/ October Board of Directors Meeting
Webster University
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

~ Meeting Minutes ~

Call to Order and Welcome / The Board meeting was called to order at 6:02pm by President Jean Raskin, quorum confirmed.
Board Member Attendees: Renee Bergman, Christine Clyne, Lisa Eding, Steve Hall, Cherie Mooney, Jean Raskin, and Lynn Williams.
Absent: Marie Graziosi
Consent Agenda / Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Ms. Clyne, seconded by Ms. Moonie, which included:
·  Approval of new members listed on the Membership Report.
·  Treasurer’s Report
·  September Board Meeting Minutes
All in favor, motion carried.
Old Business and Board Updates
President / Ms. Raskin reported the following:
·  SHRA was one of 3 chapters (out of 28 FL chapters) recognized with the HR FL Chapter Excellence Awards for our Certification initiatives. The chapter received a $1,000 award, which Ms. Raskin would like to see added to recognition gifts (Line 504) to help offset the cost of December’s transitional dinner and awards.
·  Biz 941 Proposal: Biz 941 would like to partner with SHRA (see attachment). They feel their Unity Award will be a good tie-in with our Diversity Award and the online communication that SHRA sends out. Ms. Raskin spoke with Kelly Lavin and advised her that SHRA will not send any sponsor communication to members on an on-going basis. Ms. Raskin stated that she would like to have Biz 941 at the January, 2015 meeting. Ms. Raskin reported that she is just advising the board of a potential partnership and that Biz 941 is looking to highlight our chapter for our accomplishments. She encouraged the board to invite potential partnerships to our meetings, stating that there are a lot of good partnerships that we can build in our community. Ms. Eding suggested having a panel or bringing in someone to speak about the aging workforce. Mr. Hall suggested participation in a radio talk show he and an associate host regarding employing Veterans. Ms. Raskin stated that this would fit in with our Diversity initiative and encouraged Mr. Hall’s suggestion.
·  LeRoss Parker Scholarship: One application was submitted (see attached). A question was raised regarding the applicant’s ability to qualify to sit for the exam. Ms. Raskin stated that she would research the qualification specifications and would advise her findings to the board. A suggestion was made to include the qualifications necessary to sit for the exams on the website. The application for the candidate was not approved.
·  Volunteer of the Year and HR Professional awards will need to be voted on by the November board meeting to give enough time to order the engraved gift. Ms. Raskin stated that we would give the recipient $100 for the award and SHRA will match the $100. Both awards will be given at the January, 2015 meeting.
·  Ms. Raskin reported that our current bylaws state that the installation of the 2015 Board will be at the December member meeting.
·  The All Faith’s Food Bank will be attending our November 14th member meeting and will collect all donated items. Ms. Raskin recommended that SHRA also donate $100.
President Elect / This position is open.
Vice President / Ms. Clyne reported:
·  No applications have been received yet for the Diversity Award. Alan Bullock worked with Ms. Bergman to add the application to the SHRA website’s Diversity page and at September’s meeting, Nancy Erickson encouraged the membership to apply for the award. Jerry Thomas has offered to pay for the Award. Ms. Raskin stated that we just want a standard plaque that can be handed out. Ms. Eding suggested an inexpensive desk clock. Ms. Raskin reported that she has asked Alan to speak about the award at the October member meeting. She also proposed that Nancy and Jerry visit each table at the meeting and encourage the members to participate.
·  LeRoss Parker Scholarship: There was only one application for the scholarship.
·  College Relations: The October meeting is set to be the book drive. Ms. Clyne has encouraged Cindy Saunders to provide something in writing to Ms. Bergman to send out with the pre-meeting eblast.
