Curriculum vitae


Professor of Pathology at Medical Faculty in Plzen, Charles University Prague


1979 graduation from Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Medicine in Plzen, Czech Republic- M.D. degree, General Medicine

1982 Board Certificate in Pathology 1st degree

1989 Board Certificate in Pathology 2nd degree

(both certificates at the Institute for Post Graduate Training of Physicians and Pharmacists in Prague, Czech Republic )

1991 Scientific degree CSc (Ph.D.) thesis entitled "The role of myoepithelial cells in secretion and deposition of extracellular matrix in salivary gland tumors."

1994 Docent of Pathology (Associate Professor of Pathology) at the Medical Faculty of Charles University in Plzen - thesis entitled "Cell proliferation in salivary glands and in tumors of salivary gland origin."

2001 Professor of Pathology

Scientific Awards and Medical Council Registrations

1997 Hlava Award for the best scientific paper in pathology from Czech Society of Pathology (CSP)

2009 Hlava Award for the best original scientific paper in pathology (CSP)

2010 Hlava Award for excellent original paper in pathology (CSP)

2011 Hlava Award for outstanding scientific paper in pathology (CSP)

1995 Member of Czech and Slovac Division of International Academy of Pathology

1995 Member of European Society of Pathology and Member of Working Group of Head and Neck Pathologists of European Society of Pathology (ESP)

1997-2005 Member of Committee of Czech Society of Pathology

2009-2011 President of Working Group of Head and Neck Pathology, European Society of Pathology

Scientific and research activities

115 scientific papers, 81 of them published in peer-reviewed international journals with IF in English.

Science Citation Index January 2014

H-index (Web of Science): 20; sum of citation items 977 (without autocitations), average citation per item: 11.23

H-index (Scopus): 23; sum of citation items 1341 (without autocitations).

Expert reviewer for Histopathology, Head and Neck Pathology, Pathology Research Practice, Human Pathology, Oral Pathology Medicine, J Clinical Pathology, Am Journal of Surgical Pathology, and Virchows Archiv.