Last update - February 2012

market access for non-agricultural goods


Market access for goods in the WTO means the conditions, tariff and non-tariff measures, agreed by WTO members for the entry of specific goods into their markets. Tariff commitments for goods are set out in each member's schedules of concessions. The schedules represent commitments not to apply tariffs above the listed rates — these rates are “bound”. Non-tariff measures are dealt with under specific WTO agreements. WTO members seek to continually improve market access through the regular WTO work programme and through negotiations such as those launched at the Doha Ministerial Conference in November 2001.

Tariffs: more bindings and closer to zero

The bulkiest results of the Uruguay Round are the 22,500 pages listing individual countries’ commitments on specific categories of goods and services. These include commitments to cut and “bind” their customs duty rates on imports of goods. In some cases, tariffs are being cut to zero. There is also a significant increase in the number of “bound” tariffs.

Tariff cuts

Developed countries’ tariff cuts were for the most part phased in over five years from 1 January 1995. The result is a 40% cut in their tariffs on industrial products, from an average of 6.3% to 3.8%. The value of imported industrial products that receive duty-free treatment in developed countries jump from 20% to 44%.

There are also fewer products charged high duty rates. The proportion of imports into developed countries from all sources facing tariffs rates of more than 15% decline from 7% to 5%. The proportion of developing country exports facing tariffs above 15% in industrial countries fall from 9% to 5%.

The Uruguay Round package has subsequently been improved. On 26 March 1997, 40 countries accounting for more than 92% of world trade in information technology products agreed to eliminate import duties and other charges on these products by 2000 (by 2005 in a handful of cases). As with other tariff commitments, each participating country is applying its commitments equally to exports from all WTO members (i.e. on a most-favoured-nation basis), even from members that did not make commitments.

More bindings

Developed countries increased the number of imports whose tariff rates are “bound” from 78% of product lines to 99%. For developing countries, the increase was even greater: from 21% to 73%. Transition economies (in transition from central planning to market economies) increased their bindings from 73% to 98%. This means a substantially higher degree of market security for traders and investors.

Work of the Committee on Market Access

The Committee on Market Access:

  • considers market access issues not covered by any other WTO body
  • supervises the implementation of concessions relating to tariffs and non-tariff measures
  • provides a forum for consultation on matters relating to tariffs and non-tariff measures
  • oversees the application of procedures for modification or withdrawal of tariff concessions
  • ensures that schedules of commitments are kept up-to-date, and that modifications, including those resulting from changes in tariff nomenclature, are reflected
  • conducts the updating and analysis of the documentation on quantitative restrictions and other non-tariff measures, in accordance with the timetable and procedures agreed by the contracting parties in 1984 and 1985
  • oversees the content and operation of, and access to, the Integrated Data Base
  • reports periodically —not less than once a year — to the Council on Trade in Goods.