·  Nothing new to report regarding Workforce Readiness. Ms. Clyne also discussed the proposal received from Nancy Haas regarding the HR Essentials Class. She stated that she thinks the cost may be prohibitive for most people and companies to pay. This class can be beneficial to first time managers, etc., but probably not at the prices suggested. The certification class is a different level than the essentials class and the consensus of the board is that we would be diluting the focus away from the SHRM CP and Certification classes. At this time, the proposal will be tabled and Ms. Raskin will reach out and speak with Nancy. A motion was made to table offering the HR Essentials Class by Ms. Eding and Mr. Hall seconded. All were in favor, the motion passed.
Board Secretary / Ms. Williams reported:
·  Emails were sent to the Herald-Tribune, Biz 941 and the Bradenton Observer to advertise the October member meeting and regarding SHRA’s recognition at the HR FL Conference for the HR FL Chapter Excellence Award.
Treasurer / Ms. Mooney reported:
·  See attached Treasurer Reports.
·  Ms. Mooney reported that Angie Messerschmidt will be taking over the Treasurer responsibilities and will start training on December 2nd.
·  Ms. Mooney stated that she had a small issue when using the Square to charge member meeting fees at the September meeting. The receipts showed a fictitious company name. She will research it and have it corrected by this month’s member meeting.
Membership Director / Ms. Graziosi was not in attendance.
·  See attached Membership report.
Marketing Director / Mr. Hall reported:
·  Mr. Hall stated that Zenith has backed out as the spotlight sponsor for the November member meeting. US Healthworks was mentioned as an alternative sponsor. The sponsors for the rest of the year are booked. October is Canadian Med Services, November is Purmort and Martin, and December is Capstan Financial Consulting Services.
Programs Director / Ms. Eding reported:
·  Ms. Eding said that she has received a request from a new member who would like to be a speaker for an upcoming member meeting. He believes we need to have another Affordable Care Act update to cover changes coming in 2018 that our members need to be prepared for. Ms. Eding asked for the board’s opinion. Ms. Raskin suggested scheduling him for the 3rd quarter of next year.
·  Ms. Eding has been in communication with Robert Ferguson regarding a program he has that is guaranteed for 1 Strategic Management CEU. The topic is on “Forging Values.” It is a 1 hour presentation, designed specifically for SHRM chapters. Jenni Stone’s program (October) was approved for 1.25 General CEU’s, Margaret Spence’s program (November) was submitted for 2.50 SM CEU’s but approved for 1.25 General CEU’s. (Ms. Eding has asked them to change the certification to reflect the 2.50.) Mary Trombitas’ program (December) was approved for 1.25 SM CEU’s.
·  Ms. Eding confirmed Gail Farb of KHM as the contact for January’s Legal update. Gail has questioned the breakfast program and prefers lunch. Ms. Raskin stated that the membership surveys indicate that the members prefer the morning meetings over lunch meetings, so Ms. Eding will advise Gail that it will remain a morning meeting and we will continue to poll the members during the year regarding their meeting time preference. Ms. Eding is working with Mary Cooper regarding the October, 2015 Conference. Her topic will be “Emotional Intelligence.” Mary has indicated that the length of her program will take the majority of the meeting. The meeting format will be: an opening speaker, Mary Cooper, and a motivational speaker to close. We will not have enough time to do breakout sessions.
Director / Ms. Bergman reported:
·  Ms. Bergman stated that we have seen an increase in our Twitter followers over the past month.
·  Ms. Bergman reported that she held a committee training session regarding creating and publishing a SHRA “E-blast” and is continuing to do training with her team to provide back up support.
·  Ms. Bergman was contacted after the last email blast went out this morning and the caller said she was uphappy because she felt she wasn’t getting adequate notice regarding the member meetings. Ms. Bergman directed her to the SHRA website to keep in touch with the events that are coming up.
New Business / ·  No New Business
Adjournment / ·  The meeting adjourned at 7:57 pm.
The next SHRA Board Meeting will be held :
Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Time: 5:30 (dinner) meeting from 6 – 8pm
Location: Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, 4780 Cattlemen Road, Sarasota, FL 34233

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn Williams, PHR

Board Secretary, 2014

Approved as: Read __ __ Date _ _ Corrected _____ Date ______