 6 of Table AT-7

The main reason for the shortfall in expenditure towards the funds of Rs.53.70 lakhs allotted to this U.T. in January 2009 is that the same is received very late and we have been utilizing funds from this U.T.
It is submitted that if Central allotment is received during first quarter of the Financial Year 2009-10 than the same can be spent fully.

Reasons for difference and nature of

Corrective measures taken or

Note 4 : Proposed to be taken to reconcile

( Signature )

Secretary of the Nodal Department

Government/UT Administration of Daman & Diu

Date :- /01/2009.

Table – 10