MIS 150Dr. Tsai

Fall 2007Dr. Tsai


College of Business Administration

MIS 150 - Database Management Systems for Business




OFFICE PHONE:(916) 278-7121

OFFICE HOURS:Tuesday and Thursday, 2:45 – 4:00 p.m.; or by appointment

FAX:(916) 278-6489




(C)Connolly, T. and C. Begg, Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management, 4th edition, Addison Wesley, 2005.

(M)Morrison, J., M. Morrison and R. Conrad, Guide to Oracle10g, Course Technology, 2006.


The course is designed to provide the student with the essential knowledge needed to analyze, evaluate, design, implement, and administer the business database. The topics include:

  1. The terminology and fundamental concepts associated with the relational and object-oriented database processing;
  2. The design and implementation of a relational database; and
  3. The application of SQL using ORACLE.


Lecture will be presented to supplement the subject matter covered in the text. The student will be expected to complete the reading assignments prior to the class in order to have a better understanding of the important concepts and materials covered in each chapter. Unannounced quizzes will be given to the student during the semester.

In order to enable the student to gain a greater experience for the current database processing, each student will be required to participate in a group project that includes the design of a relational database system and generating SQL reports using ORACLE.

The student will be allowed to form his/her own project group of a maximum four students per group. The group roster (group leader, group member name, phone number, and e-mail address) is due on Tuesday (September 18, 2007). Group leader should send an email with a title of MIS 150-1 or MIS 150 to or the future class message communication. Every student in the group has an equal responsibility to complete the entire project.


The course grade will be based upon the following components weighted as indicated:

1. Three exams (25% each)75%

2.Group project15%

3.Individual homework assignments 5%

4.Quizzes 5%

The student will be expected to take the exam when scheduled. The student missing an exam will receive a zero (0) for that exam unless a valid reason for missing the exam can be verified. The homework assignments and project are due at the beginning of the class period of the due date.

It is expected that all work for this course will be presented in a very neat and professional manner. The style, spelling, grammar, and presentation are components of all grading. The student will be expected to turn in each homework assignment and project on time. No late, handwritten, e-mailed, or faxed homework assignment and project will be accepted!!

There will be a group member evaluation within each group at the end of the semester. Every group member will have the opportunity to evaluate the contribution of his/her group members using a 0% to 100% scale. The average group member evaluation score will be the weight to determine the score of each member's final points on the group project for the semester.

The final grade can only be changed if a posting or calculating error has occurred. No extra credit assignment will be made available at the end of the semester to bolster a grade for any student.

The incomplete grade “I”, unauthorized withdrawal grade “U”, and failing grade “F” will be issued in accordance to the College of Business Administration policy.


The student must observe the following classroom regulations to have a proper learning environment for the entire class.

1. Turning off the cellular phone and pager

2. No chatting during the lecture

3. Absolutely quiet, no sleeping, no eating and drinking during the lecture

A student violates any of the above regulations will be asked to leave the classroom voluntarily to respect the right of other classmates.


Except for the group project, all examinations and assignments in this class are to be done individually. Any violation or perceived violation of this policy will result in zero (0) credit for the examination and assignment for each of the parties involved. Prosecution of any such violation will be rigorously pursued through the appropriate channels (e.g., Associate Dean of Student Affairs).



Week / Topic / Chapter
1 / Introduction to Database / C-1
2 / Database Architecture / Appendix C, C-2
3 / Relational Model / C-3
4 / Relational Algebra / C-4
5 / Review and EXAM #1
6 / SQL / C-5
7 / SQL / C-6
8 / Oracle and Database Planning / M-2, M-3, C-9, C-10
9 / E-R Modeling / C-11, C-12
10 / Review and EXAM #2
11 / Normalization / C-13
12 / Normalization / C-14
13 / Object Oriented Practice / C-25, C-26, C-27
14 / Database Management / C-19, C20
15 / Review and EXAM #3
16 / Project

The course schedule and others may change at any time. Announcement will be made in the class about any change, and it is the responsibility of the student to keep up with and to know about any such changes.