Philippine Councilors League Credit Cooperative


For Cebu NEO-NB Meeting 2014

BACKGROUND: The Philippine Councilors League Credit Cooperative came into existence by virtue of Resolution No. 80 S.2010 dated November 25, 2010 passed by the National Board of the Philippine Councilors League in a Meeting held at the Golden Dragon Restaurant, Subic Bay Freeport Zone.

The purpose of the PCL Credit Cooperative is to engage in savings and credit operation and the goal is to help improve the quality of life of its members. The membership of this Cooperative is open to all bonafide members of the Philippine Councilors League and the common bond is Associational.

During the NEO-NB Meeting at the Lancaster Hotel in Mandaluyong City last December 2010, the following interim Coop Members were designated as the first set of Board and Officers of the PCL Credit Cooperative:

Jesus Manuel Suntay Chairman

Ronald Carcellar Vice-Chairman (resigned)replaced by Ramon Tabor 2013

Maybelyn Fernandez Secretary

Salvador Pangilinan Treasurer ( verbally manifested to resign)

Alan Zulueta Member of the Board

Alma Moreno-Salic Member of the Board

Bernard Hao Member of the Board

Melissa Abadeza Member of the Board

Ricardo Jordan Member of the Board (deceased)replaced by Serafin

Bernardo 2013

During the said meeting, there were 25 listed Incorporators and 85 charter members, which includes the incorporators.

The Certificate of Registration was issued to the PCL Credit Cooperative on May 4, 2012 by the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) following the IRR of the revised Cooperative Code of the Philippines under Republic Act No. 9520.


As of May 31, 2013, before the local chapter elections, a total of 1,763 Councilors paid their membership fees of P500.00 during the NEO-NB Meetings at Lancaster, Zamboanga and Century Hotels but only 243 Councilors have complied with the payment of the minimum paid-up capital and therefore qualified to vote.

During the 2013 local chapter elections, the PCL National Office turned over seven million one hundred thirty one thousand five hundred pesos (P7,131, 500.00) to the PCL Coop representing 14,263 Councilors who each paid five hundred pesos (P500.00) special assessment. Of the 14,263 councilors only 630 councilors are qualified to vote. This now makes the number of qualified voting members to 873 councilors.

On May 14, 2014, the National Secretariat Office emailed list of additional Councilors who paid P500.00 special assessment during the local chapter elections amounting to P51.000 or 102 Councilors and 208 Councilors amounting to P104,000 collected during the PCL National Congress last March 2014 mostly ABCs. However, the eligibility to vote of these new members are still under review.

In Summary

Occasion / Unremitted Fund / Fund Transer/
Remitted Fund / Members Qualified to Vote
Amount / No. Of Councilors / Amount / No. Of Councilors
Pre-Local Chapter Election / Php 881,000.00 / 1,763 / 243
Local Chapter Elections / Php 7,131,500.00 / 14,263 / 630
Additional Local Chapter Elections / Php 51,000.00 / 102 / FOR / FURTHER / REVIEW
March 2014 National Congress / Php 104,000.00 / 208 / FOR / FURTHER / REVIEW
TOTAL / PHP155,000.00 / 310 / PHP8,012,500.00 / 16,026 / 873



No. Date Venue City

1st June 1, 2012 PCL DILG Office Quezon City

2nd June 8, 2012 Smallville 21 Hotel Iloilo City (with Incorpo)

3rd February 6, 2013 Grand Regal Hotel Davao City

4th June 14, 2013 PCL Center & Hostel Las Pinas City

5th July 18, 2013 Executive Lounge, Quezon City Hall Quezon City

6th Sept. 26, 2013 Planta Centro Bacolod Hotel Bacolod City

7th October 22, 2013 Executive Lounge, Quezon City Hall Quezon City

8th December 12,2013 Remington Hotel Pasay City


Election and Credit Committee Meeting July 17, 2013 Quezon City Hall, Quezon City

Election and Credit Committee Meeting September 26, 2013 Planta Cetro Bacolod Hotel

Credit and Constitutional Committee October 23, 2013 Quezon City Hall, Quezon City


December 2010 / Pre-membership and Educational Seminar / Lancaster Hotel, Mandaluyong City
December 2012 / Strategic Planning / Executive Lounge, Quezon City Hall, Quezon City
September 2013 / Pre-membership and Educational training / Planta Centro Bacolod Hotel, Bacolod City
November 2013 / Coop Management and Governance / Las Piñas City Hall, Las Piñas
March 2014 / Coop Financial Management / Veterans Memorial Medical Center, Quezon City


November 12-14, 2013 4th National Cooperative Teamwork SMX Cnvention Center Davao City


