VCE Environmental Science: Unit 3 Outcome 2 Performance descriptors

VCE Environmental Science: Performance descriptors

Performance descriptors
Unit 3
Outcome 2
Explain the principles of sustainability and environmental management and analyse and evaluate a selected environmental science case study. / DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
Very low / Low / Medium / High / Very high
Limited description of the principles of sustainability. / Some explanation of the principles of sustainability. / General explanation of the principles of sustainability. / Thorough explanation of the principles of sustainability. / Sophisticated explanation and discussion of the principles of sustainability.
Limited description of the principles of environmental management. / Some explanation of the principles of environmental management. / General explanation of the principles of environmental management. / Thorough explanation of the principles of environmental management. / Sophisticated explanation and discussion of the principles of environmental management.
Limited outline of a selectedenvironmental science case study. / Limited analysis and evaluation of a selectedenvironmental science case study. / Satisfactory analysis and evaluation of a selectedenvironmental science case study. / Well-developed analysis and evaluation of a selectedenvironmental science case study. / Integrated and insightful analysis and evaluation of a selectedenvironmental science case study.
Very limited collection of relevant data and very limited use of data from experiments, texts, tables, graphs and diagrams to answer questions, to draw conclusions and to recognise experimentalerrors and limitations. / Limited collection of relevant data and some use of data from experiments, texts, tables, graphs and diagrams to answer questions, to draw conclusions and to recognise experimental errors and limitations. / Appropriate collection of relevant data andsound use of data from experiments, texts, tables, graphs and diagrams to answer questions, to draw conclusions and to recognise experimental errors and limitations. / Purposeful collection of relevant data andaccurate use of data from experiments, texts, tables, graphs and diagrams to answer questions, to draw conclusions and to recognise experimental errors and limitations. / Highly proficient collection of relevant data andinsightful use of data from experiments, texts, tables, graphs and diagrams to answer questions, to draw conclusions and to recognise experimental errors and limitations.
Very limited use of environmental science terminology, representations, conventions and scientific data. / Some appropriate use of environmental science terminology, representations, conventions and scientific data. / Satisfactory use of most environmental science terminology, representations, conventions and scientific data. / Effective and appropriate use of environmental science terminology, representations, conventions and scientific data. / Proficient, complete and appropriate use of environmental science terminology, representations, conventions and scientific data.

KEY to marking scale based on the outcome contributing 50 marks

Very Low 1–10 / Low 11–20 / Medium 21–30 / High 31–40 / Very High 41–50

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