History of the Theater Project:
Cooperative Groups
2016-2017 School Year
Time Period / MembersAncient Greece / Kyra, Connor, Christina
Ancient Rome /
Lauren, Gianna, Jeri
The Renaissance / Lyric, Chelsea, EileenYour group’s objective– As a group, you will spend several daysresearching, writing, brainstorming, deciding and preparing how and what you will teach to our Drama class about “your” theatrical time period.
Estimated Library Time – 2/8/17to 2/14/17 (This includes a weekend so you will have five class days in which to work). These dates have been blocked off for you to work with your group and to create a presentation on YOUR selected time period. You will not be given any other class time for this project so you must plan and work diligently. You will all have Tuesday, February 14th should be used to finalize your presentations, meet as a group to discuss timing, and any other “last minute” preparations. The presentations will be presented in historical order starting on Wednesday, February 15th
Lesson Plan – Your lesson will need to include:
An overview of the role of the theater during your time period. This should include: notes, handouts, or a PowerPoint, Prezi, PhotoStory, iMovie, etc.
Important people (writers, actors, producers).
Important historical or social events that might have affected theater.
What themes and topics were addressed?
How props, costumes, special effects, language, etc. were used.
How the events of your time period related to those of the previous and/or following time period.
You will give one 10 Question (20-point) quiz, which will be factored into yourQuiz average.(Don’t make it too easy… )
Resources – The librarians have worked with me to prepare you for completing this assignment. They will give you an overview of resources on the first day in the library.
** OVER **
Time Line – To help you stay on task, I would suggest the following schedule:
Day 1-Librarian presentation. Group should then brainstorm ideas, assign roles.
Day 2-Research/take notes, research/take notes, research/take notes
Day 3- Start putting together the presentation (PPT, Prezi, etc.)
Day 4-Create the quiz (answer keys, too). I will photocopy. Please submit to me!
Day 5- Rehearse timing and transitions between topics and parts of the lesson. Finish any last-minute items!
Calendar for Presentations
Wed. 2/15 / Ancient Greece- Ancient Greece group will teachtheir lesson,give the quiz, collect it and go over it while someone in the group grades it. Scores on the quiz will need to be recorded and handed in to Mrs. Fiore
Thurs. 2/16 / Ancient Rome
- Ancient Romegroup will teach their lesson, give the quiz, collect it and go over it while someone in the group grades it. Scores on the quiz will need to be recorded and handed in to Mrs. Fiore
Fri. 2/17 / The Renaissance
- The Renaissancegroup will teach their lesson, give the quiz, collect it and go over it while someone in the group grades it. Scores on the quiz will need to be recorded and handed in to Mrs. Fiore
Evaluation – Each member of the group will be graded in two ways:
-Group Grade – based on the overall final presentation and the group’s ability to work cooperatively in order to “teach” their classmates the details of their theatrical time period in history.
-Individual Grade – based on his/her preparation and contribution to the group as a whole as well as their presentation skills: eye contact, vocal volume, body language, etc.
Break a Leg!!!!