Steamboat Springs High School Leadership Class

Ms. Erickson 2014-2015

Purpose: In addition to our work in the following areas, it is my hope that students in Leadership are challenged to become honest and genuine leaders throughout our school and community through projects and assignments that they find meaningful and purposeful. I also hope that as a class we inspire everyone in our school to act as positive leaders with their words and actions on a daily basis.

Essential Questions: These questions should help to focus our work as we aim to achieve our goals as leaders of SSHS and the Steamboat Springs Community.

1. What is effective leadership?

2. What can we do as individuals to improve our leadership skills?

3. What can we do to provide the best possible leadership for SSHS students and the Steamboat Springs community?

4. How can we inspire others with our actions?

Standards: Students in Leadership will research, formulate opinions and engage in appropriate civic participation to address school, local, state or national issues or policies (Adapted from CO Content Civics Standard 1).

Students will achieve success in Leadership through effective demonstration of growth, understanding and effectiveness in the following twelve competency areas:

§  Develop a personal definition of what it means to be a leader and identify opportunities to demonstrate leadership in everyday situations.

§  Discern the variety of ways people lead and how to promote others’ leadership potential.

§  Understand the role and use of a leader’s power, influence, and authority.

§  Make well-considered ethical decisions confidently, even when facing negative peer pressure.

§  Demonstrate sensitivity to attitudes, issues, and responsibilities of leaders related to a diverse society, including confronting prejudice and stereotypes and creating an inclusive team atmosphere.

§  Accept responsibility willingly, follow through on projects, balance commitments, and support others in doing the right thing and standing up for their beliefs.

§  Work with others on a team and recognize the differences individuals bring when becoming part of a team.

§  Identify productive approaches to conflict resolution and problem solving.

§  Identify personal motivators and ways to motivate others, as well as recognize the importance of establishing a team vision and goals.

§  Identify appropriate role models and demonstrate effective leadership for others.

§  Accept and learn from mistakes respectfully and celebrate team successes appropriately.

§  Act confidently as a leader and be recognized for leadership actions that demonstrate a capability to make an ongoing difference, whether big or small, as an everyday leader.

Materials: Students should have a binder for handouts, readings and returned work, paper for planning and notes, a one subject notebook to use as a journal and writing utensils/highlighters. We will also be using the text Everyday Leadership: Attitudes and Actions for Respect and Success, by Mariam G. MacGregor. This workbook will be provided to the students in class. Other projects may require additional supplies and those expectations will be provided to students as necessary.

Late Work: Late work will be accepted for full credit at the teachers’ discretion. Factors that will be considered in Ms. Erickson’s decision could include, but may be limited to, the students general attitude and willingness to participate in class, the frequency of late work, the responsibility the student has shown in communicating with the teacher, the timeliness of completing the late work and the time in the semester in which the assignment takes place. Late work will not be accepted once the quarter has ended. Please also recognize that much of the homework assigned for this class is designed to help prepare for an upcoming in class or school activity and completing the work in a timely manner will decide the success of the activity. Additionally, many people around the school and community depend on the work of students in this class. Producing late/incomplete work in these situations will result in teacher intervention and reduced grades in this class.

Assignment Revisions: Assignments can be redone for additional credit if the student feels that they did not demonstrate his/her full understanding on the original assignment. Not all assignments in Student Leadership will be revisable as grades are based on performance of a task on a particular date. If a student would like to take advantage of this opportunity he/she needs to complete the form available in the classroom and then schedule a brief meeting with Ms. Erickson to discuss the new timeline and expectations for the assignment. Ms. Erickson reserves the right to end this opportunity for any student at any time if she feels that it is being abused by this student.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Students are expected to complete all assignments on time and to participate in all classroom activities. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period of the day specified. Students should expect daily homework (Keep up on your reading!!!).

In the event of an absence, make-up work will be accepted according to school policy. If you are absent, you are responsible for checking the website ( BEFORE returning to class. Then, if necessary, students can make an appointment to follow up.

If you know ahead of time that you will be missing a class (for any reason), get a pre-arranged form from the main office and see me during an open hour to get the required assignments. Otherwise, visit the website for the needed assignments.

Since grades are kept on a computer grade book, it is of the utmost importance for each student to keep ALL returned papers. The only proof of work done, should our system crash or should data be entered incorrectly, is the actual graded paper.

School Policies: All school policies will be strictly enforced, particularly those related to the Honor Code, the attendance policies and use of cell phones and other electronic devices. Please see the Student Planner for details regarding all of these.

Contact Information:

Kelly Erickson

Telephone/Voice Mail: 871.3620


Web Site:

Open Hours: 1st and 8th

Student Leadership Grading Policies


Assessment Philosophy: Students will be assessed on a proficiency scale that represents both their understanding and academic responsibility in Student Leadership. Grades will be broken down into the following components:

Conceptual Understanding (90%) / Academic Responsibility (10%)
This includes but is not limited to demonstration of ideas and concepts in class discussions, presentations, formal writing, personal reflections/journals, project planning/demonstration, group projects and communications, etc. A body of evidence to show that student has mastered the skills and standards described on page one of the syllabus will be shown.
Designated in gradebook as:
2=Partially Proficient
1=Needs More Evidence
M=Missing / This includes but is not limited to class participation, homework assignments, readings and questions to prepare for upcoming classes, practice assignments, group conversations, classroom citizenship and review tasks.
Twice a quarter a 4 point Academic Responsibility grade will be converted from the Academic Responsibility Log. Please see information regarding this Log below.

Achievement Levels: Assignments will be given with specific rubrics so that students can see how each of the following applies to individual assignments. However, generally the designation in the grade book will represent the following.

4  Advanced: Student shows sophisticated understanding and is able to explain, apply, interpret, and demonstrate perspective, empathy and self-knowledge on the topic. Demonstration of understanding goes beyond what is outlined in the state standards. (4 = A in the grade book)

3  Proficient: Student has a basic understanding of the content and is able to apply information, skills, perspectives & attitudes to known situations. Student meets expectations of state standards. (3 = A- in the grade book)

2  Partially Proficient: Student is able to articulate and demonstrate understanding of some information and skills some of the time. (2 = C in the grade book)

1  Needs More Evidence: Student competence is not yet known or is inadequate and cannot be accurately assessed. (1 = D in the grade book)

Academic Responsibility Log : This will keep track of in-class assignments, behaviors, and formative homework assignments that students complete throughout the semester. These grades will be designated as follows:

a.  M=Missing: Student has not completed or shown this work to Ms. Erickson.

b.  A=Absent: Student was absent when this was completed and needs to turn in completed work to Ms. Erickson as soon as possible. This will become an “M” if not completed by the next grading period.

c.  R= Revision Needed: Student has shown this to Ms. Erickson, but it was not completed or was not completed in an accurate manner and the student therefore needs to re-door revise the assignment and turn it in again in order to gain credit. The grade will become an “M” if this is not done by the next grading period.

d.  S=Satisfactory: Student has completed the work in an accurate and complete manner.