Las Pinas City Cooperative Council

National Cooperative Development Council


Depository Bank METROBANK Ortigas-Xavier Branch Cash in Bank as of March. 31, 2014

Paid-up Capital/Membership Fund P8,376,098.00

Operation Fund 225,149.00

Total P8,601,247.00

Collection Receivable from PCL National

From Addl. List collected fr. Local Chap. Elections P 51,000.00

From March 2014 National Congress 104,000.00

Total P 155,000.00

For Re-imbursement- Esther Cuadra Re; Registration of FM Seminar P 2,500.00


As provided in Sec. 4 of Article III on Administration of the PCL Credit Cooperative Constitution and By-Laws, the General Assembly shall hold its annual regular meeting on the 7th day of March of every year. Since the Coop’s organizational meeting in December 10, 2010, the General Assembly and Election of the Coop has not been conducted because of the provision on Sec. 4a of Art. IV on Disqualifications stating “Any member holding any elective position in the government, except that of the party list representative or being an officer of a cooperative he or she represents shall be disqualified to be elected as a member of the Board of Directors or any committee, or to continue as such”.

Sec. 2 of Art.II on Qualification of Membership provides that “ the membership of the Cooperative is open to all natural persons...within the common bond and field of membership as follows: bonafide members of the Philippine Councilors League, Inc.”.

To solve the issue, PCL Coop wrote the CDA to seek its approval to delete the above provision in the PCL Coop CBL so it can proceed with the General Assembly and Election but the Legal Department of CDA denied such request. Again, Chairman Suntay appealed to the CDA Officials in September, 2013 and in November 2013 CDA granted the request. Henceforth, the PCL Coop Members can already seek elective position after complying with the requirements for its 1st General Assembly and Election with the suggestion that the Coop CBL shall be amended to include open membership to spouses of Coop members.

During the September 2013 NEO-NB Meeting, the Coop Board approved the holding of the 1st General Assembly and Elections on December 2013. However, this was cancelled in compliance with the DILG instruction to suspend all the meetings in view of Typhoon Yolanda. During the special NB Meeting held last December 2013 in Remington Hotel, a Coop Board resolution was issued providing for the conduct of the 1st General Assembly and Election simultaneously with National Congress but the PCL NB decided against it in order to focus to the National PCL Election. Instead, the 1st General Assembly and Election is scheduled on the 2nd quarter of 2014.

The new leadership of the PCL however decided to further postpone the 1st General Assembly and Election of the Coop until the 3rd Quarter of 2014 (sometime in September) in order to focus on the CLEEP Program.


Expected actual operation of the PCL Credit Cooperative is within the 4rd Qtr. of 2014.


The Coop Board approved the following Amendments subject to memberahip ratification:

1.  Art. V/Sec. 3 Election Committee Term of Office from 1 year to 3 years

2.  Art. II/Sec. 6 Maximum Capital Share Requirement from 100 shares to 20 shares

3.  Art. V/Sec. 3 Qualification of a Board of Director to exclude lending in the continous

patronage and to delete 2 yrs. Membership to be considered as “in

good standing”

Sec. 5 Election Term of Office from 2 yrs. to 3 yrs.

4.  Art. V/Sec. 1 Term of Office of Audit and Election Committees from 1 year to 3 years

5.  Art. IV/Sec. I Composition of the Board of Directors from 7 to 9 members

6.  Art. III/Sec. 8 Quorum during BOD Meetings from majority of the members to 4



·  Coop Election Guidelines and Policy

·  Coop Credit/Lending Policy


The PCL Credit Cooperative already received a NON-COMPLIANCE NOTICE (15 May 2013) and SHOW CAUSE ORDER (10 April 2014) from the Cooperative Development Authority of the Philippines. These involves the failure on the part of the PCL Cooperative to comply with the legal requirement of submitting the Annual Reports of the Cooperative as well as the requirement for the Cooperative to commence its operation within two years from date of release of its CDA Registration. Inaction on the part of the PCL Coop may lead to the cancellation of the CDA Registration or payment of monetary penalties. A visit to the CDA

Office was made on May 26, 2014 to explain the circumstances for the non-compliance. PCL Coop was instructed to submit written reply with the affidavit of non-operation ( except for the collection of membership fees and paid –up capital) to be attached.


Official Office PCL Center and Hostel

Brgy. Daniel Fajardo, Coastal Road

City of Las Pinas

Tel . Nos. ( 02) 820-51-06

Temporary Office Legislative Account Office

G/F Quezon City Hall, Quezon City

Tel. Nos. (02) 988- 4242 local 8196

Esther Cuadra 09189408652